加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Need advises for trip in Europe


My Damn PC crushed today so I have to use the one in Library which I got no Chinese function at all. Damn it! Planning a trip to Spain, Italy and France. Here is the detail:Fly to Barcelona, Spain. Want to stay 3 nights.Please advise cheap accommodation, cheap transportation within Spain between cities and nice eating places(enjoy food so willing to throw money on it, ) Not sure if we can catch up the bull fighting in March as it may too chill out there? Are there any cheaper option to travel from Spain to Italy? Same question in Italy and France. Really need comments from those who got experiences in Paris, Rome and Venice. Had enjoy a lot from "a trip in Italy". Thanks "solei Li". The Key thing is want to save money in accommodation and transportation so I can spend more on eatingThat is why I choosen those three countries with nice reputation in their food. Thanks in advance!

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe我来回答一点吧 西班牙巴塞罗那非常值得一去,介绍一家华人旅馆给你,很不错,我们当年去就是这家旅馆,包早饭,而且每天阿姨都烧不同样式的中式早饭。链接如下http://chinameishan.spaces.live.com/,至于游玩方式,建议买巴塞罗那当地的大眼睛旅游巴士联票,一共有3条线,无限乘坐,而且班次很多,基本涉及所有巴塞罗那的旅游景点。美食么,巴塞罗纳的海鲜饭,炸墨鱼,还有海鲜也很便宜,如果是球迷,巴萨俱乐部是不可不去的一大景点,现在还在赛季中,可能你还有机会看到巴萨训练。 西班牙去意大利的信息,你去一个网站叫做穷游,http://www.go2cn.com/,里面有很多相关信息。西班牙有一家廉航叫vueling,多关注一下,它的机票应该算很便宜的了。 其实建议你从巴塞罗那先去巴黎,然后要去意大利的话,可以报巴黎的中国旅行团,当然抱团的话比较省心,景点都是蜻蜓点水,自己斟酌。 巴黎酒店有好有坏,一定要注意酒店所在区域,巴黎的北面,Gare de l'est,Gare du nord附近最好不要选择,很多区晚上不安全,推荐一家在LA DEFENSE的连锁酒店,IBIS在欧洲很有名,所在的LA DEFENSE是巴黎新区,相当于上海浦东陆家嘴的位置,那里有著名的新凯旋门,酒店旁边就是1号线地铁,去香街,协和广场等景点10分钟之内就可到达,我家之前就在那里,治安绝对放心,毕竟出门在外,安全第一。http://www.ibishotel.com/gb/hotel-0771-ibis-paris-la-defense-centre/index.shtml,这是酒店网址,可以在线预约。 巴黎总体的区域安全是下面比上面好,左边比右边好,如果酒店位置比较偏,尽量不要选择晚上出去游荡,不要携带贵重物品,阿拉伯人黑人抢劫事件时有发生。 在意大利,小心小偷,比较猖狂,看管好自己的贵重物品和钱包,切记。 总体就这些,更多法国相关信息,可以参考战斗在法国论坛,bbs.revefrance.com。 希望可以帮到你

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeHi,I would like to share some experinces on the journey in Venice with you. The restaurant in Venice is very traditionnal but expensive. The local menu proposes the start, the spaghetti , the main plate (which is often the meat with the vegetable) and the dessert. Furthermore, if you ask for some wines, the bill of a complete menu would be up to at least 40 euros per person. The service charges is included in some restaurants. Concerning the transport, we went to other islands everyday by boat, which is a public transport. The 3-days transport card could be interesting. We bought this one, but we found most of the passengers didn't buy the transport ticket and we never met the inspector who checks the ticket on boat during our stay. However, the trafic between the airport and island is serieusly controlled, We walked around when we were on islands. Franckly, I was tired after a whole day footing but you could sleep very well at night. I found some useful information on the accomodation or famous restaurants in Paris from the site: bbs. revefrance.com have a good journey!

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe威尼斯船上查票的 我一天之内遇到两次29岁以下22欧 3日通船票,是最便宜。主岛火车站两边旅馆蛮多的,随便找几个问问。或者火车站前一站叫MESTRE的,旅馆更多比主岛便宜,但是入岛要做15分钟公车。罗马可买ROMA PASS 23欧包括3日交通PASS 头两个景点或者博物馆免费 推荐去BORGHESE GALLERY 和 COLLOSEO 这两个地方门票加起来已经是20欧了 剩下的景点凭ROMA PASS是对折。梵帝冈博物馆不包括在内。VATICAN MUSEUM学生凭国际学生卡对折。罗马我住在B&B PRINCE INN 蛮便宜的 双人间40欧 很干净 在地铁口 罗马火车站附近旅馆很多 竟争很激烈 都不贵PARIS到VENICE可以坐飞机 找一下RYANAIR的廉价机票 VENICE到ROMA可以火车也可以廉航 自己选择吧

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)我来回答一点吧 西班牙巴塞罗那非常值得一去,介绍一家华人旅馆给你,很不错,我们当年去就是这家旅馆,包早饭,而且每天阿姨都烧不同样式的中式早饭。链接如下http://chinameishan.spaces.live.com/,至于游玩方式,建议买巴塞罗那当地的大眼睛旅游巴士联票,一共有3条线,无限乘坐,而且班次很多,基本涉及所有巴塞罗那的旅游景点。美食么,巴塞罗纳的海鲜饭,炸墨鱼,还有海鲜也很便宜,如果是球迷,巴萨俱乐部是不可不去的一大景点,现在还在赛季中,可能你还有机会看到巴萨训练。 西班牙去意大利的信息,你去一个网站叫做穷游,http://www.go2cn.com/,里面有很多相关信息。西班牙有一家廉航叫vueling,多关注一下,它的机票应该算很便宜的了。 其实建议你从巴塞罗那先去巴黎,然后要去意大利的话,可以报巴黎的中国旅行团,当然抱团的话比较省心,景点都是蜻蜓点水,自己斟酌。 巴黎酒店有好有坏,一定要注意酒店所在区域,巴黎的北面,Gare de l'est,Gare du nord附近最好不要选择,很多区晚上不安全,推荐一家在LA DEFENSE的连锁酒店,IBIS在欧洲很有名,所在的LA DEFENSE是巴黎新区,相当于上海浦东陆家嘴的位置,那里有著名的新凯旋门,酒店旁边就是1号线地铁,去香街,协和广场等景点10分钟之内就可到达,我家之前就在那里,治安绝对放心,毕竟出门在外,安全第一。http://www.ibishotel.com/gb/hotel-0771-ibis-paris-la-defense-centre/index.shtml,这是酒店网址,可以在线预约。 巴黎总体的区域安全是下面比上面好,左边比右边好,如果酒店位置比较偏,尽量不要选择晚上出去游荡,不要携带贵重物品,阿拉伯人黑人抢劫事件时有发生。 在意大利,小心小偷,比较猖狂,看管好自己的贵重物品和钱包,切记。 总体就这些,更多法国相关信息,可以参考战斗在法国论坛,bbs.revefrance.com。 希望可以帮到你点击展开...It's really help a lot. Do u recommend to take the train across the boder between the countries? As we hate to take the flight. Bus takes too long but train is more expensive than on the air. Regarding the thief issue, someone had warn us that you may facing more jerks in Spain Talking about Paris, someone said Savellie(hope I spell it right) is nice area to stay as there are so many nice dine places around it. Just no idea it maybe too expensive to stay.

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeHi,I would like to share some experinces on the journey in Venice with you. The restaurant in Venice is very traditionnal but expensive. The local menu proposes the start, the spaghetti , the main plate (which is often the meat with the vegetable) and the dessert. Furthermore, if you ask for some wines, the bill of a complete menu would be up to at least 40 euros per person. The service charges is included in some restaurants. Concerning the transport, we went to other islands everyday by boat, which is a public transport. The 3-days transport card could be interesting. We bought this one, but we found most of the passengers didn't buy the transport ticket and we never met the inspector who checks the ticket on boat during our stay. However, the trafic between the airport and island is serieusly controlled, We walked around when we were on islands. Franckly, I was tired after a whole day footing but you could sleep very well at night. I found some useful information on the accomodation or famous restaurants in Paris from the site: bbs. revefrance.com have a good journey!点击展开... Hi yaa, thank u so much for the sharing!I guess I have to enjoy the landscape only in Venice and eat a lot when I am in Rome. Your comments about Venice has just confirmed what "Solei Li" experienced couple month ago. Very interested!

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe威尼斯船上查票的 我一天之内遇到两次29岁以下22欧 3日通船票,是最便宜。主岛火车站两边旅馆蛮多的,随便找几个问问。或者火车站前一站叫MESTRE的,旅馆更多比主岛便宜,但是入岛要做15分钟公车。罗马可买ROMA PASS 23欧包括3日交通PASS 头两个景点或者博物馆免费 推荐去BORGHESE GALLERY 和 COLLOSEO 这两个地方门票加起来已经是20欧了 剩下的景点凭ROMA PASS是对折。梵帝冈博物馆不包括在内。VATICAN MUSEUM学生凭国际学生卡对折。罗马我住在B&B PRINCE INN 蛮便宜的 双人间40欧 很干净 在地铁口 罗马火车站附近旅馆很多 竟争很激烈 都不贵PARIS到VENICE可以坐飞机 找一下RYANAIR的廉价机票 VENICE到ROMA可以火车也可以廉航 自己选择吧点击展开... Ha ha, Finally drag u up here. Sorry to spell u nick name wrong again, and again. Your trip experience is very, very enjoyable and inspire us to give it a try. Do u recommend any places to stop by when we travel between Rome and Venice(or otherway around) ?

回复: Need advises for trip in Europebtw. some hotel in italy has discount if you pay in cash, around 10%, do remember to ask the staff about that.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)Ha ha, Finally drag u up here. Sorry to spell u nick name wrong again, and again. Your trip experience is very, very enjoyable and inspire us to give it a try. Do u recommend any places to stop by when we travel between Rome and Venice(or otherway around) ?点击展开...no problem. i stopped in Florence between Venice and Roma.Florence is worthwhile to pay a visit and i find the restos there are the cheapest among all italian big cities. you can take train from venice to florence, then florence to roma. the train is convenient in italy.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)no problem. i stopped in Florence between Venice and Roma.Florence is worthwhile to pay a visit and i find the restos there are the cheapest among all italian big cities. you can take train from venice to florence, then florence to roma. the train is convenient in italy.点击展开...Thanks, Soleil Lee. I will definately visit Florence as u recommended.

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeThanks, Soleil Lee. I will definately visit Florence as u recommended.点击展开...http://www.trenitalia.it trains schedule and price can be checked out here. besides, www.go2eu.com is a good resource as blueflier said.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)It's really help a lot. Do u recommend to take the train across the boder between the countries? As we hate to take the flight. Bus takes too long but train is more expensive than on the air. Regarding the thief issue, someone had warn us that you may facing more jerks in Spain Talking about Paris, someone said Savellie(hope I spell it right) is nice area to stay as there are so many nice dine places around it. Just no idea it maybe too expensive to stay.点击展开...火车也许是个节省旅费的好办法,但是要事先了解火车票价格,如果坐夜车,一定要休息好,否则第二天就变成国宝出游了。 至于巴黎,吃的方面,基本上是样东西都比加拿大的好,从羊角面包,巧克力面包,葡萄面包,奶制品,到牛排羊排海鲜拼盘。法国人对于吃的热衷,当我在法国的时候还没觉得怎么样,到了北美才发现,加拿大人真的不太会吃,可能魁北克比其他的北美地区要好一点。扯远了,如果你想尝尝法国牛排,给你一个比较经济实惠又好吃的推荐,Buffalo,里面的牛排不错,在巴黎是连锁的,我记得place de la republique有。巴黎的KFC比蒙特利尔的好太多了。 你说的saveille,我没听说过,不知道Lee有没有什么意见,我只知道,西班牙有座城市叫sevilla。西班牙的治安,我在巴塞罗那觉得还好,但是地铁上也要注意小偷。sevilla我去过,晚上尽量不要去人少的地方。

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe至于巴黎,吃的方面,基本上是样东西都比加拿大的好,从羊角面包,巧克力面包,葡萄面包,奶制品,到牛排羊排海鲜拼盘。法国人对于吃的热衷,当我在法国的时候还没觉得怎么样,到了北美才发现,加拿大人真的不太会吃,可能魁北克比其他的北美地区要好一点。扯远了,如果你想尝尝法国牛排,给你一个比较经济实惠又好吃的推荐,Buffalo,里面的牛排不错,在巴黎是连锁的,我记得place de la republique有。巴黎的KFC比蒙特利尔的好太多了。点击展开...同意,法国的甜点真是一级棒,比加拿大的甜点好太多太多,后者太甜了.去法国超市的话,会发现一整排的甜点和酸奶,如果是女生并且热爱甜点的话一定要试试.有一种玻璃瓶装的酸奶很好吃,加拿大没有,可以试试.还有CREME,有种叫DANETTE,有香草,巧克力等几种口味,是偶超级喜欢的.FYI.BUFFALO我也吃过,不错,貌似在LES HALLES也有一家,还有高速公路休息站也有.巴黎的KFC在LES HALLES有一家,是比蒙城的PFK好吃... BLUE的信息很完整很正确,不愧是老巴黎了哈...至于意大利,SOLEIL童鞋的信息是最UPDATE的了... PS: BLUE,本来已经差不多淡忘巴黎了,可看到你的帖子又...哎...:))))

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe火车也许是个节省旅费的好办法,但是要事先了解火车票价格,如果坐夜车,一定要休息好,否则第二天就变成国宝出游了。 至于巴黎,吃的方面,基本上是样东西都比加拿大的好,从羊角面包,巧克力面包,葡萄面包,奶制品,到牛排羊排海鲜拼盘。法国人对于吃的热衷,当我在法国的时候还没觉得怎么样,到了北美才发现,加拿大人真的不太会吃,可能魁北克比其他的北美地区要好一点。扯远了,如果你想尝尝法国牛排,给你一个比较经济实惠又好吃的推荐,Buffalo,里面的牛排不错,在巴黎是连锁的,我记得place de la republique有。巴黎的KFC比蒙特利尔的好太多了。 你说的saveille,我没听说过,不知道Lee有没有什么意见,我只知道,西班牙有座城市叫sevilla。西班牙的治安,我在巴塞罗那觉得还好,但是地铁上也要注意小偷。sevilla我去过,晚上尽量不要去人少的地方。点击展开... Oppppps! To me, the key point to visit those 3 countries is food. I believe those 3 countries representing the best part of history of europe and food in the whole world. If u guys have been in the europe, you will find how poorly the food taste in Ca. (of course, ca got some other things to enjoy which you may not found in europe) I am really missing those delicacy in the europe, i.e, bakery in France(never been there before, haha), roast pork shank and beers in German, English triffle and Muffins, those two famous food named thotille or payalla(I have never remembered how to spell them out, shame) in Spain, haha. Pls recommend what you think is good, the more the better.

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeMy Damn PC crushed today so I have to use the one in Library which I got no Chinese function at all. Damn it! Planning a trip to Spain, Italy and France. Here is the detail:Fly to Barcelona, Spain. Want to stay 3 nights.Please advise cheap accommodation, cheap transportation within Spain between cities and nice eating places(enjoy food so willing to throw money on it, ) Not sure if we can catch up the bull fighting in March as it may too chill out there? Are there any cheaper option to travel from Spain to Italy? Same question in Italy and France. Really need comments from those who got experiences in Paris, Rome and Venice. Had enjoy a lot from "a trip in Italy". Thanks "solei Li". The Key thing is want to save money in accommodation and transportation so I can spend more on eatingThat is why I choosen those three countries with nice reputation in their food. Thanks in advance!点击展开...www.hosteltraveler.comwww.hostelbookers.comwww.hostelworld.comwww.hostels.com **(I really like this one)三月份挺冷的,最好不要赶在复活节,人多的要命,住宿贵的要命。西班牙和意大利之间很多廉价航空,一般周三最便宜,15-20欧就有。不过航班的最后登机时间各个机场有点不一样,事先先问一下比较好。也可以坐火车,卧铺夜车会贵一点(约70-90欧),不过能节约一晚住宿的钱。 如果你在那里玩的时间长,也可以买火车通票。西班牙的青年旅馆不错又便宜,西班牙整个物价比意大利要便宜,意大利又比法国便宜。Barcelona可以去海边走走,找个当地人问问哪里吃海鲜比较好,有些热情的人会带你去。当然如果你是单身小女孩那就别跟人去了。意大利的话,罗马有点乱、有很多B&B还不错,玩的话基本就走就行了,城里四处散落着景点和古迹。Venice挺小的,住一晚足够了,也可以坐第一天凌晨的火车到,玩到凌晨走,如果你抗的住。凌晨到有个好处,可以去大广场看日出,非常惊艳;到日落再去一次,看看水没广场的景象。巴黎我玩了五天,住的是11区的青年旅馆,找离地铁近的那种就可以。去巴黎想吃大餐,最好多找几个人一起去,这样才不浪费。

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe和BLUE一样,我也没听到过,不会是说BELLEVILLE吧,那里是有很多中餐馆,可是也很乱的说... 同意,法国的甜点真是一级棒,比加拿大的甜点好太多太多,后者太甜了.去法国超市的话,会发现一整排的甜点和酸奶,如果是女生并且热爱甜点的话一定要试试.有一种玻璃瓶装的酸奶很好吃,加拿大没有,可以试试.还有CREME,有种叫DANETTE,有香草,巧克力等几种口味,是偶超级喜欢的.FYI.BUFFALO我也吃过,不错,貌似在LES HALLES也有一家,还有高速公路休息站也有.巴黎的KFC在LES HALLES有一家,是比蒙城的PFK好吃... BLUE的信息很完整很正确,不愧是老巴黎了哈...至于意大利,SOLEIL童鞋的信息是最UPDATE的了... PS: BLUE,本来已经差不多淡忘巴黎了,可看到你的帖子又...哎...:))))点击展开...法国有法国的优点,巴黎的生活很精致,但是给人一种漂泊的感觉,哪怕拿到CDI,也就那么回事。 加拿大有加拿大的好处,生活比较泛泛,但是可以给我们一种归属感,至少不需要每年去人潮汹涌的prefecture申请Titre de sejour,我是受够了。 巴黎,还是有很多美好的东西,期待下一次回巴黎,那种感觉应该还是很不错的。 PS: 美女的奶奶身体怎么样了?祝她老人家新年身体越来越好,平平安安!

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeOppppps! To me, the key point to visit those 3 countries is food. I believe those 3 countries representing the best part of history of europe and food in the whole world. If u guys have been in the europe, you will find how poorly the food taste in Ca. (of course, ca got some other things to enjoy which you may not found in europe) I am really missing those delicacy in the europe, i.e, bakery in France(never been there before, haha), roast pork shank and beers in German, English triffle and Muffins, those two famous food named thotille or payalla(I have never remembered how to spell them out, shame) in Spain, haha. Pls recommend what you think is good, the more the better.点击展开... 美食,有的时候并不一定有名的餐馆饭店就做得好吃,有的时候深巷的小吃店也经常会给人惊喜。旅游,品尝美食也是一种对历史的品味,enjoy it!

回复: Need advises for trip in Europe法国有法国的优点,巴黎的生活很精致,但是给人一种漂泊的感觉,哪怕拿到CDI,也就那么回事。 加拿大有加拿大的好处,生活比较泛泛,但是可以给我们一种归属感,至少不需要每年去人潮汹涌的prefecture申请Titre de sejour,我是受够了。 巴黎,还是有很多美好的东西,期待下一次回巴黎,那种感觉应该还是很不错的。 PS: 美女的奶奶身体怎么样了?祝她老人家新年身体越来越好,平平安安!点击展开...agree...谢谢BLUE的问候,我奶奶的身体状态比我刚回来的前两周平稳许多...我可以安心过年和FB了....借外面鞭炮声(12点迎财神),祝大家在新年事业顺利,财源广进...

回复: Need advises for trip in Europewww.hosteltraveler.comwww.hostelbookers.comwww.hostelworld.comwww.hostels.com **(I really like this one) 三月份挺冷的,最好不要赶在复活节,人多的要命,住宿贵的要命。西班牙和意大利之间很多廉价航空,一般周三最便宜,15-20欧就有。不过航班的最后登机时间各个机场有点不一样,事先先问一下比较好。也可以坐火车,卧铺夜车会贵一点(约70-90欧),不过能节约一晚住宿的钱。 如果你在那里玩的时间长,也可以买火车通票。西班牙的青年旅馆不错又便宜,西班牙整个物价比意大利要便宜,意大利又比法国便宜。Barcelona可以去海边走走,找个当地人问问哪里吃海鲜比较好,有些热情的人会带你去。当然如果你是单身小女孩那就别跟人去了。意大利的话,罗马有点乱、有很多B&B还不错,玩的话基本就走就行了,城里四处散落着景点和古迹。Venice挺小的,住一晚足够了,也可以坐第一天凌晨的火车到,玩到凌晨走,如果你抗的住。凌晨到有个好处,可以去大广场看日出,非常惊艳;到日落再去一次,看看水没广场的景象。巴黎我玩了五天,住的是11区的青年旅馆,找离地铁近的那种就可以。去巴黎想吃大餐,最好多找几个人一起去,这样才不浪费。点击展开...Thanks for the sharing! I do like www.hostels.com. sometimes, I do use www.budgetplaces.com to compare two sites in the same time. It's a bit fun to be a bargin hunter except too many information to hurt my small brain!!! According to u comments, I might be changed my plan.Stay in Barcelona for 3 nights(not sure if it is enough?). Fly to Rome, Italy from Barcelona using budget airlines.Stay 3 nights in Rome in the hotel which Soleil Lee recommended. Take train to Florence and stay 2 nights(too long or too short?) Carry on in the train to Venice and stay 2 nights. Here I may need input again:Is it worth to give one day in German or should I visit Prague? I guess the final stop will be Paris and I am going to stay around a week. Don't know if I can find any student's dorm to stay a week and spend more money on the food???!!!

回复: Need advises for trip in EuropeThanks for the sharing! I do like www.hostels.com. sometimes, I do use www.budgetplaces.com to compare two sites in the same time. It's a bit fun to be a bargin hunter except too many information to hurt my small brain!!! According to u comments, I might be changed my plan.Stay in Barcelona for 3 nights(not sure if it is enough?). Fly to Rome, Italy from Barcelona using budget airlines.Stay 3 nights in Rome in the hotel which Soleil Lee recommended. Take train to Florence and stay 2 nights(too long or too short?) Carry on in the train to Venice and stay 2 nights. Here I may need input again:Is it worth to give one day in German or should I visit Prague? I guess the final stop will be Paris and I am going to stay around a week. Don't know if I can find any student's dorm to stay a week and spend more money on the food???!!!点击展开...有时候我喜欢背起包就走的感觉,什么也不订,走到哪里玩到哪里吃到哪里。说到吃,我还挺记挂Florence 圣十字教堂后面那条巷里的羊杂碎Barcelona 3晚的话,因为我没有那么迷建筑,所以觉得有点多。西班牙好玩的地方不少,也可以去别的城市看看。罗马三晚是要的,梵蒂岗也是要去的。Florence 2晚好象有点少,这个城市我非常喜欢。不过一般男士多喜欢罗马,女士更喜欢Florence,这个也很难说了。PARIS的小旅馆太多了,住一周完全没问题。法国南部也是很美的,有时间也可以自己开车慢慢玩过去。不知道你整个行程要多久,是不是出去玩的很频繁。如果你是常出去玩的人,德国这次可以不要去,以后专门去玩。匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士走一个圈。西班牙、意大利,法国这些慢慢玩都要挺久时间的。

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