加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息孩子多大可以单独在家?
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回复: 孩子多大可以单独在家?天,一年多前的帖子也被掘出来了。
回复: 孩子多大可以单独在家?http://www.oacas.org/childwelfare/faqs.htm#alone上面这个链接有一些说明,看起来是没有明文规定
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 孩子多大可以单独在家?查了查,的确没有明文规定。取决与孩子的成熟度,不过12-13岁是大家比较认同的可以单独在家的年龄。找到一些信息,给有孩子的家长参考一下Age-by-age guidelinesWhile there are no firm legal guidelines for leaving children unattended, these suggestions compiled from recommendations by child welfare experts may help you determine the best practice for your family.PreschoolersPreschoolers should always be supervised by an on-scene caregiver. They may be left for short periods of time with a responsible older sibling, minimum age 11 or 12. The sibling must be capable of changing diapers and feeding the child. The sibling must also be physically large enough to restrain and carry her charge as necessary. Never leave a preschooler alone in a car.Ages 5-9Primary school-age children should be supervised by an on-scene caregiver. An extremely mature and responsible eight- or nine-year-old, however, may occasionally be left for short periods during the day, for example, while you are running a brief errand in the neighbourhood, as long as provisions are made for their safety in your absence. Try to keep your outing to 20 minutes or less. Make sure the child can reach you at all times while you are gone (this is where a cell phone is key). If in doubt, take a primary school-age child with you. Most would prefer your company anyway. Do not leave a primary school-age child in charge of a younger child.Ages 10-12Kids in the junior grades are pressing for more independence, but still should be supervised directly most of the time. That said, they do need to start preparing for greater independence by gradually learning how to manage on their own. Ten-year-olds, if mature, can be left alone for about an hour or two in the daytime (i.e. after school). Do not leave them on their own at night. Make sure they are adequately prepared with emergency phone numbers, etc.Twelve-year-olds may occasionally be left alone in the evening if they are given adequate instructions and can reach you at all times. Limit the amount of time a 12-year-old is left alone after midnight. Do not leave a child of this age overnight.Ban risky activities that include fire, water or mess. For example, the stove and toaster should be out of bounds, as well as the wood-burning kit little Susie got for her birthday. The bathtub is a no-go, and so are crafty activities you’d be hard pressed to decide which was worse, the gluey mess, or the clean-up attempt with the oops bleach. The best way to keep preteens out of trouble is to leave them washed, fed, in pajamas, and curled on the sofa with their favorite video. Check in by phone frequently.A babysitting course for 11- and 12-year-olds will go a long way to easing your mind and theirs. They are offered by schools and community centers across the country check your local listings for detailed program information. An 11- or 12-year old with a babysitting certificate or equivalent experience may look after younger siblings. Do not allow 12-year-olds to babysit more than two other children or one infant. They are not yet mature enough to handle the conflicting demands.13-16Young teens may actually need more supervision, not less, than younger children. At this age, kids are more likely to begin experimenting with drugs, alcohol or sex. They are also becoming more rebellious, and may flout your rules. If your teen is coming home after school alone, check in regularly. As much as they may complain that you don’t trust them, many kids actually find your calls reassuring.
回复: 孩子多大可以单独在家?魁北克移民网站说12, 我记得也是12. 在魁北克的话。 In Québec, it is forbidden to leave children under 12 years of age alone at home unattended. http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/choose-quebec/daily-life/family/index.html
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