加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息公司招Software developer
http://www.telcobridges.com/en/careers.aspxGood luck!
回复: 公司招Software developer看了楼主给的链接,没有发现需要的是专注什么方面的developer,楼主是否知道呢?JAVA,C/C++, DotNet , or PHP ?
回复: 公司招Software developer看了楼主给的链接,没有发现需要的是专注什么方面的developer,楼主是否知道呢?JAVA,C/C++, DotNet , or PHP ?点击展开...在“Software developer”那里有连接的,你点开就看到要求拉.祝你好运!
回复: 公司招Software developeroftware developerPermanent, full time positionEngineering, computer science or related degree for 5 years or less, or new graduateJob descriptionWe are looking to hire a software engineer or programmer interested in working within the telecommunications industry. The position at hand is responsible for the development of embedded systems, code libraries, and telecommunications applications.The ideal candidate must be an innovative developer, open to learning new, advanced technologies and with the ability to multi-task and manage multiple product modules.Responsibilities Develop, implement and support new modules (drivers, embedded modules and high-level applications) for our existing families of productsAssist the technical support group (TB Support Team) as well as the test group in client integration for certain modulesBe responsible for the maintenance and development of both new and existing modules based on client demandDesign, implement, test and support the next generation application platform in conjunction with the engineering team Required skillsGeneral requirements: BAC in engineering, computer science or relatedResourceful, motivated with a strong aptitude for learningAbility to manage personal workload within a small team of professionalsInterest in telecommunicationsBilingual (English and French) Specific requirements: Experience in the development of applications or libraries within both Linux and Windows operating systemsStrong skills in C and C++ programming Assets: Knowledge of telecommunications protocols: ISDN, SS7, VoIP, SIP, CAS, etc.Knowledge of IP networksExperience working with High Availability (HA) systems and applicationsKnowledge of “open-source” projects and environmentsKnowledge of database programming (MySQL, Oracle)Ruby programming
回复: 公司招Software developer很底层,我喜欢。
梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。回复: 公司招Software developer双语哦,法语偶不会。。。。
敢问路在何方,路在脚下。http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=453265回复: 公司招Software developer谢谢楼主的信息,是RIM公司吗?
回复: 公司招Software developer你肯定连都没连就问了。谢谢楼主的信息,是RIM公司吗?点击展开...
回复: 公司招Software developer这个职位还没有招到人?
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 公司招Software developerSalaires compétitifs Ca veut dire combien? 好奇,大概了解一下,呵呵
回复: 公司招Software developer10万?
回复: 公司招Software developer大概有多少?楼主透露一下
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