加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问 daycare退税
小孩上的daycare $35/天,请问现在向政府申请每个季度的的退税,是孩子的父母双方都必须读书或者工作,还是一方在读书或者工作就可以?谢谢!
回复: 请问 daycare退税up,up!没有人知道吗?
回复: 请问 daycare退税帮顶!
回复: 请问 daycare退税至少一方在读书或者工作就可以
回复: 请问 daycare退税谢谢,给上面两位加SW!
回复: 请问 daycare退税那请问如果读part-time的书呢?
BEIJING CASE:2009年01月30日 寄出资料 /02月03日 CIC签收 /02月23日 DM /03月09日 致电CIC知已转往BEIJING /03月15日 收FN补护照 12 /3月17日 EMS护照 /3月18日 护照妥投 /3月20日 接使馆电话 /4月28日 补料 /5月18日 13 /5月19日 17 /5月20日 大信封 回复: 请问 daycare退税应该是双方都是全职读书或工作。
回复: 请问 daycare退税我看到那个网上的条款,说的是:至少一方。而且打过电话去询问得到证实。应该是双方都是全职读书或工作。点击展开...
回复: 请问 daycare退税楼主没申请subsidy吗?都是自己逃的钱啊?
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回复: 请问 daycare退税退税好像是收入低的一方报如果一方没有收入,就没有交什么税,估计也没啥退税
回复: 请问 daycare退税双方都有工作的话,报在收入底的一方。一方读书,一方工作的话,报在工作的一方。
回复: 请问 daycare退税没有,现在能找到一个离家近的daycare已经很不错了,$7一天的根本排不上,大概夏天的时候才能有位子,所以要先申请政府的退税啊,据说最高退75%。 不过要确定一下是不是一方读书或者工作就行了。其实在过2个月也就双方工作了,不过要赶着在3月31日前递交申请。 谢谢!点击展开... 你是报2009年的税,和再过2个月(2010年)工作没有关系。
回复: 请问 daycare退税你是报2009年的税,和再过2个月(2010年)工作没有关系。点击展开...没说清楚,我不是报2009年的税,我是申请政府的提前退税/费,就是提前把今年2010年的daycare的钱退回来。
回复: 请问 daycare退税Requirements for advance payments To receive advance payments of the refundable tax credit for child-care expenses, all of the following requirements must be met: -You are the biological or adoptive parent of a child who is living with you at the time of the application, or the spouse of the child's parent. -You are resident in Québec at the time of the application. -For the taxation year concerned, you believe you are entitled to claim over $1,000 as a tax credit for child-care expenses. (This requirement does not apply if you are also entitled to a work premium of over $500 for the same year.) -You are registered for direct deposit. If you and your spouse both believe you are entitled to claim the tax credit for child-care expenses for the year, only one of you may apply for advance payments. Important You must inform Revenu Québec of any change during the year in your personal or family situation that could affect the amount of your advance payments of the tax credit for child-care expenses.
回复: 请问 daycare退税Requirements for advance payments To receive advance payments of the refundable tax credit for child-care expenses, all of the following requirements must be met: -You are the biological or adoptive parent of a child who is living with you at the time of the application, or the spouse of the child's parent. -You are resident in Québec at the time of the application. -For the taxation year concerned, you believe you are entitled to claim over $1,000 as a tax credit for child-care expenses. (This requirement does not apply if you are also entitled to a work premium of over $500 for the same year.) -You are registered for direct deposit. If you and your spouse both believe you are entitled to claim the tax credit for child-care expenses for the year, only one of you may apply for advance payments. Important You must inform Revenu Québec of any change during the year in your personal or family situation that could affect the amount of your advance payments of the tax credit for child-care expenses. 点击展开...谢谢楼上。主要是没看见有没有说必须两人都工作或者读书,听说是一人即可。
回复: 请问 daycare退税没说清楚,我不是报2009年的税,我是申请政府的提前退税/费,就是提前把今年2010年的daycare的钱退回来。点击展开...哦,那是一季度一退的吧。退款额是按照上一年的家庭收入计算。家里必须有一方工作或都工作。
回复: 请问 daycare退税家里有6岁以下的孩子,PART-TIME读书,享受full-time的福利,所以对于楼主来说,只要读书就可以按full-time的标准报销daycare的费用的。
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