加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 签合同前应知道的十件事(转载)(


Before You Sign any Contract: 10 Things You Need to Know You've decided to get that cell phone, credit card, or gym membershipbut do you know exactly what you are getting into? Before you sign any contract, here are 10 things you need to know. 1. Shop around!Understand exactly what each company is offering. The more you know, the more you can negotiate. Compare price, guarantee or warranty, duration of contract and any other terms or conditions that are important to you. 2. Know who you're dealing withReputation is important, so ask friends or family for references. If you are not sure about a company's reputation, check with the Better Business Bureau or investigate a company online at www.ccbbb.ca. 3. Negotiate!Most contracts can be negotiated. Use the information you gathered while shopping around to get the best service and price. If the company or individual wants your business, they will listen to your arguments. Don't feel pressured to sign immediately this is your decision to make! 4. Read the contract and pay attention to the detailsDon't rely on verbal promises; make sure any agreements or claims made by the salesperson are written into the contract. Strike out elements you do not want to agree with, and have these changes initialled by you and the salesperson before you sign. Fill all blank spaces so that details cannot be added later by the salesperson. 5. Understand everything in the contractAsk the salesperson questions and get advice from someone knowledgeable if there are elements you don't understand. And don't forget the fine print; it is part of the contract too! If you feel you need to, have a lawyer review the contract.6. Know who to call for help or to lodge a complaintAsk the salesperson for a customer service phone number and the steps to take if you need to make a complaint. 7. Remember: you are responsibleA signed contract is a legal document, so you will have to live with what you agreed to. Generally, a contract cannot be changed or broken unless you and the other party both agree (see next tip). 8. Know how to get out of itUsually, a short period of time is allowed to cancel a contract without penalty; it's called the "cooling off period" and it should be described in the contract. Even if it isn't, you could still have a cooling off period, so check with the Consumer Protection Act of your province or territory. Otherwise, to cancel a contract before it is over, both parties have to agree and most of the time, it will cost you! 9. Sleep on it!Is this what you really need and want? It's OK to change your mind before signing or agreeing to a contract. 10. Once it's signed, get a copy and keep itYou may need it later on for reference, or to launch a complaint if you have a problem.

回复: 签合同前应知道的十件事(转载)(附网站推荐)原文出处:http://www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/eng/publications/TipSheets/TSContracts-eng.asp About FCAC Who FCAC are The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is an independent body working to protect and inform consumers of financial services.We were established in 2001 by the federal government to strengthen oversight of consumer issues and expand consumer education in the financial sector. What FCAC do As a federal regulatory agency, FCAC is responsible for:ensuring that federally regulated financial institutions comply with federal consumer protection laws and regulations;monitoring financial institutions' compliance with voluntary codes of conduct and their own public commitments;informing consumers about their rights and responsibilities when dealing with financial institutions; andproviding timely and objective information and tools to help consumers understand, and shop around for, a variety of financial products and services.

回复: 签合同前应知道的十件事(转载)(附网站推荐)FCAC网址:http://www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/eng/default.asp 推荐大家多多阅读“publications"部分中"consumer publications"的文章,可以更好地了解加拿大银行、保险、信贷等方面的业务,从而做出最适合自己需求的选择。 网站内的互动工具,方便大家选择适合自己的银行业务:http://www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/eng/consumers/ITools/default.asp

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