加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在国内, how to 准备护理专业- Q and A.
Question:小熊猫您好,我现在在国内准备护理专业课程,想上college,但没有专业背景,想请教几个问题:1.按照您的信息,护理专业有很多分类,哪种专业就业前景好一些呢 2.因为我没有专业背景,我不知道应该在国内做点什么好一些,听说申请RN,要有个托福成绩,那么我要在国内先考个3.上college,像我这种没专业背景的,是不是要5年啊?我计划今年年底登陆,现在赋闲在家,我想充分利用这些时间。My suggestion:1: RN, RNA, and PAB. Of course RN is the best choice.2. TOEFL is necessary since you don't have Canadian education.3. Normally 3 years, but many people extend it to 4 years for lighter course load and of course for better performance.4. By the way, there exists various of medicare-related programs, you could search further rather than just focusing on nursing. Ex: dental hygienist, lab technologist...
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