加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”
In 1936, Kiichiro Toyoda built an automobile company from a business that manufactured textile looms. Both firms were named after his surname. We've always wondered: Why the change from "d" to "t"?When Toyoda decided to start building cars, he needed a name for his new venture. His first business, the humbly named Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd., was founded in 1926 by his father, Sakichi Toyoda. Keeping with tradition, he decided to name his car company in the same fashion.In order to drum up publicity, Toyoda held a contest to establish a logo for his new venture. Twenty-seven thousand people answered the call.The winning design consisted of the word "Toyota" ― no "d" ― depicted in a stylized form of the Japanese katakana alphabet. The Model AA, shown above, was Toyota's first passenger car, and it became the first car to bear the new name and logo.The change had a few advantages: "Toyota" offers a softer final syllable than "Toyoda," and it rolls off the tongue better for us 'mericans. Writing it in katakana takes eight brushstrokes instead of the d-word's ten, which was also fortuitous ― eight is considered a lucky number in Japan, and the character's shape symbolizes future growth and prosperity. A theory also exists that the adjusted spelling served to insulate the car company from the loom manufacturer; if the car firm were to have failed, the thinking goes, the older corporation would have avoided damage. Lastly, the new name represented a convenient break from Japan's agricultural past: "Toyoda" means "fertile rice fields" in Japanese.Although the original logo was gradually phased out of export use ― American-market Toyotas moved to a simple, roman-type badge and then a stylized "T" ― it was retained for the Japanese market. It still adorns the Toyota Motor Company's head office in Aichi.[Detroit News and Toyota.co.jp]
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”能不能简单地说一下呢?
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”小日本这次看来被美国整的挺惨呐~~ 又升值又丰田的~ 估计一时半会儿是缓不过来了~ 同情一记. 中国一定要引以为戒, 警惕老美狼子野心~ 这杂种国灭俺中华之心不死~
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”小日本这次看来被美国整的挺惨呐~~ 又升值又丰田的~ 估计一时半会儿是缓不过来了~ 同情一记. 中国一定要引以为戒, 警惕老美狼子野心~ 这杂种国灭俺中华之心不死~点击展开...这叫自己一身毛,反要说人是没毛的妖怪
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”日本制造还是没能脱离60年代伪劣产品的魔抓老美这记耳光抽的日本人话都说不出了
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”赜田汽?社樘赜田章男(AkioToyoda)在美??接受?番??之肴,杂多人心中都浮?另一??铨:?何赜田汽?的英文拼法是Toyo「t」a,但是赜田章男又拼成Toyo「d」a?赜田汽?不是赜田家族?立的??拼法??相同才?啊?美?社昨天?道,呃要回溯到赜田章男的祖父赜田喜一郎(Kiichiro Toyoda)1937年?立赜田汽?的?候,他在命名的?候,?定用t取代d,希望?最後一?音?柔?一?。呃肺?法不只?起?更?,Toyota以日文片假名??的?候??好8?,如果是平假名?需要10?。8在中??於吉祥?字,在日本也一?,?起是八的?字?法就像檫了口的山一?。?日本人?真,八字就像叉檫倪站立,象徵未?有所成樘茁?,呃也是赜田衷心期待他自己的家族陪?家的。
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”丰田还是好车,
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”丰田还是好车,点击展开...军刀哥哥此时此地的这一嗓子不啻是皇帝的新装里那个喊"皇帝其实没穿衣服."的小男孩啊.对关哥的敬仰如滔滔江水连绵不绝阿.
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”丰田还是好车,点击展开...众人皆醉卧毒性?
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”自古以来,富不过三代。头又大传到这孙子辈上是该气数已尽了。
回复: 丰田为啥叫“TOYOTA”看到贴名,想歪了!进来一看是正经贴!丰田车因刹车问题导致了好几起死亡事件,以为LZ拿TOYOTA开涮了,我还想为什么叫这个呢,喻意就是“都由它”啊,死活“都由它”!
努力吧~成功就在前方 等着你这叫自己一身毛,反要说人是没毛的妖怪点击展开...哈哈。。。。经典!
挤泡沫之绿色环保经济适用男免费提供加拿大移民定居资料的下载~免费提供Friends(老友记)剧本和字幕(10集大全)下载~~~免费上传正版《大唐双龙传》迷有福了~赜田汽?社樘赜田章男(AkioToyoda)在美??接受?番??之肴,杂多人心中都浮?另一??铨:?何赜田汽?的英文拼法是Toyo「t」a,但是赜田章男又拼成Toyo「d」a?赜田汽?不是赜田家族?立的??拼法??相同才?啊?美?社昨天?道,呃要回溯到赜田章男的祖父赜田喜一郎(Kiichiro Toyoda)1937年?立赜田汽?的?候,他在命名的?候,?定用t取代d,希望?最後一?音?柔?一?。呃肺?法不只?起?更?,Toyota以日文片假名??的?候??好8?,如果是平假名?需要10?。8在中??於吉祥?字,在日本也一?,?起是八的?字?法就像檫了口的山一?。?日本人?真,八字就像叉檫倪站立,象徵未?有所成樘茁?,呃也是赜田衷心期待他自己的家族陪?家的。点击展开...正解在这里?丰田汽车社长丰田章男(AkioToyoda)在美国会接受轮番审问之际,许多人心中都浮现另一个问题:为何丰田汽车的英文拼法是Toyo「t」a,但是丰田章男又拼成Toyo「d」a?丰田汽车不是丰田家族创立的吗?拼法应该相同才对啊?美联社昨天报道,这要回溯到丰田章男的祖父丰田喜一郎(Kiichiro Toyoda)1937年创立丰田汽车的时候,他在命名的时候,决定用t取代d,希望让最后一个音节柔软一点。这种?法不只听起来更顺,Toyota以日文片假名书写的时候刚刚好8画,如果是平假名则需要10画。8在中国属于吉祥数字,在日本也一样,缘起是八的国字写法就像开了口的山一样。对日本人来说,八字就像叉开脚站立,象徵未来有所成长茁壮,这也是丰田衷心期待他自己的家族与国家的。
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