加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息St Patrick's Day的来历
顾名思义这天(3月17日)是为了纪念沈派翠同志的日子, 派翠是个英国人出生时原名叫梅文苏佳(Maewyn Succat), 父亲是教会的一名执事(不过他父亲加入教会的目的是为了少缴点税). 派翠16岁那年他的家乡被爱尔兰人掠夺他也被爱尔兰人绑架为奴在爱尔兰的麻油郡(County Mayo)放羊.在为奴其间派翠信仰了上帝, 一天晚上他做梦梦见自己逃出了为奴之地回到了英国的家乡, 第二天他真的成功出逃走了200英里回到了家乡. 回家后不久一天晚上他又做了个梦, 梦中天使对他呼召要他再回爱尔兰把基督教福音传给爱尔兰人, 派翠顺服了神的旨意, 为此他装备了15年成为一名宣教士去爱尔兰传福音, 并改名为派翠作为自己的教名.西元432年他回到了爱尔兰, 向他们传福音, 当时的爱尔兰人异教盛行, 日月星辰无所不拜, 但是派翠成功的将基督的福音和三位一体的真理在爱尔兰人中传开了. 派翠在爱尔兰传道及开设学校为主做工近30年与西元461年3月17日安息主怀. 爱尔兰人尊其为国师, 为了纪念他遂把每年3月17日定为St Patrick's Day, 这天不单是爱尔兰的national holiday, 英国, 美国, 加拿大, 澳洲, 纽西兰等地都有相应的庆祝活动.
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历明天风雨交加,还是不去了
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: St Patrick's Day的来历没解释绿色的用意
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历没解释绿色的用意点击展开...check it out by yourself, let me know if u don't understand anything.Originally the color associated with St. Patrick was blue, not green.[6] However over the years the color green and its association with St. Patrick's day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century.[7] He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day.[8][9] Then in 1798 in hopes of making a political statement Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on March 17th in hopes of catching attention with their unusual fashion gimmick.[10] The phrase "the wearing of the green", meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing, derives from the song of the same name.
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历check it out by yourself, let me know if u don't understand anything. Originally the color associated with St. Patrick was blue, not green.[6] However over the years the color green and its association with St. Patrick's day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century.[7] He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day.[8][9] Then in 1798 in hopes of making a political statement Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on March 17th in hopes of catching attention with their unusual fashion gimmick.[10] The phrase "the wearing of the green", meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing, derives from the song of the same name.点击展开... 能不能麻烦LZ翻译一下啊,翻译的好坏看水平哦
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历能不能麻烦LZ翻译一下啊,翻译的好坏看水平哦 点击展开...你这不是摆我上台嘛, 就咱这英语水平就不丢人现眼了.
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历嗯,明天要去看看游行~~
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历嗯,明天要去看看游行~~点击展开...去了没? 看到死人现场了吗? 一康大学生今天游行时被车碾死了.http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2010/03/14/montreal-parade-death.html
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历就这天,还真有人去啦?
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历就这天,还真有人去啦?点击展开...是啊, 又冷又湿, 不过早上开车去唐人街, 一路上发现车特别多, 停车场都complet不知是否和parade有关.
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历是啊, 又冷又湿, 不过早上开车去唐人街, 一路上发现车特别多, 停车场都complet不知是否和parade有关.点击展开...雨下的好大,以为得取消了呢
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历去了没? 看到死人现场了吗? 一康大学生今天游行时被车碾死了.http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2010/03/14/montreal-parade-death.html点击展开...还好没去
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历去了没? 看到死人现场了吗? 一康大学生今天游行时被车碾死了. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2010/03/14/montreal-parade-death.html点击展开... 没去,睡过了。醒来一看,怎么都下午了,方知改时间了。 唉,年轻人,真可怜。
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历唉,今天天气比昨天好多了,这么长时间就绿帽帽这天下雨。。。。
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历?地可市周日佩行慢帕特里克日(St. Patrick's Day)花?巡咣活?╋?成死亡??。1名20?男子跳下花?╋被????。意外在?地可市大街巡咣地?办生╋死者?自魁北克省拉瓦?(Laval)。意 外办生後?小?╋男子伏?褚路上╋?篦用您布覆慎。??商??大街??街?封骈╋整查人??览一蓥以三叁草覆慎的大型??。意 外在周日下午2?15分办生╋??花?巡咣活?已咄行?小?╋?局在意外後矿短活?╋警方疏散?以千?的愚?。肇事?╋人行道上??目?者 ╋但警方真╋致命意外?情不清楚。警方办言人勒米厄(Anie Lemieux)真?「??有目?酌人╋但很膣催定他在??停定?跳下?╋抑或??。」肇事花??於?地1所?院╋??安众普利斯?院 (Marianopolis College)办言人阿拉朗博(Kathryn Haralambous)真╋死者不?於?院。她真╋他? 安排?上25人回家╋?上1名蒿???助巡咣活??加者。整查?人真╋??年蒺男子在肇事????街?外跳上花?╋死者是其中一人。後?? 人?定跳下??╋死者就在那?倒在?下。勒米厄真╋第2名年蒺男子受罄╋需要治?╋整查??向他??。她又真╋目?酌人看到 呃年蒺人喝酒。在?地可慢帕特里克日巡咣??喝酒╋是?靳?祝活?。在巡咣路?上╋沿途可?愚???喝啤酒和威士忌。2002 年也有?似的意外╋1名大?生在慢帕特里克日巡咣?被花??咿腽腿。
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历若没记错的话,绿色的三叶草是爱尔兰的标志...都柏林的三一神学院很出名...
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历真惨貌似02年的那个学生也是concordia的。。。
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历若没记错的话,绿色的三叶草是爱尔兰的标志...都柏林的三一神学院很出名...点击展开...yup, shamrock is the symbol of ireland, coz patrick used that to illustrate Trinity.
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历yup, shamrock is the symbol of ireland, coz patrick used that to illustrate Trinity.点击展开...c pour ca...tu pourrais y aller un jour peut-etre...
回复: St Patrick's Day的来历今天看见报纸上的新闻,真是感到遗憾,如此节日添上如此悲痛之事,舆论报道都将事情的起因推向喝酒导致的,看样子以后游行要检查酒精了。
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