加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息超级强悍的妈妈之歌,天哪!希望以后不要变成
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ0NTEyOTA0.html YouTube的视频上不了,就发国内的网站的吧,太能搞了这个妈妈,彻底拜倒 歌名:The Mom Song
回复: 超级强悍的妈妈之歌,天哪!希望以后不要变成这样歌词:起床 起床 快起来! 去洗脸去刷牙 记得梳头! 这是你的衣服你的鞋 有没有在听啊?! 快起来!然后记得叠被子! 会热吗?会冷吗? 你就这样穿着出门吗? 你的书你的午饭你的作业咧? 拿外套戴手套,还有围巾和帽子 别忘了!你有猫要喂 要吃早餐,因为医生说,早餐在一天当中最重要! 要吃维他命,因为这样你才能长得壮又高! 记得今天下午3点要去看牙医 别忘了钢琴课在今天下午,所以你要练! 别狼吞虎咽要细嚼慢咽 但快点! 公车已经到了 小心点! 给我过来~~ 你有没有洗你的耳背 出去外面玩,别玩太疯,别闹太凶 有礼貌,要交朋友,记得要分享 要认真,有耐心一点,危险事别做 乖一点,别搞到要让我出面! 去整理房间,叠衣服,把东西收拾干净 把床铺好,马上做,我们整天有空吗! 为什么房间乱得像狗窝一样? 到底有没有在听我说话? 接~~电话,把电话挂掉! 离电视远点,开小声点,吃饭别玩手机 今晚,今晚不准玩电脑! 不想被没收iPod,就给我听话! 你要去哪儿?跟谁鬼混?你几点才会回来? 说谢谢、请、对不起,这样才能到处受欢迎 我的苦心教导,长大了你自然会感激 等你有小孩了 你就知道,你会感激我给你的忠告这么有智慧 但现在,我还要谢谢你没对我翻白眼 吃东西时把嘴巴闭起来 吃一两口你讨厌的东西 用刀叉。不要打饱嗝。不要让我念 把碗里的东西吃干净 考好一点。去开门。别跟我耍小聪明 给我注意,给我过来,我数到3 去赚钱。去上班。去拿个博士回来 去去去~~ 我~~不管是谁先开始的 你给我门禁(指晚上不能迟回来)到36岁 给我长话短说,看在老天的份上,你们最好和我说实话! 如果你的朋友都去死,你是不是也去死? 如果我再说一遍,我以前一定说了好几千遍 你已经这么大了还这么幼稚, 这一定是你老爸的DNA 跟我讲话时眼睛要看着我 要站有站相 每个东西都有它的位置,然后每个东西都要放回原位 别再唉唉叫!否则我真的让你哭不出来! 哈! 去刷牙、洗脸,穿睡衣 睡觉去,抱一下,和我一起祷告 别忘了,我爱你 然后明天我们会再来一遍,因为母亲的工作永不结束 你不需要知道理由 因为,因为,因为,因为 我说了算,我说了算,我说了算,我说了算! 我是你妈!你妈,你妈,你妈,你唯一的妈!! 英文歌词 Get up now Get up now Get up out of bed Wash your face Brush your teeth Comb your sleepy head Here's your clothes And your shoes Hear the words I said Get up now Get up and make your bed Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you wearing that? Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at? Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat Don't forget you got to feed the cat Eat your breakfast The experts tell us it's the most important meal of all Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today? Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon So you must play Don't shovel Chew slowly But hurry The bus is here Be careful Come back here Did you wash behind your ears? Play outside Don't play rough Would you just play fair? Be polite Make a friend Don't forget to share Work it out Wait your turn Never take a dare Get along Don't make me come down there Clean your room Fold your clothes Put your stuff away Make your bed Do it now Do we have all day? Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay Can you even hear a word I say? Answer the phone Get Off the phone Don't sit so close Turn it down No texting at the table No more computer time tonight Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home? Saying thank you, please, excuse me Makes you welcome everywhere you roam You'll appreciate my wisdom Someday when you're older and you're grown Can't wait 'til you have a couple little children of your own You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly But right now I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me Close your mouth when you chew Would appreciate Take a bite Maybe two Of the stuff you hate Use your fork Do not you burp Or I'll set you straight Eat the food I put upon your plate Get an A, Get the door Don't get smart with me Get a Grip Get in here I'll count to 3 Get a job Get a life Get a PhD Get a dose of... I don't care who started it You're grounded until your 36 Get your story straight And tell the truth for once for heaven's sake And if all your friends jumped off a cliff Would you jump too? If I've said it once, I've said at least a thousand times before that You're too old to act this way It must be your father's DNA Look at me when I am talking Stand up straight when you walk A place for everything And everything must be in place Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about Oh! Brush your teeth Wash your face Get your PJs on Get in bed Get a hug Say a prayer with Mom Don't forget I love you **KISS** And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's work never ends You don't need the reason why Because Because Because Because I said so I said so I said so I said so I'm the Mom The mom The mom The mom The mom Ta-da
回复: 超级强悍的妈妈之歌,天哪!希望以后不要变成这样据说还有个BABA之歌天下老妈一般强!!!
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