加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2006年蒙特利尔书包厂华人受辱案件终于胜诉了,


尽管拖延至今,总算胜诉了。Chinese workers win human-rights caseUpdated: Wed Sep. 23 2009 11:25:07 AMctvmontreal.caThe Quebec Human-Rights Commission has awarded its biggest settlement ever for a racism case. After a three-year investigation, the commission is recommending children's backpackpack and accessory manufacturer Caleco International pay a group of 15 former workers and Chinese immigrants $164,000 in damages, amounting to about $10,000 per worker.The 15 employees said that in July 2006, they were rounded up and yelled at by the company's CEO Stephen Rapps. The workers allege Rapps was upset over the lack of cleanilness in the kitchen that over 40 workers shared."He yelled to the Chinese workers. He said, 'You Chinese guys eat like pigs,' which means you guys made the kitchen messed up," said former employee Jun Cai Wang."He shouted at us, told us how to take a shower and how to wash hands," said former worker Xiang Ma.The group quit the company and appealed to the province's human rights commission, who ruled in favour of the group. Human-right advocate Julius Grey said he feels the recommendation is unjust, and that while the comments were harsh, they were not racist."I think both the decision on the merits and the extraordinary quantum that was awarded are a reflection of something that has gone horribly wring with our human rights commision," said Grey.Grey said he will challenge the case to the Supreme Court of Canada if necessary."(Nearly) $200,000 for an outburst when he found that his office was not as clean as it might, and had no racial overtones whatsoever... I find it mindboggling," said Grey. "We should ask ourselves what is freedom of expression, and we should not be quick to assume that something is a racial slur. In this particular case, it simply isn't," he said.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 2006年蒙特利尔书包厂华人受辱案件终于有眉目了值得赞扬,这是一场经历了3年的持久战,希望最终胜诉。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 2006年蒙特利尔书包厂华人受辱案件终于胜诉了,为他们喝彩顶一个。

回复: 2006年蒙特利尔书包厂华人受辱案件终于胜诉了,为他们喝彩顶一下

回复: 2006年蒙特利尔书包厂华人受辱案件终于胜诉了,为他们喝彩

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