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[FONT=function() {var id = (this._style 24) & 0xff;return this.FONTMAP.substring(2*(id-1), 2 * id);}]Amway(安利)[/FONT] NUTRILITE; is the world’s leading brand of vitamin, mineral, and dietary supplements, grown harvested, and processed on its own certified organic farms.(纽雀莱是世界领先的维生素,矿物质和膳食补充剂的领导品牌,和唯一被世界认证的属自己专有的有机农场基地。) 纽雀莱维他命D3:90 粒 / $29.99 USD (儿童多种维生素)货号:104276,60 粒 / $ 16.95 USDNUTRLITE® Kids MULTITARTS (104276 (双倍的维生素和矿物质补充品)60粒/$27.99USD NUTRILITE; DOUBLE X; Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient, 10-day Supply (A4318 (每日的多种维生素)90/粒 $11.30 USD Nutrilite; Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral - 90 count (104I74) 膳食补充品:180粒/$39.9USD Nutrilite; Slimmetry Dietary Supplement (105348) NUTRILITE; Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (100648)60 tablets Price:$40.99 USD Nutrilite; ClearGuard Dietary Supplement (102735)Price:$19.95 USD (添加每日所需的钙、欧米茄和脂肪酸,让您由内而外散发健康和美丽,确保您的身体得到所必须的营养,以及加强皮肤、毛发和指甲的健康。) Nutrilite® Women’s Supplement Packs (105481)30 packets Price:$22.99 USD (为身体增强各种免疫功能,强化心脏,提高记忆力。)Nutrilite; Men’s Suplement Packs (105480)30 packets Price:$22.99 USD (含有DHA,帮助孩子头脑发育,无任何色素和防腐剂添加,是孩子的最好选择。) Nutrilite; Kids Brainiums DHA; Gummy Lemon Flavor (101789) 28-day supply Price:$35.49 USD 强化维他命C,预防感冒。Nutrilite; Bio C Plus (A4211) 300 粒 Price:$52.49 US The Perfect Pack For Your Health (101165) 336 粒 Price:$137 ARTISTRY® is one of the world’s top five largest-selling prestige brands of facial skin care and colour cosmetics.(雅姿是世界上五大最畅销的营养护肤和彩妆信誉品牌之一。)(亲身体验,即时感觉皮肤提升,强力推荐!)[ame="http://www.no video.com/watch?v=YvZGJLWcCjM"]http://www..no video.com/watch?v=YvZGJLWcCjM[/ame] Artistry; Time Defiance; Skin Care System Normal-to-Dry (104175) Price: $166.95 USD Artistry; Time Defiance® Skin Care System Combination-to-Oily (104176) Price:$166.95 USD (强力推荐)Artistry; Time Defiance® 3D Lifting Serum (103426) Price: $73.00 USD Artistry; Time Defiance® Derma Erase (102050) 4 ml Price: $39.00 USD Artistry; essentials balancing Skin Care System (105487) Price: $47.00 USD Artistry; essentials hydrating Skin Care System (105489) Price: $47.00 USD Artistry; essentials makeup kit light (105381) Price: $59.00 USD Artistry; essentials makeup kit medium (105382)Price:$59.00 USD Artistry; essentials makeup kit dark (105383) Price: $59.00 USD Artistry; Time Defiance® Vitamin C + Wild Yam Treatment (E7313)34 oz. Price: $38.00 USD Artistry; Microdermabrasion System (104210) Price:$71.50 USD ARTISTRY; TIME DEFIANCE® Lifting Eye Crème (105532)Give your eyes a virtual lift and brighten dark circles in one easy treatment! .53 fl. oz.强力推荐$39.95 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® Illuminating Essence (105711) Reveals brighter, more youthful-looking skin in just 12 days. $50.00 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® 3D Lifting Serum (103426) Gives skin a virtual lift with both instant and long-term results. 1 fl. oz.$73.00 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® Cleansing Treatment (102795)The ultimate anti-aging cleanser. 4.4 oz.$31.00 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® Conditioning Toner (102796)Gently cleans, balances, and prepares skin. 8.45 fl oz.$32.50 USD Artistry Time Defiance® Day Protect Crème SPF 15 (101821)Ultimate defense against UV exposure and free radical damage. 1.76 oz.$61.00 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® Day Protect Lotion SPF 15 (101822)The ultimate anti-aging daytime lotion. 1.7 fl oz.$61.00 USD Artistry® Time Defiance® Night Recovery Crème (101823)The ultimate anti-aging nighttime crème. 1.76 oz. ARTISTRY® TIME DEFIANCE® Lifting Eye Crème (105532)Give your eyes a virtual lift and brighten dark circles in one easy treatment! .53 fl. oz.$39.95 USD Artistry® Lip Care Kit (104751) Instantly softer, smoother lips. Polish .34oz., Conditioner .34 oz. $20.00 USD Artistry® Microdermabrasion System (104210) For glowing skin. $71.50 USD Artistry® MicroExfoliation Cloth (714885) The cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving clarity and appearance of lines and wrinkles. 9 x 9 in.$9.00 USD ARTISTRY® Essential Hand Treatment with SPF 15 (102205)An age-defying hand treatment with SPF 15.2.65 oz.$25.00 USD Artistry® Foaming Body Wash (100776) Product to be discontinued - available while supplies last. For suggested replacement (if applicable), enter "Discontinued Skus" in search. 6.8 fl. oz.$19.00 USDArtistry® Moisture Souffle (100778)Product to be discontinued - available while supplies last. For suggested replacement (if aplicable), enter "Discontinued Skus" in search.7.0 fl. oz Body Blends® Vanilla Sugar Body Wash/Shower Gel (747266)10 fl. oz. Price:$8.50 USD Body Blends® Coconut Lime Escape Body Wash/Shower Gel (744606)10 fl. oz. Price:$8.50 USD 有意者可以联系我的EMAIL:[email protected]详细产品图片可以到官网:www.quixtar.com 谢谢你的阅读。

回复: amway(安利)Body Blends&reg; Coconut Lime Escape Body Wash/Shower Gel (744606)10 fl. oz. Price:$8.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Apple Attraction Body Wash/Shower Gel (744602)10 fl. oz. Price:$8.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Citrus Awakening Body Wash/Shower Gel (744609)10 fl. oz.Price:$8.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Vanilla Sugar Body Lotion (747264)8 fl. oz.Price:$9.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Coconut Lime Escape Body Lotion (744605)8 fl. oz.Price:$9.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Apple Attraction Body Lotion (744601)8 fl. oz.Price:$9.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Citrus Awakening Body Lotion (744608)8 fl. oz. Price:$9.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Vanilla Sugar Body Butter (747265)7 oz. Price:$13.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Coconut Lime Escape Body Butter (744604)7 oz. Price:$13.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Apple Attraction Body Butter (744603)7 oz. Price:$13.50 USD Body Blends&reg; Citrus Awakening Body Butter (744607)7 oz. Price:$13.50 USD 大包装。有效对抗牙龈出血,口腔炎症,清除牙垢。GLISTER&reg; Multi-action Fluoride Toothpaste (E9530)6.75 oz. Price:$3.99 USD (漱口水:消炎杀菌,有效清除牙垢。)GLISTER&reg; Multi-action Oral Rinse (E9529) 2 fl. oz Price:$6.99 USD 旅行装GLISTER&reg; Travel size Multi-action Fluoride Toothpaste (E3460)6/2.3 oz. Price:$9.00 USD GLISTER&reg; Advanced Toothbrush (100957) 4-pack Price: $9.99 USD (口腔清新剂:有效去除口腔异味,抗菌消炎。) GLISTER&reg; Refresher Spray (E9532)2 pack Price:$5.98 USD Need to take on a hard workout or a hard day at work? XS; Energy Drinks provide great tasting, sugar-free, low-calorie blasts of energy.(X的能量饮料能够迅速补充能量,让您一天都精力充沛。) </H4>

回复: amway(安利)Fuel your body with NUTRILITE; Sports Nutrition products for energy, strength, hydration, recovery, and daily nutrition.(纽雀莱能量营养产品,能够及时补充体内消耗的水分、能量和微量元素,让你每日精神焕发。) NUTRILITE; Mixed Berry Smoothie Energy Bar (109164)Nine 46 g bars Price:$19.98 USD NUTRILITE&reg; Sports Drink Sugar Free Strawberry (109170) Twenty-four 16 fl. oz. containersPrice:$36.00 USD NUTRILITE&reg; Sports Cookie Chocolate Chunk Flavor (109165)Twelve 45 g cookiesPrice:$17.40 USD NUTRILITE; ROC2O Isotonic Drink Mix Mixed Berry Flavor (109166) Twenty 30 g stick packs Price:$19.80 USD NUTRILITE&reg; ROC2O Isotonic Drink Mix Fruit Punch Flavor (109167) Twenty 30 g stick packs Price:$19.80 USD NUTRILITE; Mixed Berry Smoothie Protein Shake (109171)Twelve 11.5 fl. oz. bottles Price:$38.88 USD //$29.16 USD Nutrilite; Rhodiola 110 Supplement (101593)30 day supply Price:$39.99 USD Nutrilite; Rhodiola 110 Blister Pack (107846)Three 10-tablet packs Price:$19.99 USD Nutrilite; Energy Bar Chocolate Nut Roll (106528)Nine 46 g bars Price:$19.98 USD Nutrilite; Energy Bar Vanilla Pretzel (106529)Nine 46 g bars Price:$19.98 USD Nutrilite&reg; Sports Drink Fruit Punch (106534)Twenty-four 16 fl. oz. containers Price:$36.00 USD Nutrilite; Chocolate Fudge Protein Shake (106531)Twelve 11.5 fl. oz. bottles Price:$38.88 USD 只减脂肪,不减肌肉。提供身体所需能量,是减磅人士的最佳产品。 Nutrilite&reg; CLA 500 (100280) Lose fat, not muscle 180 softgels $79.95 USD 可以有效锁住每餐500卡路里不被人体吸收。 Nutrilite; Carb Blocker 2 (100193) Price: $42.00 USD (蛋白粉:提供身体所需的9种氨基酸,适合儿童、节食者、孕妇、哺乳者、老年人、素食者和手术后患者。可放在果汁、牛奶和食物中。)Nutrilite&reg; Protein Powder (A7451)Price:$27.49 USD

回复: 对amway(安利)保健品的个人看法保健品只是一种辅助作用,不要当饭吃,虽然我本人在做安利产品,但是更要强调的是,对于某些人身体缺乏某些对健康有影响的营养素而又没法在日常生活中经常获取的时候我是建议购买的,凡是吃得了进肚子里面的东西都不要过量噢

回复: amway(安利)想把产品做到中国市场去吗?我们可以帮助运输!首磅20 续 5 6 7不等

养胖中回复: amway(安利)我在BURNABY,想买安利的蛋白粉(孕妇吃的),请问附近有实体店吗?

回复: amway(安利)怎么安利也这么贵?! 我以为只有美安是这样~!我朋友说安利很便宜的?! 难道这个不是官方价格??

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