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写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置(顺便放了魁省驾驶英语题笔记)对这个主题有兴趣的可以去看看:一大堆设备后,你不要当心老人打电话麻烦的问题了,通信、视频都有了 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=4903486#post4903486

悔改吧!主的日子近了赞反馈:admin 2009-12-21#2 Saint.Saens
4,718 $0.00 回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置再补充一个,正准备考驾驶执照,发现官方网站直接就动画测试了,比书还直观http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca:81/services-saaqclic/public/en/questionnaireflash.htm测试地址入口:http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca:81/services-saaqclic/public/en/questionnaireflash.htm选择:Passenger vehicle选择知识类别:select a question category:Highway safety CodeRoad signs and traffic signalsDriving and road safetyall categories我选择所有类别:然后选择所有题目 268题:顺便把自己的学习笔记放上来(在线效果更好,有图片),英语还比我差的就开谷歌的在线翻译吧!记得复制、粘贴1-10/268When overtaking another vehicle on an expressway,are you allowed to travel faster than the maximum speed limit?A Yes,provided the manoeuvre [m'nu:v] is safeB yseC noanswer:C You must always obey maximum speed limits.what is the minimum speed limit on an expressway?A 60km/hB 70km/hC 80km/hanswer:C On expressways, so as not to hinder ['hind] traffic, 60km/h is the minimum speed limit.You are on boulevard ['bu:lv:] posting a maximum speed of 70 km/h. a storm is raging.Due to wind and snow,you reduce you speed to 50km/h. Is this wise?A no. other drivers may honk out of frustration. [frs'trein]B No. You may hinder traffic flow.C Yes. In poor weather conditions a driver must reduce speed.answer:C You must reduce speed when driving in poor weather conditions.On gravel ['grvl] roads, what is the maximum speed limit?A 90km/hB 80km/hC 70km/hanswer:C on gravel roads,70km/h is the maximum speed limit.You are driving through a village unfamiliar to you and cannot find a single sign indicating the speed limit. What is the maximum speed at which you must travel?A 70km/hB 50km/hC 90km/hanswer:Bunless otherwise indicated,the maximum speed in a populated area is 50km/hYou are driving through a city unfamiliar to you and cannot find a single sign indicating the speed limit. What is the maximum speed at which you must travel?A 70km/hB 30km/hC 50km/hanswer:Cunless otherwise indicated,the maximum speed in a populated area is 50km/hYour sister just got her class 5 learner's licence,and you have had your driver's license for a year.Are you allowed to serve as accompanying rider when she's practising on the roadway?A yes,provided you stay alert and are very patient.B yes,With 12 months of driving experience,you can serve as accompanying rider.C No.you must have acquired 24 months of driving experience.answer:CThe learner must be accompanied by a person who has held a valid driver's licence for at least 24 months for a passenger vehicle.Who is permitted to serve as accompanying rider for a learning driver? Anyone who has held for over tow years:A a driver's licence.B any valid licence.C a probationary licence. [pr'beinri]A person must have held a driver's licence for at least 24 months before serving as accompanying rider for someone doing practical training.Under the law, if you are convicted [kn'vikt] of a first offence for impaired drivingA you will be prohibited from obtaining a driver's licence for the next 5 years.B your driver's licence will simply be revokedC your licence will be revoked in accordance with the highway safety code and you will have a first criminal Code offence on record.answer:CA first offence for impaired driving results in the revocation of your licence under the Highway Safety Code and an offence under the Criminal Code.(这个题目我理解的不明确,英语好的兄弟给补充下)If you are convicted of refusal to submit to a breathalyser test or to provide a blood sample:A you will be authorized to drive during the day only.B your driver's licence will be revoked.C you will be authorized to drive to work and back only.answer:BThe licence of a person convicted of refusal to submit to a breathalyser test or to provide a blood sample is revoked.

悔改吧!主的日子近了回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置感谢

回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置11-30题:Under the law, if you are convicted of driving for a wager or bet or in a race, the number of demerit [di:'merit] points entered on your record will be:A 6B 4C 2answer: ASix demerit points will be entered on your record.How many demerit points must a learner's licence or probationary licence holder have accumulated for the licence to be suspended?A 6B 10C 4answer: CWhen the holders of a learner's or probationary licence have accumulationed 4 demerit points,the Societe de l'assurance automobile du Quebec suspends their licence.(我理解是累计扣这么多分初学者的试用执照就要被暂停)How many demerit points must a driver's licence holder have accumulated for the licence to be revoked? [ri'vuk]A 4 or moreB 15 or moreC 12 or moreanswer: BWhen the number of points reaches 15 or more,the licence is revoked.are backseat passengers allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a public parking?Answer:NoNo one aboard a road vehicle is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages,whether the cehicles is moving or parked in an area open to traffic.are backseat passengers allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a public parking lot of a rest area?A noB YES,if the vehicle is parked.C yes,if passengers are aged 18 or over.Answer:ANo one aboard a road vehicle is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages,whether the cehicles is moving or parked in an area open to traffic.Is it an offence to refuse to provide a breath sample? ['fens]A yesB not if you are not involved in an accident.C Not if you say that you have not ingested any alcohol.answer:AIt is a Criminal Code offence to refuse a breath test under any circumstance.What is the blood-alcohol level permitted for a probationary licence holder?A Zero alcohol.B 80 mg%(0.08).C 20 mg%(0.02).answer:AProbationary licence holders are subject to the zero alcohol rule,which means they are prohibited from driving after having any alcohol at all.You are on your way to the convenience store with your 5-year-old brother. In the parking lot, you tell hime to wait in the car a few minutes while you are in the store. Is this a safe thing to do?A yes,provided you remove the ignition key and lock the doors.B yes,because you will only be gone a very short while.C No.answer: CUnder the Highway safety Code,no person may leave a child under 7 years of age unattended in a road vehicle.Is driving in reverse permitted on an expressway?A yes, if you turn on your hazard lights. ['hzd]B yes, if you drive safely.C No.answer:NoOn expressways,driving in reverse is prohibited. [pr'hibit]It is illegal to back up:A on an expressway.B on a hill.C to enter private property.answer: AUnder the Highway Safety Code,backing up on an expressway or any of its access or exit ramps is prohibited.In what situation is passing allowed?该题要图,内容是在实线虚线道路,只有虚线一侧车辆可以超车。You may pass the vehicle in front of you because the borken line is on you side.You are driving up a behind a farm tractor. Can you pass it?该题有图,意思是当前方路段是小山的顶部(道路视线有限),而且中间单实线,不能超车。answer:NoBecause you are unable to check the left lane for approaching vehicles,you cannot pass it.In this situation, can you pass the bicycle?该题有图,意思是与自行车对向行驶,而且实虚线的虚线在对方。不清楚题目的意思是继续行驶还是要占对方车道!A no.B no,because the cyclist has the right of way.C yes.answer:A Because there is not enough room to complete the manoeuvre safely,you cannot pass the bicycle.In this situation, can you pass the bicycle?该题有图,意思是与自行车同向行驶,中间单实线,右弯道。不清楚题目的意思是继续行驶还是要占对方车道!A noB yesC no,because the cyclist has the right of way.answer:A Because there is not enough room to complete the manoeuvre safely,you cannot pass the bicycle.Driver A wants to pass driver B on the right. Due to insufficient space,driver A is forced to ride on the shoulder. What decision must the driver make concerning this passing manoeuvre? [kn's:ni]该题有图,意思是前车左转占道,只有一个前进车道。A Not to pass.B Accelerate to spend the least time possible in the right lane.C Sound the horn when commencing the manoeuvre.answer:A Passing another vehicle on the shoulder is not permitted.Before passing another vehicle, you must make sure the manoeuvre is legal by:A signalling your intention and slowing down to have enough room to complete the manoeuvre.B sounding the horn. entering the lane and completing the manoeuvreC making sure the road is free and signalling your intention to pass.answer:CYou must make sure passing is allowed, that the left lane is free and signal your intention before passing.In what situation can vehicle 1 pass vehicle 2?本题要图,内容就是实线虚线的道路,虚线侧可以超车。Passing is permitted if the broken line next to the solid line is on the side of the vehicle when the manoeuvre is undertaken.When can you travel in the left lane on an expressway?A When the lane is free of traffic.B whenever you want to.C When passing another vehicle.answer: COn an expressway,the far-left lane is used to overtake other vehicles, to avoid obstacles or to enter an off-ramp(n. 驶出坡道, 驶出匝道). ['bstkl] 障碍A vehicle is overtaking you. You commit an offence if you:此题有图,意思是在中间单虚线道路有人超你的车。A slow down to facilitate the manoeuvreB accelerate.C maintain a constand speed.answer:BAccelerating is an offence if you are being passed or about to be passed.

悔改吧!主的日子近了回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置31-50: level crossing (道口,应该是铁路道口的意思)You are in vehicle 1 and want to pass vehicle 2. Before performing the manoeuvre,you check all around and see that the driver in vehicle 3 has already indicated his intention to overtake you.What must you do?图:中间单虚线,车辆顺序213A wait for the driver to complete the manoeuvre before you can do so yourself.B Move closer to the vehicle ahead of you.C Accelerate briskly to pass vehicle 2 before vehicle 3 passes you.answer:ABefore passing,you must check your rearview mirrors and you blind spot to make sure no other vehicle is trying to pass you. if a vehicle is attempting to pass you, you must wait your turn.No driver may, to pass,use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction:A in a 50km/h zone.B alongside a bicycle pathC in or upon, or when approaching a level crossing.answer:CCaution! in or upon, or when approaching a level crossing, you are not allowed to use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction to pass another vehicle.No driver may, to pass,use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction:A alongside a bicycle path.B in or upon approaching a tunnel.C in a 50km/h zone.answer:BCaution! in or upon, or when approaching a tunnel, you are not allowed to use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction to pass another vehicle.No driver may pass by use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction:A alongside a bicycle path.B in a 50km/h zone.C in or upon approaching a pedestrian crosswalk identified as such. [pi'destrin]行人answer:CUsing the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction to pass another vehicle is prohibited in or upon, or when approaching a pedestrian crosswalk identified as suchYou are prohibited form useing the lane reserved for oncoming traffic to pass another vehicle:A when approaching the crest or at the crest of a hill. [krest]B in a 50km/h zone.C alongside a bicycle path.answer:Awhen approaching the crest or at the crest of a hill no driver may,to pass,use the lane reserved for oncoming traffic.You are prohibited form useing the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction to pass another vehicle:A in a 50km/h zone. B alongside a bicycle path.C when approaching a curve. [k:v]弯道answer:Cwhen approaching the curve no driver may,to pass,use the lane reserved for traffic moving in the opposite direction where he cannot see,at a sufficient distance, vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.In which one of the situations illustrated is the driver ofr the vehicle prohibited from passing the motocycle?图:answer:C 实线一侧A broken line next to a solid line means passing is allowed if the broken line is on the vehicle's side when the manoeuvre is begun.When you making a right turn at an intersection, you must use the turn-signal light:A only if there are vehicles coming from the opposite direction.B every timeC only if there are vehicles behind you.answer:BBefore making a turn at an intesection, the driver must signal his intention using the turn-signal lights.When driving at night, you swich from high-beams to low-beams when the oncoming vehicle is at less than:A 50 metres.B 100 metres.C 150 metres.You must swith to low-beams at less than 150 metres to avoid blinding the other driver.If vehicles A and B make a left turn, which one is better placed to then move right into the lane maked with an 'X'?A vehicle A.B Vehicle B.C Neither.图:左转后要右转,2个左转车道,右侧的要容易左转后右转。answer: BYou must plan to enter the designated lane to avoid last minute lane-hopping.You are the driver of vehicle 1 and want to make a left turn. When can you make the turn?A As soon as you reach the intersection.B Before the vehicle in the opposite direction passesC Once the vehicle in the opposite direction has passedanswer:CThe driver of a vehicle who is about to make a left turn must yield the right of way to any vehicle moving in the opposite direction in the lane he is about to cross.You are the driver of vehicle A and want to make a left turn. The driver in vehicle B facing you also want to make a left turn. What must you do?A You must pass in front of vehicle B.B It doesn't matter.C You must pass in back of vehicle B.answer:AYou must pass eath other in front.You are in vehicle 1 and are preparing to exit a private property and make a left turn,You must yield the right of way:A to the pedestrian onlyB to vehicle 2 onlyC to vehicle 2 and pedestrian.answer: CMotor vehicle operators wishing to exit a private property must yield the right of way to any vehicle or pedestrian travelling on a public roadway.Unless otherwise indicated, at a level crossing the driver of a school bus must:A slow down.B maintain a constand speed.C stop his vehicle.answer:CThe driver of a school bus must stop this vehicle at a level crossing.When approaching a level crossing,you must:A stop if the red lights are flashingB stop only if a train is sight.C accelerate to cross the railway track as quickly as possible.answer:AThe flashing red lights at a level crossing warn the driver of the arrival or presence of a rail vehicle. Motorists are required to stop before reaching the crossing.At what distance from the level crossing are you required to stop when the red lights are flashing?A at three metresB At least five metres.C At whatever distance you choose.answer:BMotorists or cyclists are required to stop at least five metres from a railway crossing if the arrival or presence of a rail vehicle is indicated by flashing red lights, a lowered barrier, or a railway employee.You are following a school bus approaching a level crossing. What must you do?A prepare to overtake the bus if there is time enough to do soB prepare to overtake the bus if no train is in sight.C Prepare to stop.answer:CDrivers of a bus, minibus or road vehicle carrying dangerous substances must stop their vehicle at any level crossing. You must also be prepared to stop when following them.You are following a mini school bus approaching a level crossing. What must you do?A prepare to stop.B Prepare to overtake the bus if there is time enough to do so.C Prepare to overtake the bus if no train is in sight.answer:ADrivers of a bus, minibus or road vehicle carrying dangerous substances must stop their vehicle at any level crossing. You must also be prepared to stop when following them.You are following a motor coach approaching a level crossing. What must you do?A Prepare to overtake the coach if no train is in sight.B Prepare to stop.C Prepare to overtake the coach if there is time enough to do so.answer:BDrivers of a bus, minibus or road vehicle carrying dangerous substances must stop their vehicle at any level crossing. You must also be prepared to stop when following them.You are following a truck carrying dangerous substances and approaching a level crossing. What must you do?A Prepare to overtake the truck if no train is in sight.B Prepare to overtake the truck if there is time enough to do so.C Prepare to stop.answer:CDrivers of a bus, minibus or road vehicle carrying dangerous substances must stop their vehicle at any level crossing. You must also be prepared to stop when following them.

悔改吧!主的日子近了 2009-12-23#6 Saint.Saens
4,718 $0.00 驾驶考试 51-100标题不能改,将就了,好像网络上能直接就考试了,不确定在线考试成绩是否就认了。等我把这个做完去测试下,目前红色的部分是我错的地方,10%的错误率,看来能考去的。据说下月17日以后考试要去学校学了,我得快点学了!51-100You are following a paratransit bus approaching a level crossing. What must you do?A Prepare to overtake the bus if there is time enough to do so.B Prepare to stopC prepare to overtake the bus if no train is in sight.answer:BDrivers of a bus, minibus or road vehicle carrying dangerous substances must stop their vehicle at any level crossing. You must also be prepared to stop when following them.In the situation illustrated, vehicle 1 is approaching the intersection, if the driver wants to turn left, he must:A make sure that the cyclist will let him go through.B move to the centre of the intersection and let the cyclist go through.C stop and let the cyclist and vehicle 2 go through.answer: CThe driver must yield the right of way to the cyclist and the vehicle already in the intersection.In the situation illustrated, the vehicle approaching the intersection, if the driver wants to go straight ahead, he must:A stop,then cross the intersection withour causing any inconvenience to the motorcycle operator.B stop and yield the right of way to pedestrian and the motorcycle.C stop and make sure that the pedestrian will let him go through.answer: BThe driver must yield the right of way to the cyclist and the vehicle already in the intersection.In the situation illustrated, the driver of vehicle 1 is going to leave the private driveway. Before turning right, he must:A move forward slowly and signal his intention.B move over to the side of the roadway and let the motorcycle go by..C signal his intention and yield the right of way to the pedestraian and the motorcycle.answer: CThe driver must signal his intention and yield the right of way to the pedestrian and the motorcylist.No person may drive a road vehicle:A if the spare tire is missing.B if the back seat is missing.C if an animal or an object obstructs the driver's view. [b'strkt]answer:CNo person may drive a road vehicle in which an animal or an object is so placed as to obstruct the driver's view or to interfere with the proper handling of the vehicle. To transport your animal, use an appropriate cage or restraint.A driver facing a red light where a right turn on red is permitted wishes to turn right. What steps must be taken to make a safe turn?A Look-slow down-Decide.B Slow down- Look-DecideC Stop- Look - Decide.answer:CTo make a right turn on a red light safe, you must come to a full stop, look carefully left and right, and then decide.At what distance from a school bus whose flashing lights are in operation must you stop your vehicle?A 3 metres or less.B 1 metre or less.C At least 5 metres.answer:CYou must stop at least five metres from a vehicle used to carry school children if it has its flashing lights in operation or its mandatory stop sign expended.The driver in the vehicle hears a siren and sees and ambulance coming in the inside rearview mirror, what must he do?A apply the brakes as soon as possible.B slow down and keep as far to the right as practicable.C Maintain a constant speed because the emergency vehicle will pass him.Answer:BThe deiver must make way for the emergency vehicle and do so in the safest way possible.In the situation illustrated, a school bus is stopped with its flashing lights on. The driver of the vehicle must:A stop, look right and left and move forward slowly.B stop, then continue on his way while making that he can do so safely.C stop and wait until the flashing lights of the bus are off before continuing on his way.answer:CThe driver must stop at least five metres from a vehicle used to carry school children if it has its flashing lights in operation or its mandatory stop sign extended.In the situation illustrated, the bus driver has signalled his intention to head back into traffic The driver of vehicle 1 must:图:车1在BUS后边,车2迎面过来,中间单实线。A slow down and yield the gight or way to the bus.B continue on his way if there is enought space.C accelerate to pass the bus without causing any inconvenience to other vehicle operators.answer:AThe driver must slow down and yield the right of way to the bus.61The driver of a city bus has indicated his intention to re-enter the lane using his turn signal lights. What must you do?图:车在BUS后边,中间单实线。A Accelaerate.B Maintain a constant speed.C slow down.answer:CIn this situation,you must yield the right of way to the bus.You are planning to make a right turn at an intersection. Are you allowed to stop you vehicle in the bicycle lane on your right?A Yes,because motorists have the right of way.B Yes, as long as there are no cyclishts in sight.C No.answer: CThe bicycle lane is for cyclists only.Which driver has entered the correct lane before and after turning?图:右转道,转到边道。In this situation, the driver in the designated right turn lane must enter the far right lane of the other roadway.Which driver has entered the correct lane before and after turning?图:左转道,转到中间车道。In this situation, the driver in the designated left turn lane must enter the near left lane of the other roadway.The driver in lane C wishes to turn left at the intersection,what must he do?A The driver must advance to the following intersection because he cannot make a left turn.B the driver may move all the way to the far lefthand lane in a single manoeuvre.C The driver must first change from lane C to lane B,Then from lane B to lane Aanswer:ATurns and lane changes must be planned ahead of time.You want to make a left turn from lane 8. Which lane must you enter once you have complete the turn?图:A车道在边,B车道在中间A AB BC A or Banswer:AA left turn from the second right-hand lane from the median must be completed in the corresponding lane of the other roadway.You want to make a left turn from lane 7. Which lane must you enter once you have complete the turn?图:A车道在边,B车道在中间A BB AC A or Banswer:AThe vehicle must be directied to the right of the center line, staying as close to it sa possible.You want to make a right turn from lane 9. Which lane must you enter once you have complete the turn?图:H车道在边,G车道在中间(本车在左侧的右转道)A FB GC Hanswer:BThe vehicle must be advanced in a straight line to the point where the roads meet and enter the right lane.You want to make a right turn from lane 10. Which lane must you enter once you have complete the turn?图:H车道在边,G车道在中间(本车在右侧的右转道)A HB GC Fanswer:AThe driver must turn sharply and enter the far right0hand lane.You want to make a left turn. What must you do?图:必须在左转车道,与本车道对应。answer:AYou must enter the lane closest to the median.71When making a left turn, what lane must you be in?A in the left lane or a lane indicating that a left turn is permitted.B in the right lane.C in the lane with the least number of vehicles.answer:AThe driver must move to the far-left lane in order to turn in the desired direction.Under what circumstance are you allowed to use the left lane on an expressway?A To slow down.B To pass another vehicle.C To drive at the maximum speed limit.answer:BOn expressways, the left lanes is mainly used for passing.You are in the vehicle travelling in lane 9 and want to continue straight ahead. What must you do?图:车辆已经在右转道,左后方直道有红色车辆A Make a mandatory right turn. ['mndtri] 强制的B Let the red vehicle pass, then cross the intersection towards lane 4.C Back up a short distance to the broken line, activate your turn signal, then change lane.answer:AThe driver must turn right, Then find a way to enter to lane 4 safety.The driver in the vehicle wishes to make a right turn. Is he in the correct place to make the turn?图:车辆在最右侧车道,该车道因该是特殊车道,不知道名字,车道与其他车道是中间双实线,中间菱形(可能是公交专用区域)A yes,provided the area is clear of buses.B yes, provided the driver does not park or stop the vehicle.C No. A driver is not allowed to use the reserved bus lane.answer:CA driver cannot use the reserved bus lane to make an easier turn during the hours specified. The dotted line marks the end of the reserved lane. From that point on, The driver may move over to the right lane to make the turn.When parking downhill by the edge of a road, how must you place the wheels of the vehicle?图:车顺右侧停下坡道,前轮转右侧抵路肩防止车辆滑动。answer:CIf the parking brake or transmission should fail, the vehicle will move towards the curb.[k:b] 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘When parking uphill by the edge of a road, how must you place the wheels of the vehicle?图:车顺右侧停上坡道,前轮转左侧抵路肩防止车辆滑动。answer:BIf the parking brake or transmission should fail, the vehicle will move towards the curb.[k:b] 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘How many metres away from a pedestrian crosswalk are you allowed to park you vehicle?A 5 metresB 4 metresC 3 metresanswer:AParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a pedestrian crosswalk.How many metres away from a stop sign are you allowed to park you vehicle?A 5 metresB 4 metresC 3 metresanswer:AParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a stop sign.How many metres away from from a fire hydrant are you allowed to park you vehicle?A 5 metresB 4 metresC 3 metresanswer:AParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a fire hydrant. ['haidrnt] 水龙头, 消火栓How many metres away from from a fire hall are you allowed to park you vehicle?A 3 metresB 4 metresC 5 metresanswer:CParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a fire hall.81How many metres away from from a police station are you allowed to park you vehicle if you are on the opposite side of the roadway?A 5 metresB 8 metresC 3 metresanswer:BParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a police station located on the opposite side of the roadway.How many metres away from a fire hall are you allowed to park you vehicle if you are on the opposite side of the roadway?A 5 metresB 8 metresC 3 metresanswer:BParking is prohibited within 8 metres of a fire hall located on the opposite side of the roadway.How many metres away from a police station are you allowed to park you vehicle?A 3 metresB 4 metresC 5 metresanswer:CParking is prohibited within 5 metres of a police station.You are at the wheel of the vehicle. What must you do in this situation?图:一个轮椅正在人行斑马线A Make sure you have been seen, then proceed.B stop.C sound you horn.answer:BUnder the highway safety Code you are required to stop to let pedestrians cross.You are at the wheel of the vehicle. What must you do in this situation?图:行人正在人行斑马线A sound you horn.B stop.C Make sure you have been seen, then proceed.answer:BUnder the highway safety Code you are required to stop to let pedestrians cross.Which passenger's seat belt is fastened properly?图:安全带要从右肩膀上通过到左手下侧(右侧)All vehicle occupants must wear a seat belt. Children whose sitting height is less than 63 CM, measured from the seat to the top of the heat,must be restrained by a restraint system.In a collision, what does a properly adjusted headrest prevent?A Back injuries.B Shoulder injuries.C Neck injuries.answer:CA properly adjusted headrest prevents neck injuries caused by the head being thrown backwards in a rear-end collision.My father always removes his seat belt when he is driving in reverse. Is this allowed under the Highway Safely Code?A No.B Yes.C Only when leaving a driveway.answer:B (倒车)Under the Highway Safety Code, a driver is not required to wear the seat belt when driving in reverse.What is the proper distance between your head and the headrest?A 10 cm or less.B More than 15 cm.C More than 10 cm.answer:AA properly adjusted headrest prevents injuries to the neck caused by the head being thrown backwards in a rear-end collision.What driver is getting maximum protection:图:脑袋与后靠高度基本重复。answer:AA properly adjusted headrest prevents injuries to the neck caused by the head being thrown backwards in a rear-end collision.91Which one of the following statements is true?A In Quebec, you may travel on the road shoulder to allow another to allow another vehicle to pass you.B In Quebec, the learner's licence cannot be revoked.C In Quebec, every person in a passenger vehicle must wear a seat belt.answer:CWearing a seat belt reduces the probability of being killed or seriously injured by 50%.If you are driving a vehicle equipped with air bags, must you wear the seat belt just the same?A Yes.B No.C Only on expressways.answer:ASeat belts must be worn at all times. Air bags offer increased protection in the event of a collision.What is the purpose of th high-mounted brake light?A Make sure other drivers see you when changing lane.B Reduce the risk of rear-end collisions.C Reduce breaking distance.answer:BMandatory on all vehicles manufactured since January 1987, high-mounted brake lights significantly reduce the risk of rear-end collisions.What does a flashing or rotating yellow light on a vehicle indicate?A A police vehicle is on its way.B The vehicle could hinder traffic.C The vehicle might travel much faster than the maximum speed limit.answer:BFlashing or rotating yellow lights are used on vehicles that could hinder traffic, while blue rotating lights are for use by the police only.Must the odometer be in good working order? [u'dmit] n. 里程表A Yes.B No.C Not if the manufacturer's guarantee is no longer valid.answer:AAn odometer in good working order is mandatory to provide information on distance travelled.Studded tires may be used between:A October 1st and may 1st.B Cotober 15th and may 1st.C October 1st and april 15th.answer:BThe use of studded tires is permitted between October 15th and May 1st.What does this sign indicate?图:一头麋鹿标志A The proximity of a wildlife preserve.B The presence of a like stock farm.C The possible presence of wild animals.answer:CThe sign indicates the possibility of wild animals on or near the road. Be careful!What must you do when you reach this sign?图:一个停牌上有箭头A Nothing in particular.B Stop immediately.C Prepare to stop.answer:CThis sign warns of a stop sign ahead. Begin to slow down so as to stop at the sign.You are nearing:图:一个黑色3波浪黑线的黄背景四方形,斜放A a flooded roadway.B a mountain range.C a bumpy road.answer:CThis sign warns or surface irregularities ahead.What does this sign indicate?图:车辆加车辆轮印,轮印曲线,黄色A The road surface may be slippery when wet.B A bumpy road.C Your vehicle might get stuck in mud.ANSWER:A100 end

悔改吧!主的日子近了 2009-12-24#7 Saint.Saens
4,718 $0.00 101-150/268101This road sign lets you know that you are approaching:图:上下箭头2边,中间单虚线A a road where the number of lanes is increased.B a divided highway.C two-way traffic.answer:CThis sign indicates two-way traffic ahead.You must pass the obstacle: ['bstkl] n. 障碍,绊脚石图:黑色,弯曲箭头绕向右A to the left.B to the right.C to the right of left.answer:BThis sign indicates that the driver must pass the obstacle to the right.This sign indicates:图:黄色,弯曲箭头绕向左右2边A the end of an expressway.B the start of an expressway.C the presence of an obstacle which may be passed either to the right or left.answer:CThis sign indicates that you are approaching a divided roadway, which you may take to the right or the left.This shape and colour of this sign are reserved for:图:黄色,中无形状,四方形边框,对角横竖放。A speed limits.B danger warnings.C work sites.answer:BThis is an advance danger warning sign.The shape of this sign indicates:图:绿色,中无形状,长方形横放底,上为三角边(5边形)。A the beginning of a school zone.B a school crosswalk ahead.C a school zone ahead.answer:AThe shape of this sign indicates that you are at the beginning of a school zone.This sign warns you of :图:黄色,中间红绿等标志。A defective traffic lights at an intersection.B the presence of traffic lights at the intersection ahead.C a zone ahead where traffic lights will soon be installed.answer:BThis sign indicates the presence of traffic lights at the intersection ahead. It is used on roads where you would not normally expect to find traffic lights. When you see this sign,remember that you might need to stop.This sign warns:图:黄色,道路变成杂乱碎石样子。A that pavement ends. ['peivmnt] 道路B that the road ahead is under construction.C of a bridge ahead.answer:AYou are nearing an area where pavement ends and gravel or dirt surface begins.What does this sign indicate:图:黄色,道路变窄,2条竖线,上窄。A The roadway narrows on the right.B A lane reduction.C The end of an expressway.answer:AThe sign warns that the roadway ahead narrows on the right.This sign indicates:图:黄色,2个XX 下边km/h。A a recommended speed.B the minimum speed limit legally permitted.C the maximum speed limit legally permitted.answer:CThe sign indicates the maximum recommended speed on expressway exit ramps, which allows for enough of a safety margin.This sign warns of:图:黄色,一个弯曲的向上箭头。A several successive curves ahead.B sa sharp curve ahead.C a slippery roadway.answer:AThe sign warns you of a winding road with several successive curves ahead. Slowing down would be wise.111This sign warns of:图:黄色,一个右向箭头。A a one-way street.B a dangerous point in a very charp curve.C a dangerous point at an intersection.answer:BThe directional arrow warns of a particularly dangerous point in a very sharp curve.This sign :图:黄色,一个上箭头,下有校车。A indicates the possibility of a school bus ahead.B requires that you come to full stop.C indicates you should slow down.answer:AThe sign indicates the possibility of a school bus stopped ahead to let children on or off. Be mindful of the possible presence of children nearby.This road sign lets you konw that you are approaching:图:平行线,上窄。A an area where the roadway narrows on the right.B a divided roadway.C an emergency ramp.answer:AThe sign warns that the roadway narrows on the right.This sign warns:图:黄色,右旋转后向下箭头。A of a curve of more than 90 ahead.B that you must pass around an obstacle.C that you must turn back.answer:AThe sign warns of a curve of more than 90 ahead. It is an invitation to seriously reduce your speed.This sign indicates:图:绿色,2个小朋友行走图。A the beginning of a school zone.B tath you are nearing a school zone or a school crosswalk.C a school crosswalk.answer:BThe sign warns you that you are nearing a school zone or a school crosswalk. Watch out for people crossing.A yellow traffic light indicates that you must:A stop.B accelerate.C slow down.answer:AYou must stop,unless you are already in the intersection or are so close to it that the vehicle cannot be stopped safely.You are crossing an tntersection when the lights suddenly turn yellow. You must:图,车辆已经进入路由区域A accelerate as much as possible.B stop the vehicle and back upC finish crossing the intersection.answer:CA yellow light tells motorists they must stop before the pedestrian crosswalk or stop line. However, motorists who are already in the intersection when the light changes to yellow must proceed while maintaining a constant speed.At the intersection illustrated, the driver of vehicle 1 is facing a yellow light. Before proceeding straight ahead,he must:A look to the left and right to make sure that the way is clear.B stop and wait for the green light.C speed up to cross as quickly as possible.answer:BThe driver must stop and wait for the green light.A flashing yellow light indicates that you must:A stop.B maintain a constant speed.C slow down.answer: CYou must slow down and proceed with caution.You wish to make a right turn. Two pedestrians are already in the intersection when the orange hand silhoutte of the pedestrian light stops flashing. What must you do?A Enter the intersection and turn slowlyB Move over to the left lane.C Yield the right of way to pedestrians.answer:CIn this situarion, You must let the pedestrians reach the other side.121You want to make a right turn. A pedestrian is already in the intersection when the orange hand sihouette of the pedestrian light stops flashing. What must you do?A Yield the right of way to the pedestrian.B Sound your hornC Make sure the pedestrian will let you pass.answer:AIn the situation, you must let the pedestrian reach the other side.At the intersection illustrated, the dirver of vehicle 1 is facing a red light. Before proceeding straight ahead, he must:A stop at the stop line and wait for the the green light.B Move up to the pedestrian crossing and stop if necessary.C slow down and move forward slowly if no other vehicle is coming.answer:AThe driver must stop and wait for the green light.What must you do when you are facing this arrow?图:右箭头绿灯A Procced straight ahead.B Turn right.C Proceed straight ahead or turn right.answer:BA green arrow, whether flashing or not, indicates to drivers that they must proceed in the direction indicated, following the same rules of the right of way as those for a green light.What must you do when you are facing this arrow?图:左箭头绿灯A Procced straight ahead.B Proceed straight ahead or turn left.C Turn left.answer:CA green arrow, whether flashing or not, indicates to drivers that they must proceed in the direction indicated, following the same rules of the right of way as those for a green light.You are travelling on an expressway. What does this sign indicate?A Aparking area for use in the event of an emergency.B an emergency telephone.C A distress alerting system. [di'stres]遇险answer:AThis sign indicates an expressway pariking area for use in the event of an emergency.This sign indicates the presence of?A a public telephone.B a telephone to call for help.C a telephone to contact you garage man.answer:BThis telephoe is for use in emergency situations only.This sign marks?图:绿色公里+数字A the distance to the next hospital.B the distance to the next rest area.C The distance from the road's starting point.answer:COn certian roads, this sign marks the distance from the road's starting point.This sign indicates?图:绿色,FIN字样A the end of a work site.B the end of a boulevard.C the end of a numbered highway.answer:CThis sign indicates the end of a numbered highway.This sign indicates the presence and direction of?图:绿色,飞机图样A an air patrol.B an airport.C an aircraft museum.answer:BThis sign indicates the presence of a sizable airport, the front of the plane pointing in the direction to follow.This sign indicates a nearby?图:绿色,H字样A halt.B hotel.C hospital.answer:CThis sign indicates a nearby hospital.131Under what circumstances may you cross a sold single line?图:3个车尾图,黄三角Drivers may cross a solid single line to pass an animal-drawn vehicle, provided the manoeuvre can be performed safely.Under what circumstances may you cross a sold single line?图:3个车尾图,黄三角Drivers may cross a solid single line to pass an farm machinery, provided the manoeuvre can be performed safely.Under what circumstances may you cross a sold double line?图:3个图,1个自行车Drivers may cross a solid double line to pass a bicycle, provided the manoeuvre can be performed safely.Under what circumstances may you cross a sold double line?图:3个图,1个黄三角行驶中Drivers may cross a solid double line to pass vehicles with a slow-moving vehicle warning sign, after ensuring that they can do so safely.Is the lane change legal?图:1行驶中车辆在路口实线并道从右到中。A No, it is prohibited.B Yes, because there is no no-passing sign.C Yes, because the lane is free.answer:AIn this situation, crossing a solid line is prohibited.Which of the following diagrams shows where you must stop your vehicle at an intersection if the light is red?图:3个图,停车线内合法。answer:BMotorists must come to a stop before an intersection, pedestrian crosswalk or stop line.At an intersection with a stop sign, you must stop:图:停牌。A only if there is a risk of collision with another vehicle.B every time.C only if a vehicle is coming from the left or right.answer:BThe stop sign indicates that the vehicle operator must come to a full stop at an intersection.You are the driver of vehicle a stopped at an intersection with a stop and want to make a left turn. The driver in vehicle B facing you in the opposite direction signals his intention to make a right turn, but has not yet reached the intersection. Who has priority?A Both of you can turn at the same time.B The driver of vehicle B.C You, In vehicle A.answer:AMotor vehicle operators who come to a stop at an intersection must yield the right of way to other motorists who have reached the intersection before them and must make sure they can clear the intersection safely before proceeding.Which one of the following srarements is true?图:红色停牌,法语arretA This road sign imposes the same obligation as a flashing red traffic light.B This road sign indicates that you are approaching an intersection.C This road sign indicates that vehicle operators must slow down before entering an intersection.answer:ASimilarly to a flashing red traffic light, this sign indicates that vehicle operators must come to a full stop at an intersection.This road sign indicates that:图:红色空心三角尖向下A the vehicle travelling the fastest has the right of way.B you must yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles.C before entering a roadway, you must yield the right of way to vehicles travelling on it.This sign indicates that vehicle operators must yield the right of way to vehicles travelling on the road they are about to enter.141what does this sign tell you?A that you must turn left.B That you may pass an obstacle either to the left or right.C That you must take a sharp curve to the left.answer:BThis sign indicates that you must pass to the right or left of an obstacle.This sign means that you must:A yield the right of way.B turn left.C pass an obstacle to the left.answer:CThis sign indicates an obstacle that must be passed to the left.This sign indicates:A the end of one-way traffic.B the beginning of one-way traffic.C an obstacle which must be passed.This sign indicates the beginning of one-way traffic.The driver of thevehicle wants to turn left. Is the manoeuvre allowed?图:车辆错误左转入横向道的右转道A Yes, if there are no pedestrians or vehicles around.B Yes, but the driver must make haste to clear the way as quickly as possible.C No, because access is prohibited.answer:CThe "Do not enter" sign indicates that access to highway or traffic lane is prohibited for all vehicles because entry could result in a head-on collision.This sign marks:图:黑色菱形,FIN字样A The end of a bicycle lane.B the end of a reserved lane.C the end of a road.answer:BThis sign marks the end of a lane reserved for certain classes of vehicles (taxi,bus).This sign indicates that you are permitted to travel:图:黑色Maximum,90 字样A at 90 km/h or more.B at the recommended speed of 90km/h.C at 90 km/h or less.answer:CThis sign indicates the maximum speed permitted; however, depending on weather conditions you must reduce speed.This sign indicates:图:黑色 儿童沿线行走图样A the beginning of a school zone.B a school zone ahead.C a school crosswalk.answer:CThis sign indicates the crossing used by school children and other people.This sign indicates:图:黑色 轮椅沿线行走图样A a parking area reserved for physically disabled persons.B a crosswalk for physically disabled persons.C a rehabilitation centre for physically disabled persons.answer:BBe cautious.The right lane must be used:A by slow moving vehicles.B by heavy vehicles only.C to pass a slow moving vehicle.answer:AThis sign indicates that operators of slow-moving vehicles must use the right-hand lane. While the pictogram shows a truck, it applies to all slow-moving vehicles.This road sign indicates:A a traffic lane reserved for buses and taxis.B the direction to a waiting station reserved for public transit vehicles.C that you must yield the right of way to public transit vehicles.answer:AThis sign indicates a lane reserved for certain classes of vehicles used for specific purposes.

悔改吧!主的日子近了 2009-12-24#8 Saint.Saens
4,718 $0.00 151-200151This sign indicates:图:汽车被划掉A that parking is prohibited.B That a road or lane is closed to cars.C That stopping is prohibited.answer:BThis sign indicates that roads or lanes are closed to cars.Which one of the following road signs prohibits making a U-turn?图:U转符号划掉answer:AThis sign indicates that the motorist may not make a U-turn at an intersection or median.Who is allowed to use the median on an expressway?A Authorized vehicles only.B All vehicles.C All vehicles, in the event of a traffic jam.answer:AThe area connecting the divided lanes of an expressway are reserved mainly for emergency vehicles (police cars,fire trucks and ambulances)What does this road sign indicate?图:两个并行的车是不允许的,禁止超车。A You are entering a zone where passing is prohibited.B The left lane is reserved for certain types of vehicles.C One of the lanes is closed to traffic.answer:AA red circle with a red diagonal bar through it indicates that anything within the circle is prohibited. The two vehicles within the circle indicate passing.which one of these signs indicates that entry to a road is prohibited?answer:A图:禁止通行红色标志,横线This sign indicates that access is prohibited for all vehicles.This sign indicates:图:自行车被划线A the end of cycling laneB that a road or lane is close to scooters.C That a road or lane is closed to bicycles.answer:CThis sign tells cyclists that a road or lane is closed to bicycles.This sign indicates:图:上箭头被划线A the end of laneB the beginning of one-way traffic.C that a vehicle may not proceed straight ahead.answer:CIt indicates that a motorist is prohibited from proceeding straight ahead.This sign prohibits:图:黑色八角形被划掉,下有左右箭头A parkingB stopping.C going from left to right.answer:BThis sign indicates that stopping by the roadside is prohibited.This sign indicates that is it prohibits:图:黑色桶倒液体,被划掉A to litter.B to make deliveries.C to transport dangerous substances.answer:AThis sign indicates that throwing anything on or near the roadway is prohibited.This circle inside a sign means:图:黑色桶倒液体,被划掉A an obligation. [.ɔbli'geiʃən] n. 义务, 责任B an indication.C a prohibition.answer:AThe green circle means that the driver must comply with the manoeuvre shown in the circle.161This sign indicates:图:绿圈,右转箭头A a prohibition from turning rightB a sharp curveC an obligation to turn rightanswer:CThe driver is required to turn right.This sign means the route is:图:绿圈,摩托车标志A mandatory for motorcycles.B reserved for scootersC reserved for motorcycles.answer:AThe sign shows motorcycle operators the route they must follow.This sign in the shape of a downward pointing triangle is used to indicate:图:红色倒三角空心A that motorists must yidld the right of way.B that motorists must proceed straight ahead.C the presence of a slow-moving vehicle.answer:Athat motorists must yield the right of way.The downward pointing triangles is the sign for mandatory yielding of the right of way.164What must driver No.1 do?图:红车2直行,蓝色车1右转与红车交汇A Come to full stop because that is what the sign calls forB Adjust the vehicle's speed to yield the right of way to driver No.2C Accelerate because he has the right of way.answer:BThe driver must adjust the speed of the vehicle to yield the right of way to others in the traffic lane.Driver no.1 wants to enter the boulevard on the left. Is the driver allowed to cross the solid lines to get there faster?图:绿色车从匝道进入主道,蓝色车在主道稍后位置。A Yes, if the lane the driver wishes to enter is free.B Yes, if the driver looked carefully before.C No,the driver cannot cross a solid line.answer:CIn this situation,motorists may never cross a solid single or double line.What is the cyclist attempting to tell you with this hand signal?A That he is about to turn right.B That he is about to turn left.C That he is about to stop or slow down.answer:BThis hand signal is used to indicate the cyclist's intention to turn left.What is the cyclist attempting to tell you with this hand signal?图: 左手臂向上,胳膊向左。A That he is about to turn left.B That he is about to stop or slow down.C That he is about to turn right.answer:CThis hand signal is used to indicate the cyclist's intention to turn right.Where traffic at an intersection is directed by a peace officer, you must:图:面对,左手朝上,拳头A always come to full stop.B obey the traffic lights only.C obey the peace officer's signals.answer:CEvery person must obey a peace officer's orders or signals even if contrary to existing traffic signs or signals.What is the cyclist attempting to tell you with this hand signal?图:左手向左下伸开,成手掌A That he is about to turn left.B That he is about to turn right.C That he is about to stop or slow down.answer:CThis hand signal is used to indicate the cyclist's intention to slow down or stop.This sign is used to indicate:图:施工A the end of a work siteB a car queue due to road work aheadC the presence of a work siteanswer:CThis sign indicates the presence of a work site ahead with people at work.171What does this sign indicate?图:上箭头,Travaux X km 橙色A That pavement marking have been freshly painted.B The distance to a road construction site.C the end of a work site.answer:BThis sign indicates the distance to a work site.Which sign warns you that a road ahead is temporarily closed to traffic?图3个:Route Barree(法语道路封闭),Route Barree X KM 橙色,Detour加右箭头(法语右转)answer:BThis sign warns you that a road ahead is temporarily close to traffic.The backgroud colour used on road work signs is?A brown.B orangeC yellowanswer:BOrange is the colour reserved for work sites.This sign indicates that you are nearing:A a film-shooting locationB a lookout offering a splendid view. ['splendid] 壮观的C a surveying area. [sə:'veiiŋ] n. (土地)测量answer:CThis sign indicates the presence of a survey team on or near the road you are travelling.A red X above a lane means:图:黑底红叉A that the lane is closed to trafficB that you must stop in that lane.C that you must reduce your speed by at least 30 km/hanswer:AA red X above a lane means that it may not be used and that stopping in the lane is prohibited.中国黄底黑叉表示禁止停车The drivers in vehicle 1 is passing you. what should you do to facilitate the manoeuvre? 图:左侧1号车正在超越你A AccelerateB Slow down.C Maintain a constant speed.answer:BThe driver in the red vehicle may slow down the enable the passing yellow vehicle to return to the right-hand lane safely.You are the driver of vehicle A. A delivery truck starts backing into a driveway. What must you do?A Stop and wait for truck to back into the driveway.B Honk to alert the truck driver to your presence.C Accelerate.answer:AStopping and waiting for the truck to back up is the safest decision you could make.The faster the vehicle in front of you:A the more you will need to get close to it before commencing the passing manoeuvre.B the less time needed to pass it. [kə'mens] vt. &vi. 开始C the greater the distance and time needed to pass it.answer:CThe speed of the vehicle travelling before you determines the time and distance needed to pass it.When you are being passed, what should you do to facilitate the manoeuvre for the other driver?A Brake sharply to let the driver pass.B slow down and leave enough room for the driver to pull in front of you.C move over to the right.answer:BThis is what is called safe sharing of the road.If the vehicle passing you signals ite intention to pull up in front of you,you should:A prepare to slow down to make room.B accelerate to let the vehicle re-enter the lane in back of you.C sound the horn and travel near the shoulder.answer:aBy cooperating with the driver passing you, you are sharing the road safely.181Which one of the following statements shows that you are an alert driver?A When I am driving, I alone am responsible for my own safety and that of others.B It is up to the other roads users not to collide with me.C Being involved in an accident or not is a question of luck.(复杂的英语叙述)answer:ADriving responsibly means showing constant concern for one's safety and that of other road users.You are late for a meeting and an older friend sitting beside you is egging you on to ga faster. You should:A Listen to the advice of the friend asking you to go faster.B drop him off at a bus stopC drive safely without going over the posted speed.answer:CThe driver is always the one who can best assess the risks involved. Drving responsibly means not giving in to peer pressure.If you come across a driver who behaves selfishly or aggressively you must:[ə'gresivli] 攻击地 ['selfiʃli] 自私地A attempt to drive up to the other vehicle to have a few words with the driver.B show hime you do not appreciate his behaviour by hooting the horn and / or flashing the headlights.C stay calm and in control of the vehicle at all timesanswers:CStaying calm is important. Tolerance, patience and foresight are mark of a good driver.宽容,耐心和远见Even if the red lights of a level crossing are not flashing, you must:A slow down, be prepared to stop and yield the right of way to an approaching train, if any.B come to full stop every time.C accelerate to cross the railway track as quickly as possible.answer:AYou must be ready to yield the right of way if a train or rail maintenance vehicle approaches.In the illustration, the truck is backing into a private driveway. The driver of vehicle 1 should:a stop as close to the driveway as possible.B stop and wait for the way to be clear before continuing.C accelerate.answer:BThe driver must stop and wait for the way to be clear before continuing.You are about to enter a tunnel on a bright, sunny day, What must you think to do?A Use the hazard light to be seen.B Allow you eyes to adjust to the darkness because of the lighting contrast.C increase your speed to exit the tunnel as quickly as possible.answer:BWhen entering or exiting a tunnel, due to the contrast between darkness and light you must be particularly careful.You must be aware that you visual field will change abruptly:A upon leaving a bridge.B upon entering o rexiting a tunnel.C upon entering an outdoor parking lot.answer:BWhen entering or exiting a tunnel, due to thecontrast between darkness and light you must be particularly careful.In foggy weather, what must you do in addition to slowing down?A Use high-beams.B Use low-beams.C Use only the hazard lights.answer:CHigh-beams hitting fog could create a bright screen in front of the vehicle, making driving much more difficult.Under what circumstance may you experience poor visibility?A On a cold day.B In foggy weather.C On a hot day.answer:Bfog reduces visibility. Remember to slow down.191It is starts raining while you are driving, you must:A activate the hazard lights and increase speed to getu out of rainfall area more quickly.B reduce speed slowly, as the road surface may be made slippery by the water.C turn on the headlights for improved visibility.answer:BA greater stopping distance is required on surface made slippery by rain combining with other substances.You are driving in strong winds, To keep control of the vehicle, you must:A slow down and hold the steering wheel firmly.B be prepared to change lanes quickly.C drive a bit closer to other vehicles.answer:ABe prepared to hold your course and compensate for the effects of air displacement caused by heavy vehicles passing in the opposite direction.When night driving, you must:A activate the hazard lights when passing another vehicle.B drive closer to the vehicle ahead of you.C reduce you speed.answer:CAt night, you must reduce your speed to make sure your stopping distance is less than the range of the headlights; otherwise, you may not see obstacles in time to be able to avoid them.At night, when you are blinded by the lights of an oncoming vehicle, you must:A close your eyes for a very short while until they have readjusted.B turn on the headlights.C look more towards the side of the road when an oncoming vehicle is passing.answer:CTo avoid temporary blindness caused by oncoming headlights, you must look more towards the side of the road.At night when the headlights of an oncoming vehicle blind you, you must:A lower you eyes towards the dashboard:B avoid looking into the headlights and look more towards the right side of the road.C switch to high beams to be seen.answer:BYou must avoid looking into the headlights, as they may blind you and prevent you from seeing correctly for several seconds.When approaching the crest of a hill when must you switch to low beams?A There is no need to swith, as the high beams pose no problem.B When you see the glow of the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.C When the oncoming vehicle is at a distance of 100 metres.answer:BYou must switch to low beams to avoid blinding the driver coming from the opposite direction.To avoid being blinded by the headligts of oncoming vehicles at night, you should:A look straight ahead.B look towards the left side of the road.C look towards the right side of the road.answer:CThe closer the oncoming vehicle, the greather the blinding effect. You should look towards the right side of the road.When should you plug in the block heater?A Overnight.B four hours before getting behind the wheel.C Two hours before getting behind the wheel.answer:Cplugging in the block heater more than two hours is a waste of electric power. It is better to use a timer to turn on the block heater two hours before starting the vehicle.(不知道什么设备)Eco-efficient driving makes it possible to:A reduce fuel costs only.B reduce maintenance costs only.C reduce both fuel and maintenance costs.answer:CEco-efficient driving consists in operating a vehicle and maintaining it in proper working order so as to reduce fuel consumption and increase highway safety.what is the minimum suggested interval for checking the air pressure of your tires?A At the beginning of every season.B At least once a month.C At every oil change.answer:BChecking the air pressure of your tires on regular basis is important. The best time to do so is when the tires have cooled and thevehicle has been stationary for at least three hours or has travelled less than 2 km.

悔改吧!主的日子近了 2009-12-25#9 Saint.Saens
4,718 $0.00 201-268201-268Do motorists who adopt an aggressive behaviour involving speeding save fuel?['dpt] v. 采用 ['gresiv] 强烈的A No. On the contrary.B Yes, because ther have greater control of their vehicle.C Yes, because they make it to their destination in less time.answer:ASome European studies have shown that aggressive driving may increase fuel consumption and results in very little time saved.To save fuel, the maximum sustained speed at which a vehicle should travel is :A 90 km/hB 120 km/hC 100 km/hanswer: AIn most cases, dropping the maximum sustained speed from 100 to 90km/h results in a fuel saving of nearly 10%. However, increasing the maximum sustained speed from 100 to 120 km/h results in a 20% fuel consumption increase.Is it a good habit to let your vehicle idle? ['aidl] (机器)空转A yes, because it allows the catalytic converter to reach optimum temperature.B yes, because fuel consumption is optimized.C No, because of the noxious effects on the environment.answer:CLetting your vehicle idle is a wstre of money, because you burn fuel while going nowhere,also, it causes harmful gases to be emitted in the atmosphere.Is it necessary to let the vehicle idle on cold winter days?A yes, because warming up a vehicle take times.B yes, because every part of the vehicle must be kept warm.C No, It is useless to let the engine run more than 30 seconds.answer:CMany parts of a vehicle, including tires and suspension,will warm up only once the vehicle is moving, If the windows are clear, No more than 30 seconds of idling is needed to get the oil circulating through then engine.Is it still recommended to rotate the tires on vehicles, despite technological advances in this area?A Yes, every 50,000B yes, every 10,000C It is no longer necessary to do so.answer:BThis way you reduce wear and fuel consumption and ensure maximum performance in addition to safe driving.What is the impact of a rooftop cargo carrier on fuel consumption.A It increases fuel consumption only if it is full.B It has no impact.C It increases fuel consumption even when empty.answer:CA rooftop cargo carrier increases aerodynamic drag and fuel consumption.That is why a removable carrier is preferable to permanent one.You are pulling out of parking space alongside a sidewalk. What is the last thing you must remember to do?A Make sure all passengers have buckled up.B Check your rearview mirrors and blind spot.C Lock the doors.answer:BYou must check your blind spot prior to pulling away from the curb. There could be a syslist!What is the visual function enabling you to distinguish details and shapes?A stereoscopic visionB field of visionC visual acuity.answer:CVisual acuity is the ability to distinguish the details of objects from a certain distance.Scanning the road is important to be on the lookout for whatever may happen. Scanning consists in:A looking far ahead.B looking for ahead, on the sides and in the rearview mirrors constantly.C looking regularly in the inside and outside rearview mirrors.answer:BRemember that 90% of the information needed to driver safely is gathered throuth the eyes.As your speed increases, your visual field: ['inkri:s,in'kri:s] 提高A widens.B narrows.C stays the same.answer:BThe faster you travel, the narrower your field of vision.What effect does increasing a vehicle's speed have on the operator?A The operator has less time to perceive dangerous situations.B The operator has better control of the vehicle.C the operator pays more attention to the road.answer:AThe ability to recognize and anticipate potentially dangerous situation is abasic driving skill. Slow down to widen your dield of vision.You are travelling on a gravel road behind another vehicle. To ensure the best possible visibility, you should:A shut down the vehicle's ventilation.B follow at a distance.C travel as far right as possible on the road.answer:BIncreasing you following distance will provide greater visibility.When changing lane, you must check your blind spot:A after you perform the manoeuvre.B only if a vehicle in the blind spot.C before you perform the manoeuvre.answer:CScanning must be carried out before you perform the manoeuvreWhen approaching an intersection, you should check to the left and the right of the intersection:A only when traffic is heavy.B at all times before crossing the intersection.C at a stop sign only.answer:BYou must make sure the coast is clear by constantly checking to the left and the right of the intersection.In the illustration, the driver of vehicle 1 is preparing to leave the curb. To ensure that the way is clear, he should:A signal his intention and sound the horn.B look in the rearview mirrors and check the blind spot.C move forward slowly and look to the left.answer:BThese visual checks must be done before the vehicle is put into motion.In the illustration, you are the driver of vehicle 1. if you want to overhicle 2, what should you do before signalling your intention?A Increase you speed.B slow down slightly.C Check the rearview mirror and left hand blind spot to ensure that the way is clear.answer:CBefore overtaking a vehicle, you must check the rearview mirror and left-hand blind spot to ensure that the way is clear.Which one of there illustrations shows an automobile in a truck's blind spot?图:并行情况 Bblind sports are those areas of the road that a truck operator cannot see because of the vehicle's size and design. A truck's blind spots are at the front, rear and sides.What is the only remedy for fatigue. ['remidi] 补救 [f'ti:g] 疲劳A Taking medication producing a stimulant effect.B A cup of strong coffee.C Rest.answer:Crest is the only remedy for fatigue.If you are driving and feeling tired, the best thing to do is :A let fresh air in through the windows.B find a sage spot off the roadway to stop and rest.C pump up the volume of the radio.answer:BStudies have found that playing loud music or keeping the windows down do not make a driver more alert. Tired drivers are less focused on the task of driving and are a threat to themselves and others.You are driving to florida with a couple of friends To limit fatigue and have the safest trip possible,you should:A drive during the daytime, make several stops and take turns driving whenever possible.B drink lots of coffee and listen to stirring music.C try to drive the longest distance possible while you can, to get to your destination as quickly as possible.answer:ADriving during the daytime, stopping regularly(preferably every 2 hours) and taking turns driving help relieve fatigue and make for sager driving. Most fatigue-related accidents occur at night.221During what hours of the day are drivers more vulnerable to fatigue-related accidents?A Between 1 and 3 p.m and between 6 and 10 p.mB between 1 and 3 p.m. and between 2 and 6 a.m.C between 8 a.m. and noon and between 1 and 3 p.m.answer:BEarly afternoon and nighttime hours are the hours where fatigue-related accidents are most likely to occur.After a number of waking hours, does driver's judgment, concentration and reflexes diminish rapidly? [di'mini] 减少 ['ri:fleks] ['weiki]醒着的A no.B yes, but only after a few drinks.C yes.answer:CAfter 17 hours of being awake, a person's cognitive and motor skills diminish rapidly.When you are tired, having a drink or two:A will impair your judgement only.B will impair your ability to drive.C won't impair your ablility do drive.answer:B [im'p] 削弱The consumption of alcohol, even a small amount , enhances the effects of fatigue.We need a minimum number of hours of sleep every day to fully recover from fatigue. Driver drowsiness most often occurs:A when exiting a tunnel.B because of the monotony of the road. [m'ntni] 单调, 枯燥C when riding on a gravel road.answer:BDrowsiness may be due to the monotony of the road environment, which varies little and requires little effort from the driver, causing a lapse of attention.In the majority of vehicles, the parking brake acts:A on the rear wheels.B on all four wheels.C on the front wheels.answer:Ain the majority of vehicles, the parking brake acts on the rear wheels and is independent of the central braking system.Which foot is used to apply the brakes?A The right foot.B the left foot.C the left foot and right foot together.answer:AThe brake pedal should be operated with the right foot.You are driving a vehicle with standard transmission. Is it appropriate to keep your foot on the clutch while you are driving? [klt] 离合器A noB only if you are travelling below 25 km/hC yes.answer: AResting your foot on the clutch unnessarily could wear out the clutch system prematurely.An underinflated tire: [ndrin'fleitid]充气不足的A has better traction.B might overheat and blow.C wears prematurely in the center. [.pri:m'tjuli]过早地answer:BInsufficient tire pressure causes tires to overheat and blow.A person with a visual handicap has wandered slightly off a pedestrian crosswalk. should you sound your horn?A Yes.B No.C yes, if your vehicle is stopped at a stop line.answer:BSounding your horn will only confuse pedestrians with visual handicaps.If you are forced to drive with a compact spare, what is the maximum speed at which you can travel?A 100 km/hB 90 km/hC 80 km/hanswer:CYou must drive slowly, as the compact spare is designed for use over a short distance at slow speed.(compact spare 是什么车?)You are the driver of vehicle 1. You are travelling on the expressway at 100km/h and are being tailgated. What must you do?A apply the brakes gently while changing lane.B make sure the lane you wish to enter is unoccupied for a sufficient distance.C Accelerate while changing lane.answer:BIt is always best to ensure the lane you wish to enter is unoccupied for a sufficient distance if you are to perform the manoeuvre safely.Before entering a curve, what must you do?A maintain a constant speed.B slow down.C Accelerate.answer:BTo avoid losing control of your vehicle, it is better to slow down.Ouce you have entered a curve, you must:A apply the brakes.B maintain your speed.C acceletate.answer:BOnce in a curve, you must maintain your speed.When entering a curve,what factor do you have control over?A Your speedB The curve's angle of inclinationC The friction of the tires on the road surface.answer:ABefore entering a curve, you must check what type it is and determine the speed at which it should be taken.After overtaking a vehicle, you must move back into the right-hand lane when the vehicle you have passed is fully visible:A in the outside right rearview mirror.B in the outside left rearview mirrorC in the inside rearview mirror.answer:CYou may move back into the right-hand lane when the vehicle you have passed if fully visible in the inside rearview mirror.236When you are driving near parked vehicles, you should:A sound the horn and flash the low beams to warn people not to enter the area.B accelerate to leave the problem parking area quicklyC look out for possible sources of danger.answer:CIt is important to look out for possible sources of danger to avoid hitting another vehicle, a pedestrian , an open door,etc.You are parked by the curb and about to get out of your vehicle. What must you do before getting out? [kə:b] 路缘A Check your inside rearview mirror.B Check your rearview mirrors and blind spot.C Open the door to check in back.answer:BBefore opening the door , you must check your rearview mirrors and blind spot to make sure no other vehicle or no cyclist is nearby.The minimum safe distance between two vehicles is the distance travelled in:A under 2 secondsB 2 seconds or moreC 1 secondanswer:BThe minimum safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you corresponds to the distance travelled in 2 seconds. In bad weather, this distance must be increased.What must you do if the vehicle behind you is following closely?A Accelerate.B Gradually slow down.C Turn on th hazard lights.answer:BYou can end the situation and encourage the tailgater to pass by gradually slowing down.To avoid sudden braking in a curve, you must:A slow down before entering the curve.B keep you eyes on the high-mounted brake light of the vehicle in front of you.C accelerate only if there are no vehicles in front of you.answer:AWhen you are travelling in a straight line, you must slow down before entering a curve to maintain constant control of the vehicle.You know you have stopped you vehicle at the proper distance from the vehicle ahead of you when you can see:CMake sure you can see the rear wheels of the car ahead of you, as a safety cushion.At an intersection where the light is green and vehicles stopped ahead are backed up to the intersection, you must:A continue forward if there is no traffic to your left.B pull into the intersection and hope for the lane to clear before the green light changes to red.C wait for the vehicles to move forward and leave enought room for you to pull into and clear the intersection.answer:CEven if permitted by the traffic lights, no driver of a road vehicle may enter an intersection if there is not enought room to clear it completely.You have reached a busy intersection and the light turns green , you must make sure:A not to block the intersection.B The gearshift lever is in the right position.C not to prevent the vehicles behind you from moving forward.answer:AEven if permitted by the traffic lights, no driver of a road vehicle may enter an intersection if there is not enought room to clear it completely.244You want to back out of your driveway. what must you do first?A Make sure there are no obstacles around.B Check for oncoming vehicles.C Check the fuel gauge.Before backing up, you must make sure there are no obstacles around.What is the best way of parking your vehicle?图:正向,无遮挡 CParking so as to face the direction you will drive away in allows greater visibility and is less hazardous. However, when parking in a garage, because of carbon monoxide emissions, it is best to drive forward into it to exit in reverse.When approaching the crest of a hill, on a narrow road, it is safest to:A keep right and slow down.B accelerate and sound the horn.C flash your low beams to warn vehicles coming in the opposite direction.answer:AIf you are unabnle to see on the other side of the hill, it is best to slow down and keep right.Which illustration shows to make a left turn?B 图 适当自然的幅度Crossing or straddling the center line is prohibited. The driver must approach the center line in a straight line and continue edging closer to it until the point where the turn can be make is reached.You are traveling alongside a heavy vehicle on the expressway and stay in that position. Is this the right thing to do?A yes,provided you abide by the maximum speed limit. [ə'baid]遵守B No.C Yes.answer:BBeware! if you travel alongside a heavy vehicle, dure to the blind spots you may not be vsible to the driver. Remember: if you can see the driver's face in the side rearview mirror,then he can see you too. Otherwise move to where you can be seen to avoid a collision if the driver has to change lanes.(翻译)You are passing a heavy vehicle. When can you return to the right lane in front of it?A As soon as you see both the cab and trailer in the inside rearview mirror.B As soon as you see the cab in the inside rearview mirror.C As soon as you see both the cab and trailer in the right rearview mirror.answer:Areturn to the right in front of a heavy vehicle only when you can see both the cab and trailer in your inside reaview mirror. This will leave the driver the space and time needed to come to a stop.You are in the vehicle 1 passing the heavy vehicle, when the driver in the vehicle 2 start tailing you and flash his headlights. What must you do?A you immediately return to the right lane without checking your rearview mirrors.B You return to the right lane as soon as you can see the cab and trailer in you inside rearview mirror.C you speed up adn exceed the maximum speed limit.answer:BBe careful! Entering the lane in front of the heavy vehicle without allowing plentu of room could cause a collision. Remember that it takes longer for a heavy vehicle to slow down.251What must you do when passing a heavy vehicle?A Activate the hazard lights as soon as you are out of the heavy vehicle's blind spots.B Be ready to compensate for the effect of wind turbulence on your vehicle.C Exceed the maximum speed limit to pass as quickly as possible.answer:BBe careful! When you pass a heavy vehicle or meet one going the other way, the sudden air turbulence may rock your vehicle. Be ready to compensate for this effect by steadying your steering wheel to keep the course.Heavy vehicles stop:A within the same distance as cars.B over a greater distance than cars.C over a shorter distance than cars.answer:BSince heavy vehicles are heavier than cars, they need more time and space to come to a stop.What must you do in the presence of a heavy vehicle?A follow it at the same distance as you would a car.B Avoid following it too closely.C Stay in its blind spots as long as possible.answer:BCareful! if you are following a heavy vehicle, you must keep a distance that will aloow you to avoid a rear-end collision should the driver suddenly brake or slow down. If you cannot see the side mirrors, youare following too closely and the driver cannot see you. Increase your following distance!You are following a heavy vehicle on the expressway at a two-second time interval that you are careful to maintain. Is this enough?A Yes,the two-second rule is always enough.B Yes, Only when the road way is dry.C No.answer:CIt takes more space and time to stop a heavy vehicle than a car. if you cannot see the side mirrors, you are following too closely and the driver cannot see you. Increase your following distance!You are on an upgrade when the heavy vehicle in front of you slows and stops. What must you do?A stop and keep at a distance greater than you would with a car.B Show down and get as close to is as possible.C Sound the horn to get the driver moving again.answer:AWith heavy vehicles, you must always stay at a greater distance. When starting up, the driver will release the brake and the heavy vehicle may roll back several feet. Be patient! The driver will need to change gears several times.Which one of the following statements about vehicles is true?A You must avoid breaking abruptly in front of them.B Because they are slow vehicles, you may cross a solid double line to pass them.C You must follow them very closely if you wish to pass them safely.answer:ACareful! if you slam on the brakes in front of a heavy vehicle, you could cause a collision or force the driver to steer the vehicle sideways. In the presence of a heavy vehicle, drive slower and keep a greater distance.A heavy vehicle is about to back up. What must you do?A speed up to pass it before it backs up.B Drive around it.C Wait for the driver to complete the manoeuvre.answer:CWhile a heavy vehicle driver relies on his rearview mirrors to see what is behind his vehicle, he cannot see everything in them. Keep at a safe distance to stay out of his blind spots.You are driving in the rain and are about to reach a heavy vehicle travelling in the opposite direction. What must you do prior to reaching it?A Acticate the hazard lightsB increase the speed of the wipers.C move over to the shoulder.answer:BYou must increase the speed of the wipers before reaching the heavy vehicle. This will prevent the splash and spay of water on the windshield from cutting down on visibility.You are in vehicle and wish to make a right turn. As you near the intersection, you notice the trucker ahead signalling his intention to turn right and moving to the left lane.what must you do?A speed upB Sound the horn to show how annoyed you are.C Slow down and stay in you lane.answer:CBeware! Heavy vehicles need more space to make a turn. That truckers may need to enter the next lane to complete the manoeuvre is to be expected. Allow them enough space and time to do so.You are on a road with a posted speed of 90km/h. In you left side mirror, you see a heavy vehicle overtaking you. What is the best thing you can do to help the driver complete the manoeuvre?A slow down.B Sound th horn and let hime know he is going too fast.C Speed up to the point where he no longer needs to pass you.answer:AIn the presence a heavy vehicle, slow down to help the driver with his manoeuvres.261To diminish the effects of alcohol before driving, you mustA Wait.B have a cup of black coffeeC take a cold showeranswer:ATime is the only remedy against the effects of alcohol. A person's liver can only process given number of milligrams of alcohol in an hour. The waiting time depends on the amount of alcohol ingested.Before driving , it is sagest:A to have a drink every hour.B to have a single drink of alcohol (30ml)C not to drink any alcohol.answer:CAlcohol lessens a person's ability to operate a vehicle. A single drink may push a driver to take unwarranted risks.With alcohol:A you are more relaxed and able to make clearer decisions.B brain activity is increased and improved.C brain activity and response time are slowed.answer:CAlcohol slows brain activity, impairing ability to make quick decisions.If you are required to take medication, what must you do?A drive during the daytime only after taking medication.B operate a motocycle only,nota heavy vehicle.C Read the label carefully or ask your physician or pharmacist about the likely impact on your ability to operate a vehicle.answer:CA driver taking medication must check whether its use is compatible with the operation of a motor vehicle.If you are using several medications and wish to drive, you must:A avoid rush-hour traffic.B drive only over short distances.C ask you physician or pharmacist if their combined effect is likely to impact on your ability to drive.answer:CCertain medications may affect driving. You must ask your physician or pharmacist about the combined effect of medications and their likely impact on ability to drive.266Consuming alcohol while using medication:A might increase the blood-alcohol concentration.B might reduce the blood-alcohol concentration.C may increase the effects of alcohol.answer:CAlcohol taken in conmunction with medication has a dangerous multiplier effeft because the combined impact can be much greater than the sum of each.You plan on attending a party where alcohol will be served. What is the safest way to reduce the risk of involvement in an alcohol-related accident on the way back home?A Take a taxi or use public transit, or have another person pick you up at the end of the evening.B Ask the person who has had the least drinks to drive you back.C Take your vehicle, limit your consumption to a drink an hour, and drive on the way back.answer:AThe safest way is to take a taxi or use public transit, or have another person pick you up at the end of the evening.You are going out and will be consuming alcohol. What is the best way to avoid drinking and driving?A Designate a driver. ['dezigneit]B wait an hour after your last drink before driving.C After several drinks, stat thinking of way of getting home.answer:AIt is best to plan on a means of returning home ahead of time without actually having to drive. Alcohol leads a person to overstimate the ability to operate a vehicle.总算结束,顺便学英语的工作量太大了,红色是我错误的地方,直接不学习考试还是危险的,容易错误的地方:1 标识,这个不知道意思猜不出来的2 对英语的准确翻译。有些题我现在也不知道什么意思。

悔改吧!主的日子近了回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置顶顶顶,这哥们是个好同志!

................................................................................回复: 写了个关于电话跟网络的解决方案,放登陆前那个位置有关驾驶执照的分类:Classes of Driving LicenceHeavy Vehicle Combination (class 1) Bus (class 2) Straight Truck (class 3) Emergency Vehicle (class 4A) Small Bus or Minibus (class 4B) Taxicab (class 4C) Passenger Vehicle (class 5) All Motorcycles (class 6A) Cylinder Size of 400 cc or less (class 6B) Cylinder Size of 125 cc or less (class 6C) Moped or Motorized Scooter (class 6D) Farm Tractor (class 8)

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