加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中专护士在温哥华


Q: 我是国内4年中专毕业的护士,注册护士工作有5年,有医学英语基础,我现在在温哥华,想知道怎样继续我的护士生涯?听说中专毕业都没有必要做什么学历评估,因为至少是大专毕业...... A: Well, policies are quite different between Vancouver and Montreal, you have to consult your local nursing board for your request."听说中专毕业都没有必要做什么学历评估,因为至少是大专毕业"-- This sounds to be true. Bachelor degree is a must in BC.

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/Q: 我是国内4年中专毕业的护士,注册护士工作有5年,有医学英语基础,我现在在温哥华,想知道怎样继续我的护士生涯?听说中专毕业都没有必要做什么学历评估,因为至少是大专毕业...... A: Well, policies are quite different between Vancouver and Montreal, you have to consult your local nursing board for your request."听说中专毕业都没有必要做什么学历评估,因为至少是大专毕业"-- This sounds to be true. Bachelor degree is a must in BC.点击展开...

回复: 中专护士在温哥华好像这边有两年制的护士bachelor然后据说medical school里面这种两年制的bachelor的average gpa达到了3.8我似乎好像遇到过这样一个法裔女孩子非常勤奋

回复: 中专护士在温哥华"好像这边有两年制的护士bachelor" -- hope this news can be confirmed. As far as I know, medical school of McGill Uni does not have such program. In stead, Mcgill has its own nursing school."非常勤奋"-- Too bad that I am not that hard-working. sigh!

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/"好像这边有两年制的护士bachelor" -- hope this news can be confirmed. As far as I know, medical school of McGill Uni does not have such program. In stead, Mcgill has its own nursing school."非常勤奋"-- Too bad that I am not that hard-working. sigh!点击展开...well, i think it depends on urself to verify this informationyep, mgu has several medical or related facultieslike faculty of dentistryand it is very prestigious of themand also because this uni is a kind of research orientednot a collegeso its normal this kind of uni does not provide such programif u wanna be a nurse in mguu can try this programhttp://www.mcgill.ca/nursing/programs/bscn/courses/

回复: 中专护士在温哥华well, i think it depends on urself to verify this information点击展开...Sounds funny. Since this info is provided by you, obviously it is "urself" not me that should validate it, right? Plus,who else that can source this news will be appreciated.Maybe you are talking about a French program, which is not my concern.

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/Sounds funny. Since this info is provided by you, obviously it is "urself" not me that should validate it, right? Plus,who else that can source this news will be appreciated.Maybe you are talking about a French program, which is not my concern.点击展开...com'on manone obvious rule in the internet is that it depends on users themselves to verify the information provided by othersno one’s any body's nannyok?that's why the info. from the wikipedia can NOT be used as a formal academic reference if u insist on asking me to provide the info.fine, just forget itu should know what the word "灌水" means

回复: 中专护士在温哥华voila! That's why your words is definitely ignored for as being 什么狗屁.

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/voila! That's why your words is definitely ignored for as being 什么狗屁.点击展开...this is how u treat a person who gave u a hint?nice shot

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