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因为刚移民,所以关注了下这个三年移民监问题,官方答案 What is the residence requirement?To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) out of the four years (1,460 days) preceding your application. Please note that you cannot meet the residence requirements for citizenship without a minimum of two (2) years as a permanent resident.When calculating your time in Canada: only the four (4) years preceding the date of your application are taken into account;each day you lived in Canada before you became a permanent resident counts as half a day;each day you lived in Canada after you became a permanent resident counts as one day;time spent serving a sentence for an offence in Canada (e.g. prison, penitentiary, jail, reformatory, conditional sentence, probation and/or parole) cannot be counted toward residence - there are some exceptions to this rule;absences from Canada may have an impact on your residence. Only a citizenship judge can determine if you meet the residence requirements with fewer than 1,095 days of physical presence.官方计算器 https://eservicesak.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/resCalcStartNew.do?&lang=en
回复: 移民监不一定是三年你连什么是移民监都没高清楚。
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 移民监不一定是三年呵呵
五毛说中国腐败,那美国也有腐败啊!其实我觉得,一锅饭里面有一粒老鼠屎,跟一堆老鼠屎里面有一粒饭那是不一样的!前者勉强叫饭,后者只能叫屎。而且老外要是饭里吃出屎准急了;可是中国五毛们明知是屎还硬要挑出一粒饭来,边吃边告诉天下人,我们中国人吃的是饭啊….回复: 移民监不一定是三年发现说废话总是很容易的
回复: 移民监不一定是三年看起来这段是说申请前4年内,成为永久居民前的时间算一半,成为永久居民后的时间算全部,但是如果你想充分利用这个政策,也就是移民后只呆2年,那么2/2=1 加上2 等于3,于是在过去4年中你必须住满4年一天都不能离开加拿大。。。。。。
回复: 移民监不一定是三年感谢楼主的帖子,我正准备回去,也在关注这方面的政策。
回复: 移民监不一定是三年这个算一半是指非移民身份的人(学习,工作签证,偷渡客)在加呆的时间的一半,对移民身份来讲,一点意义也没有。
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.回复: 移民监不一定是三年这帖子确实是对之前就在加拿大的留学生最有用,呵呵
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