加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 新手报道,顺便请教
回复: 新手报道,顺便请教自己顶一下
回复: 新手报道,顺便请教几家手机都有免费的,合同有三年的, 有两年的,机型挺多的, bell mobility,rogers wireless,fido,telus一般常用的是这几家, 都有说好话的, 都有抱怨的, 国内的情况不知道, 没法比较,
Mikai 说:还有就是在办社会安全卡的时候需要什么资料要从国内办好公正好带过去的吗?多谢多谢点击展开...连接:http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sin/apply/proof.shtml移民的话:Permanent Resident Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. This is the only acceptable document if your claim was processed in Canada.Confirmation of Permanent Residence AND visa counterfoil affixed to a foreign passport or a travel documentRecord of Landing issued before June 28, 2002.Temporary residents全文: What information/documents do I need to apply? Primary Documents You need to provide a primary document to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN), replace your card or amend your SIN record (e.g. a name change). A primary document is an official document that proves your identity and status in Canada. We need to see an original of your primary document. If the name on this document is different from the name you currently use, you will also need to provide a supporting document. You must submit one of the following primary documents with your application: Canadian citizens Certificate of Birth or Birth Certificate issued by the vital statistics agency in the province or territory where you were born (Note: We do not accept Quebec proof-of-birth documents issued prior to 1994). Certificate of Canadian Citizenship issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad issued prior to 1977 by CIC. Registered Indians If you are a registered Indian and you want to register your status on your SIN record, submit one of the following: if you were born in Canada, you must submit your original primary document (see section on Canadian Citizens) and a Certificate of Indian Status issued by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).if you were born outside Canada, you must submit your original foreign birth certificate and a Certificate of Indian Status issued by INAC. Permanent residents Permanent Resident Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. This is the only acceptable document if your claim was processed in Canada.Confirmation of Permanent Residence AND visa counterfoil affixed to a foreign passport or a travel documentRecord of Landing issued before June 28, 2002.Temporary residents Work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Study permit issued by CIC and a contract of employment from the learning institution or employer on campus where you obtained authorization to study by CIC (this contract must show the start and end date of employment and these dates must fall within the study permit dates). Visitor record issued by CIC, indicating you are authorized to work in Canada. Diplomatic identity card and a note of permission of employment issued by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT). Important note for temporary residents: you will receive a temporary SIN card that begins with the number "9". Your SIN card expires on the date indicated on the front of the card. This expiry date is based on the CIC document that authorizes you to work in Canada. Supporting Documents A supporting document is a legal document indicating the name you currently use. It is required if the name on your primary document is different. Your supporting document must be an original, written in English or French. In addition to your primary document, you will need to submit one of the following supporting documents with your application, if required: Certificate of marriage, record of solemnization of marriage or marriage statement (or a similarly titled document, depending on the issuing authority) to support your family name after marriage. (Note: This does not apply to Quebec residents, regardless of where they were married after April 1, 1981). Legal change-of-name certificate or court order document issued in accordance with provincial name legislation. Adoption order certified by a Canadian Court (applies to adoptions in Canada only). Notarial certificate, also called notarial adoption certificate, issued by the country of origin of a child adopted abroad and used by the adoptive parents to have the SIN card issued in the adopted child’s Canadian name. Request to Amend Record of Landing issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and used to amend a Record of Landing or a Confirmation of Permanent Residence document..
回复: 新手报道,顺便请教预计会在5月底左右登陆,想问一下各位前辈是从国内买好手机带过去好呢还是在那边直接用免费入网的好?主要想用好看一点的机型,不知道免费的机型怎么样?选择多不多?还有就是在办社会安全卡的时候需要什么资料要从国内办好公正好带过去的吗?多谢多谢点击展开...免费(市面价在$50刀左右)的基本是能通话吧,谈不上好看了,好看的或时尚的也很多但需要补差价。 LZ指的是办社保卡(SIN卡)吧,无需任何公证材料,仅凭移民登陆纸就行了。
拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395免费(市面价在$50刀左右)的基本是能通话吧,谈不上好看了,好看的或时尚的也很多但需要补差价。 LZ指的是办社保卡(SIN卡)吧,无需任何公证材料,仅凭移民登陆纸就行了。点击展开...我不是移民,是工作许可,请问有什么和移民程序不一样的吗?多谢
回复: 新手报道,顺便请教连接:http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sin/apply/proof.shtml移民的话:Permanent Resident Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. This is the only acceptable document if your claim was processed in Canada.Confirmation of Permanent Residence AND visa counterfoil affixed to a foreign passport or a travel documentRecord of Landing issued before June 28, 2002.Temporary residents全文: What information/documents do I need to apply? Primary Documents You need to provide a primary document to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN), replace your card or amend your SIN record (e.g. a name change). A primary document is an official document that proves your identity and status in Canada. We need to see an original of your primary document. If the name on this document is different from the name you currently use, you will also need to provide a supporting document. You must submit one of the following primary documents with your application: Canadian citizens Certificate of Birth or Birth Certificate issued by the vital statistics agency in the province or territory where you were born (Note: We do not accept Quebec proof-of-birth documents issued prior to 1994). Certificate of Canadian Citizenship issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad issued prior to 1977 by CIC. Registered Indians If you are a registered Indian and you want to register your status on your SIN record, submit one of the following: if you were born in Canada, you must submit your original primary document (see section on Canadian Citizens) and a Certificate of Indian Status issued by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).if you were born outside Canada, you must submit your original foreign birth certificate and a Certificate of Indian Status issued by INAC. Permanent residents Permanent Resident Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. This is the only acceptable document if your claim was processed in Canada.Confirmation of Permanent Residence AND visa counterfoil affixed to a foreign passport or a travel documentRecord of Landing issued before June 28, 2002.Temporary residents Work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Study permit issued by CIC and a contract of employment from the learning institution or employer on campus where you obtained authorization to study by CIC (this contract must show the start and end date of employment and these dates must fall within the study permit dates). Visitor record issued by CIC, indicating you are authorized to work in Canada. Diplomatic identity card and a note of permission of employment issued by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT). Important note for temporary residents: you will receive a temporary SIN card that begins with the number "9". Your SIN card expires on the date indicated on the front of the card. This expiry date is based on the CIC document that authorizes you to work in Canada. Supporting Documents A supporting document is a legal document indicating the name you currently use. It is required if the name on your primary document is different. Your supporting document must be an original, written in English or French. In addition to your primary document, you will need to submit one of the following supporting documents with your application, if required: Certificate of marriage, record of solemnization of marriage or marriage statement (or a similarly titled document, depending on the issuing authority) to support your family name after marriage. (Note: This does not apply to Quebec residents, regardless of where they were married after April 1, 1981). Legal change-of-name certificate or court order document issued in accordance with provincial name legislation. Adoption order certified by a Canadian Court (applies to adoptions in Canada only). Notarial certificate, also called notarial adoption certificate, issued by the country of origin of a child adopted abroad and used by the adoptive parents to have the SIN card issued in the adopted child’s Canadian name. Request to Amend Record of Landing issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and used to amend a Record of Landing or a Confirmation of Permanent Residence document..点击展开...谢谢您的回复英语不太好,慢慢看
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