加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 关于在蒙特利尔生孩子
回复: 关于在蒙特利尔生孩子You will have to apply for a health insurance card. To contact Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec by phone so that they can access your file. Montréal: 514 864-3411There will possibly be a three months waiting period before you are eligible; however, health care related to pregnancy and childbirth is covered even during the waiting period. Please note that you will be eligible for a health insurance card only if you come to take residence in Québec and can prove that you will be a resident for at least 183 days a year.
回复: 关于在蒙特利尔生孩子关键是你必须证明落户魁北克省(非全日制学生)。办理健康卡,通常的做法是要出示你在蒙城的一年租约,包括你的名字,住址(以便今后通信用)。
回复: 关于在蒙特利尔生孩子请问各位在魁省的前辈,我是在多伦多登录的,只办了SIN卡,没办健康卡,请问我可以到蒙特利尔生孩子并享受那里的福利吗?谢谢!点击展开...可以的,你到蒙城后先租好房子,然后就可去医疗局办理魁省的医疗卡。也可以先去医疗局申请办理,45天内再补交(传真也可)租房证明或住房证明。
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