加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊


[FONT=宋体]1. 北京奥运前夕汶川地震,上海世博前夕玉树地震,上期《体坛周报》报道:国际 足联有意让中国申请举办世界杯。帝国主义亡我之心不死……2.注意《2012》第20分钟20秒台词…美国总统对女儿说“波兰总统夫妇已经提前登机了”………4.大学里有棵树,叫高数,很多人挂在上面……7. 世博志愿者培训详细介绍了如何辨别脏读、发轮功、⑥四分子,配图详细解说,在座大学生表示惊异,部分称此前从未听说过⑥四。10. 张鸣:一个武装到牙齿的政府,居然怕民众有菜刀。既然菜刀要实名制,那锤子榔头呢?其实一块板砖,也同样可怕, 都实名制了吧。11.@necotsuka: 老爹去开世博安全会议,回来跟我讲 笑话:下个月世博会场,留心看、会发现许多185高个手提黑色长柄雨伞的男人,其名为“伞人”;不 要去惹他们;若有人在会场滋事,伞人会在第一时间将其放倒――然后打开黑色长柄雨伞挡住路人和记者的围观… 15. 逃生指南:地震了,往挂有国徽的建筑里跑~~~16. 阿奄旺旺消息:?家?北京、内蒙、邢胚地震辟蛀。到底是辟蛀?是?相盍????17. 矿难一来,就没人搭理疫苗了,孩子们于是不了了之;地震一来,就没人搭理矿难了,矿工们于是不了了之年复一年日复一日的新闻 盛宴、悲剧不过就是人们解闷的新鲜谈资。新闻做久了,会觉得无比悲哀,我们打着良知的旗号,所作所为却如此功利。19.日本人冈本真夜1997年的一首歌无耻地抄袭了我们2010年世博会的会歌,太可恶了!!20.USGS, EMSC,香港天文台都报6.9级,新华社却说7.1级,为什么?因为学校的抗震等级应该是7.021.有 人说,为什么建国后中国有两弹一星,但文革后就没什么大的科技成就了?答案:国民党的老本都吃光了。22.有感于天朝地震:一直在捐款,从不知去向;一直在围观,从未有力量;一直在调查,从未出真相;一直在多难,从未见兴邦。23.什么是奇迹?我建了一座豆腐渣大楼,然后雇了150个短工装修,很多 人说这房子容易塌,我充耳不闻。结果「哗啦」的塌了,把他们埋在废墟里整整八天八夜,我找人挖开塌坍时,有一百多人活着。这是个奇迹,更奇迹的是我TM不但无罪,竟然成了救人的大英雄 25.中国乳品行业口号:做化工,我们更专业。 中国煤矿行业:挖矿工,我们更专业。中国食用油行业:做提炼,我们更专业。中国城市管理者部门:砸场子,我们更专业。中国防疫部门:搞计生,我们更专业。 中国中央电视台口号:做娱乐,我们更专业。中国P民口号:做小强,我...26.推测青海地震事后处理:1,不存在豆腐渣;2,受灾群众情绪稳定;3,省外媒体不得入内采访;4,统一用新华社通稿;5,死亡名单不公布;6问责豆腐渣的人士被颠覆国家政权;7,专家再次解释地震不能预测;8,3月专家表示不会出现破坏...27.4月14日,发改委调油价,果然,印尼客?蓄出跑道???截致至少78人受?28. 国家发改委自4月14日零时起将汽柴油价格每吨均提高320元.各地民众获得消息后纷纷表示,由于涨价油品并不包括地沟油,所以对实际生活影响并不大。29.若干年后的小学课本里会写到:“在21世纪那个黑暗的旧社会时 期……”30.终于想通了,央视禁止用英文缩写是为了不让 “上海SB会”这个词出现!31.开封劳教所被指在寒冷天对学 员冲凉水致其死亡,劳教所你们赢了。。我承认我想象力没你们丰富,期待下个死法32.七尺男儿郭敬明,大家闺秀李宇春;千古球王李大帝,模范丈夫杨振宁;清心寡欲陈冠希,贞洁烈女武藤兰;和谐盛世我天朝,水深火 热美利坚;民主自由北朝鲜,世界起源在南韩。38.王家岭矿难救援三点质 疑:1:在缺乏完备地质资料精确标高及经纬度的情况下,把一个几百米的钻孔的终孔点精确地定位在一 个宽度不超过3米的巷道上2,从井下抬着矿 工出来的救援人员衣服光鲜干净,丝毫未碰到透水事故中的淤泥。3,矿工胡子刚刮过一样,八九天未长 胡子打破了自然规律。39.弟兄们你们好:请耐心等待,地面上国家领导、省领导带 领队伍在全力以赴,加管、加泵排水。很快就会排下去的,一定要坚持、坚持、再坚持!!!下面气体、风量情况如何?需要我们做些什么?请回信。山西焦煤汾西 救护大队亮点在“请回信”40.(接上一条)井下矿工给领导们的回信:“这里气体 风量非常宜人,阅读环境良好,领导的信字体优美,内容简洁,字字珠玑,感人肺腑。另外为了保证信能快速安全寄出,请领导扔下邮票,谢绝五毛。”41.姑娘送小伙上火车。 开车前倒计时半小时, 两人说: “我爱你”“我想你”。 倒计时二十分钟,姑娘洒下酝酿良久的热泪。倒计时十分钟,两人紧紧拥抱,离情别意抒发到了顶点。这时广播说:“火车晚点一小时四十分。”42.东河乡和西河乡的乡长是同学,他们都预计到夏天要发大水。东河乡的乡长每天组织群众修筑抗水工程,西河乡的乡长整天在打麻将 和出入歌厅,根本就没有把这件事情放在眼里。夏天到了,洪水爆发了,东河乡毫发未损,百姓安然无恙;西河乡损失惨重,百姓人心惶惶,乡长积极组织大家抗洪救灾,表现那是相当英勇。另外,因为受灾严重,上面拨款,全国捐款,西河乡乡长私人的腰包里多 了100万之多;再最后,市里面要提拔县长,因西河乡乡长抗洪救灾表现好而提拔为县长,东河乡的乡 长依然是一届不起眼的乡长,群众自掏腰包进行着自力更生的生活。43.网易浙江台州网友 ip:123.97.*.*:我一同学,美国博士后,很想回上海母校工作,主要是留恋父母、朋友和在中国有一种根的感觉,但上海的房价和消费实在受不 了,纠结了两年,终于决定申请美国绿卡,不准备回来了!真实故事,可见伟大祖国的吸引力。 44. 成功男人的标准:3岁,不尿裤子;5岁,能 自己吃饭;20岁,能有性生活;30岁,有钱;40岁,有钱;50岁,有 钱;60岁,能有性生活;70岁,能自己吃饭; 80岁,能不尿裤子46.据外媒报道,2009年度,中国仍是移民美国人数第二多的国家。其 中,中国大陆6万4238人、台湾8038人、香港2651人获永久居留权。取得绿卡的中国新移民中有1万8486人是取得政治庇护身分而获得永久居留权47.目前,上海可用作墓地的土地已占用了3000多亩,余下用地可能5年就将用完。广大人民群众将继续保持高风亮节:让领导先死~48.2009年时代周刊评选的最具影响力人中的中国身影为:4.The Charter 08 authors, 120.Dalai Lama, 122.Hu Jintao,根本没有习王岐山马云朗朗。换言之,上榜的人分别 为敏感词敏感词以及,敏感词49.湖北在押男子看守所死亡,警方称其"洗脸死"――欢迎收看每周一死节目,今天的答案是洗脸死,你猜对了 吗?生活千姿百态,死法各有不同,下周我们同一时间再见...52.三人或三人以 上一起看A片可构成聚众淫乱罪。大学期间有在宿舍一群人围着看A片的同学请自觉自首。53.吉尔吉斯政权垮台,其现状 背后:1.限制网络自由;2.实行媒体管 制;3.政府系统贪腐;4.当权者亲属把握 财政大权 //这听起来怎么这么熟悉...54.一句话新闻: 老汉咳嗽上医院输液死亡,病历称其闭经55.中国是拥有五千年历史的文明古国,我们的母语汉语也是一脉相承地使用至今,为了保持汉语的纯洁血统,有关部门下发通知要求在以 后的电视转播中屏蔽外语缩略词。对此广大网友倡议,为了重现中华五千年文明,大家拒绝使用电脑等一切现代化设备,以后每人 57.时常在校内看到有人说我们这帮人故意挖掘社会阴暗面,我想说的是:之所以我们要去挖掘,那是因为有人在故意掩埋,没有掩埋哪 来挖掘?!难道非得学习鸵鸟大师,把头插进沙堆里,然后自我意淫“外面没危险,社会很和谐”才是心里阳光的表现?!58. 看着楼下的五星红旗噗叱乐了,你看那四颗小星一颗大星,多么完美的“围观”…这真是一个围观的国度59.中国人固有一死,或死于地沟油,或死于石灰面粉,或死于奶粉,或死于疫苗,或死于危房,或死于拆迁,或死于日记,或死于酒 色,或死于宝马车轮下……中国人口号:一天一杯牛奶,震惊一个民族!死并不可怕,可怕的是 不知道自己是怎么死的!60.龚晓跃说:“告诫熟悉的女青年,找男朋友要避开三类 人:读环球时报的;看春节联欢晚会的;说自己只上百度不用谷歌的。”61.也许 有的人说,我过得很好很知足,你的正义与我无关。我并不想将他人绑在道德的十字架上,而是杯具之所以是杯具,是因为灾难降临前他们都以为是别人的。62.魏Tong: 我曾经和一个人无数次擦肩而过,衣服都擦破了,也没擦 出火花。63. 日本这个多地震国家的地震防灾手册里有一段这样说:“遇到地震不 要慌张,尽量躲进学校或者医院……” 在天朝除非你是活腻了……?。。 [/FONT]

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊真的很钦佩中国人民的智慧啊,可惜只能用于自娱自乐在国内的时候几乎每天都能收到几条类似的短信,笑中有泪。到这儿啥都收不到了,没劲

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊笑中有泪!

你完全可以选择不为自由而战,但也绝不能为高墙添砖! ――摘自一80后言论。回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊不错。

07.12.27递料,08.10.28CSQ,11.23联邦递料,12.11FN,12.16ME,09.2.9DM,2.11PL,2.23Visa回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊这个总结的太精辟了,绝对

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊:“告诫熟悉的女青年,找男朋友要避开三类 人:读环球时报的;看春节联欢晚会的;说自己只上百度不用谷歌的。”

你完全可以选择不为自由而战,但也绝不能为高墙添砖! ――摘自一80后言论。回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊终于想通了,央视禁止用英文缩写是为了不让 “上海SB会”这个词出现! 姑娘送小伙上火车。 开车前倒计时半小时, 两人说: “我爱你”“我想你”。 倒计时二十分钟,姑娘洒下酝酿良久的热泪。倒计时十分钟,两人紧紧拥抱,离情别意抒发到了顶点。这时广播说:“火车晚点一小时四十分。”

你完全可以选择不为自由而战,但也绝不能为高墙添砖! ――摘自一80后言论。回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊哼,亡我之心不死啊。

一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊Multiculturalism was Canada's biggest mistake In a speech delivered during the 2006 Liberal leadership campaign, Michael Ignatieff cheerfully remarked: “The great achievement of Canada, and I think we’re already there, is that in Canada you’re free to choose your belonging.” Mr. Ignatieff continues to astonish me in so many ways. In this instance, I ask myself: How can a man live in a foreign country for how many was it? Thirty years? then cast a gimlet eye over the political lay of the land, and in just three little words cut to the very marrow of Canada’s greatest mistake: “Choose your belonging!” Mr. Ignatieff is not like you and me. Mr. Ignatieff is an intellectual. He believes that the narrow confines of a single national loyalty would cramp his own beautiful mind and, philosophical Lord Bountiful that he is, he shares his hermeneutical largesse with all Canadians. I must reluctantly concede that he has hit upon a fitting revisionist motto, though, for nowadays “From sea to shining sea” isn’t a patch for succinctness and veracity on “Choose Your Belonging.” Mr. Ignatieff naughtily pulled his punches in his elaboration, however, hedging with: “You can be a Quebecer first and Canadian second, or Canadian first and Quebecer second in the order that suits you.” Do admit, Mr Ignatieff, you were a tad disingenuous there. For if you had been more candid and less focused on harvesting votes in Quebec at the time, that speech would have run on a bit. For the full multicultural Monty in the rest of Canada, you would have added such inconvenient “belongings” as (yes, of course, I mean the Khadr family): “You can be a Pakistani al-Qaeda supporter first and a Canadian second, a Hindu-hostile Sikh first and a Canadian second, an aboriginal, a woman, a black or a gay first and a Canadian second really, the personal being the political, as moral relativists are so fond of repeating Canada: it’s all about you, you, you. “In the order that suits you.” Indeed. No one-size-fits-all patriotism here at the Postmodern Canada Hotel and Grill. No sir. No madame. Patriotism? That’s how do zee French say eet oh yes, so much le simplisme. It’s so patronizing, so 19th-century, so white-heterosexual-European, yes? We’re here to serve you, and ensure you have a pleasant, worry-free stay. Your family is our family. Our family is … not your problem. Visit our “belonging” boutiques, where even the most discerning shopper will find a set of values or customs or laws! to accommodate his or her old-country habits. Too long? Too short? Free repairs and alterations! Don’t like our marriage and divorce laws? Use yours! Don’t like our languages? Don’t learn them! Don’t like our foreign policy? Instead of joining the Armed Forces where you have no choice where you fight, join the Reserves, where you get to match up your deployment with your “belonging”!Do our money-lending rules offend your religious sensibilities? We’re sorry. Perhaps we’ll try the Islamic system, as The Globe’s Sheema Khan suggested this past weekend. Multiculturalism is Canada’s greatest mistake, but if it is any consolation, it is every western country’s greatest mistake. And now some of them are paying a terrible price. If I have to elaborate on the names Pim Fortuyn, Theo Van Gogh and Ali Hirsi, then you just haven’t been paying attention. The official idea behind multiculturalism was that cultural diversity would make us all better people. It would enrich our drably homogeneous social fabric, encourage tolerance and combat hatred. The happy surface of multiculturalism is a street-enlivening diversity of skin hues, native fabrics, with a panoply of foreign cuisines on every corner schwarma, pad thai, falafel, tandoori goat not to mention the feel-good, meticulously painted-by-number rainbow of visible minorities one sees working in government agencies, non-profit organizations and university equity offices. The underside of multiculturalism is its ideological root in West-bashing. Sometime around 1960, it was determined by a few French intellectuals (whose unintelligible gibberish other intellectuals pretended to understand) that the greatest criminals against humanity in the history of the world weren’t the Nazi and Communist murderers of 100 million people. Rather, it was European colonialists, who imposed their cultural values on their captive audience. Even though Canada was a colony itself, and had never indulged in imperialism of any kind, Canadians were informed they must share in the blame because of their religious, racial and cultural association with former colonialists. Multiculturalism is idealistic in theory, but its real effect has been the entrenchment in our intellectual and cultural elites of an unhealthy obsession with a largely phantom racism amongst heritage Canadians that no amount of penance or cultural self-effacement can ever transcend. In its ideological insistence on the equal value of all cultures other than ours (ours being the sole inferior one), multiculturalism’s main “accomplishment” has been to instill self-loathing in heritage Canadians, a sense of responsibility-free entitlement in identity groups, and the suffocation of critical diversity in the public form. Let Mr. Ignatieff visit Quebec City, and he’ll be surrounded by Canadian citizens who consider themselves Quebecers first and Canadians second (if at all). Let him visit any urban centre and he’ll find plenty of Canadian citizens who consider themselves something-else first and Canadians second. Indeed, thanks to multiculturalism, there’s only one little piece of Canada where Mr. Ignatieff is assured of finding a critical mass of fellow citizens who, in “choosing their belonging,” only chose Canada. That little piece of Canada is Kandahar, Afghanistan. And that, my fellow Canadians (or insert-loyalty-plus-hyphen-here-Canadians) is all you need to know to concede that the imposition of multiculturalism on a once-proud nation of patriots was Canada’s greatest mistake.

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975​回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊推特上转的吧。真有趣。

Servants talk about People; Gentlefolks discuss Things. 我的Gaspé半岛自驾之旅原创小说:圆同路情愫不要让自己变老一个杠精的自白回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊还有更有趣的, 也是转的. 加拿大的JOKE真多啊 Not once did our Government in 30 years let people migrate here and become Canadian. Instead, under the banner of “multiculturalism” and the “Mosaic”, the Government let people in with no education about the country, no basic language skills, no sense of duty, or obligation, and no fundamental understanding that when you come to Canada, you leave your shit piles at the doorstep.Hell, at one point, if you had a $150K, we’d sell you citizenship with no status criteria. Come on in, we don’t care if you’re a war criminal, a terrorist, or whatever, just come on in and join the party, but make sure you stand over in that corner, because you are distinct, you are special.Not only did we cheat these various peoples of what the meaning of Canadian is, but we assisted them in the act of “self-segregation”, by funding cultural distinction, allowing them to enter the country with no language skills, which in turn forces an individual to congregate into communities where there was nothing but their own peoples, and hang-ups, just to survive.All this, in the name of favors for votes. We wrap it up in the need to increase our population, because we don’t have enough children, but in the end, it was the votes, and the votes of the future babies, that counted.The rest has just been sound bites for the media.I miss the old Canada where we just didn’t give a shit where you came from, as long as you could appreciate a good winter, the maple leaf, the national anthem, didn’t piss on our flag, and generally contributed to the nation, you were okay with the rest of us until such a time as you proved otherwise.

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975​真的很钦佩中国人民的智慧啊,可惜只能用于自娱自乐在国内的时候几乎每天都能收到几条类似的短信,笑中有泪。到这儿啥都收不到了,没劲点击展开...好久没回国,不是很了解。国内舆论尤其涉及社会问题开放度到底如何,手机禁黄段子是知道,按你的表述,似乎手机短信并不禁上述“黑色”或“灰色”社会问题甚至偏向政治的笑话?我知道有网络监管甚至网络警察,但似乎,比如韩寒的博客并不被封,好像只是删他们认为过于”激进“的文章?周立波可以有政治笑话(当然是捧执政党啦,问题不大)似乎中国对社会和政治舆论开放度处于中等程度,稍稍偏左而已。是不是这样?如果这样中国还有希望,未来走向就可能很有趣、很微妙。因为中国实际上已经是资本主义国家了。再注意人性、以人为本、保障穷困民生、铲除腐败等,那就有希望。至于是哪个执政党、哪个“朝廷”的确并不重要,只要对大众生活幸福有利就是对的。

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊这里有许多JOKE, 是关于加拿大医疗系统的. Canadian Healthcare Jokes:. What do you call a man who ignores his doctors' advice? The Minister of Health. _________________________________________An American, a Scot and a Canadian were in a terrible car accident. The RCMP brought then to the provincial emergency ward, but all three of them died before they could be seen by the doctor. Just as they were about to put the toe tag on the body of the American, he opened his eyes and sat up. Astonished, the doctor asked him what happened. "Well, " said the American, "I remember the crash, and then there was a beautiful white light. Suddenly the Canadian and the Scot and I were standing at the gates of heaven. St. Peter looked us over and said that we were too young to die. He decided that for a donation of $50 each, we could return to the earth. Of course I pulled out my wallet and gave him the $50, and the next thing I knew I was back here." "That's amazing!" said one of the doctors, "But what happened to the other two?" "Last I saw them," replied the American, "the Scot was haggling over the price and the Canadian was waiting for the National Health Service to pay for his." _______________________________________A man from British Columbia went to his doctor and said that he wanted to become a Newfie. The doctor replied, "If I remove a quarter of your brain you will become a Newfie. I'll call you when the surgery is scheduled." Three years later, when he got to the top of the waiting list for his surgery, the man went in and got the operation. When he woke up, the doctor looked apologetic, "I'm afraid my knife slipped during the surgery. Instead of taking out one quarter of your brain, I accidentally took out three quarters. Do you feel all right? " The man replied, "Comme ci, comme a." ______________________________________Canadian [ku'neydeeun] definition: A disarmed American with free health care _________________________________________ Canadians have universal healthcare. How do they afford it when their neighbor to the south is too poor to do so? Healthcare Rationing: They make people wait so long that most die before seeing a doctor.Cultural factors: It is cheaper to treat a frostbitten nose than to treat a gunshot wound to the abdomen. ___________________________________Everyone should have a spouse, because there are a number of things that could go wrong that one might not be able to blame on the National Health Service. _____________________________________ A Provincial Health Ministry Official sits in his office twiddling his thumbs. After he gets tired of doing that, he decides to see what's in his old filing cabinet. He pokes through the contents and comes across an old brass lamp. "This will look nice on my mantelpiece," he decides, and takes it home with him. While polishing the lamp, a genie appears and grants him three wishes. "I wish for an ice cold Molson right now!" He gets his drink and sips it. Now that he can think more clearly, he states his second wish. "I wish to be on a tropical island where beautiful women indulge my every whim." Suddenly he is on a beach under a palm tree surrounded by gorgeous women. He tells the genie his third and last wish: "I wish I'd never have to work ever again."… … POOF! He's back in his office at the provincial health ministry...

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous UtopiaA Novel by Ursula K. Le GuinWinner of Nebula Award in 1974 and Hugo Award in 1975​回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊哈哈,真有趣

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊哒哒哒 哒哒哒。。。。。。

................................................................................回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊啧啧啧~~~

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回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊好久没回国,不是很了解。国内舆论尤其涉及社会问题开放度到底如何,手机禁黄段子是知道,按你的表述,似乎手机短信并不禁上述“黑色”或“灰色”社会问题甚至偏向政治的笑话?我知道有网络监管甚至网络警察,但似乎,比如韩寒的博客并不被封,好像只是删他们认为过于”激进“的文章?周立波可以有政治笑话(当然是捧执政党啦,问题不大)似乎中国对社会和政治舆论开放度处于中等程度,稍稍偏左而已。是不是这样?如果这样中国还有希望,未来走向就可能很有趣、很微妙。因为中国实际上已经是资本主义国家了。再注意人性、以人为本、保障穷困民生、铲除腐败等,那就有希望。至于是哪个执政党、哪个“朝廷”的确并不重要,只要对大众生活幸福有利就是对的。点击展开...什么叫过激?韩寒这种自嘲式文章都被删的话,这个国家就没什么能留下的了什么叫偏左?偏左就是激进,现在是偏右,甚至是极右,中国不是资本主义也不是社会主义,是管制主义,自我殖民地主义,你不知道中国人都是要被管的吗?那个执政党那个朝廷的确不重要,重要的是搞一党世袭制的独裁官僚机构只能侵蚀人民的大众的幸福生活

回复: ZT: 天朝的JOKE无比多啊什么叫过激?韩寒这种自嘲式文章都被删的话,这个国家就没什么能留下的了什么叫偏左?偏左就是激进,现在是偏右,甚至是极右,中国不是资本主义也不是社会主义,是管制主义,自我殖民地主义,你不知道中国人都是要被管的吗?那个执政党那个朝廷的确不重要,重要的是搞一党世袭制的独裁官僚机构只能侵蚀人民的大众的幸福生活点击展开...同意。不过,我同时也想过了,一党独裁弊端早晚爆发。但是,我同时有个问题,两党轮流执政(类似美国)甚至多党是否适合中国?因为已经看到台湾、韩国甚至日本议会打斗,互相扇耳巴子的情况,这种情况好像未曾在西方世界看到。是不是民族根性有问题,因为多党制后,议会打架倒也罢了,弄不好在中国甚至重现地方割据、派系争斗、甚至内战的历史杯具的话,将如何是好?一党至少不会有内战?。。。。

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