加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?



回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?Google!!!http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/faq/faq_general.shtml#eligibleHow long do I have to work to be eligible to collect EI?In most cases you must have worked a minimum of 420 to 700 insurable hours, depending on where you live in Canada and the unemployment rate in your economic region at the time of filing your claim. In some instances, you will need 910 insurable hours to qualify, to know more...http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/types/regular.shtml#NumberNumber of hours of work required to qualifyMost people will need between 420 and 700 insurable hours of work in their qualifying period to qualify, depending on the unemployment rate in their region at the time of filing their claim for benefits. To find out this number...In some instances, a minimum of 910 hours in the qualifying period may be needed to qualify. For examples : * if you are in the work force for the first time; * if you are re-entering the work force after an absence of two years. *However, if you have received at least one week of maternity or parental benefits in the 208 weeks preceding the 52-week period prior to the qualifying period, you will require between 420 and 700 hours to qualify for regular benefits. * violations from previous EI claims may also increase the number of hours required to qualify for EI benefits.Particular situations: Effective December 11, 2005, if you are living in one of the 23 participating economic regions, you could qualify for regular benefits with a minimum of 840 hours instead of 910 hours. To know more...When you show that you have at least 490 hours related to employment in the labour force during the labour force attachment period you will need between 420 and 700 insurable hours to qualify for regular benefits. Otherwise, you will need a minimum of 910 hours to qualify regular benefits. See examples 1 and 2...

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?多谢never_talk ,以下的意思是不是指第一次工作需要满910小时,才能申请EI?In some instances, a minimum of 910 hours in the qualifying period may be needed to qualify. For examples :* if you are in the work force for the first time;

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?是。

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?多谢了,已加声望!

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?*However, if you have received at least one week of maternity or parental benefits in the 208 weeks preceding the 52-week period prior to the qualifying period, you will require between 420 and 700 hours to qualify for regular benefits.这个啥意思呢?我没看明白.

不要忘记给我加分分哦!回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?如果考核期之前52周领过至少一周父母金,就适用于420-700小时的条件了(而不用等910小时)。没操作过,直接翻译而已,呵呵。

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?多谢,多谢!加声望~

不要忘记给我加分分哦!如果考核期之前52周领过至少一周父母金,就适用于420-700小时的条件了(而不用等910小时)。没操作过,直接翻译而已,呵呵。点击展开...我觉得你说的不对(我也是没有实际经验,只是看句子翻译)。注意句子里有两个“之前”。应该是:如果qualifying period之前的52周(即一年)之前的208周(即4年)里如果有领过至少一周的父母EI,就只需要420-700小时的条件了。

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?我觉得你说的不对(我也是没有实际经验,只是看句子翻译)。注意句子里有两个“之前”。应该是:如果qualifying period之前的52周(即一年)之前的208周(即4年)里如果有领过至少一周的父母EI,就只需要420-700小时的条件了。点击展开...你翻译的对,我没注意那个208week。如此,我之前的帖子就大错了。MS考核期前52周内领父母金是不符合条件的,而是考核期前260周到52周之间领的父母金才算数。必须说,看这段规定,我很累。

回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?好像被解雇的理由是A级才可以申请的。(看看解雇证明右上方)

新老移民要互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助 与人无私的帖子一定要顶。回复: 请教大家:第一次申请EI是不是一定要910小时?up

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