加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的


魁北克省官方网有关租房的法律: http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/accueil/accueil.asp What is Legal for a Landlord(对房东,什么是合法的) Ask for references for the purposes of a credit check.Require a co-signer for Renters without a steady income.Limit the occupancy of an apartment to a certain number of people, as stipulated in the Lease.Refuse to terminate a Lease at the Renter's request.Ask Renters to leave for a short time period in order to conduct major repairs or renovations.What is Illegal for a Landlord(对房东,什么是不合法的) Demand additional amounts on deposit or in another form, for instance, to guarantee keys are returned;(收取押金)Request the last month's rent at the beginning of a Lease.(租约起始,就要求收最后一个月的租金)Demand postdated cheques.(要求提前签好的未来支付的支票)Request payments exceeding one month's rent.(要求超过一个月的租金)Request credit card information, bank account numbers, passport numbers, social insurance numbers or information about nationality or citizenship.(要求租客的信用卡资料,银行帐户号码,护照号码,社会保险号,或者其他信息例如国籍) In spite of this, many Landlords will request this type of information and insist that the lease application will not be processed unless it is supplied. If this is the case, you can make an appeal to the Régie du logement du Québec. However, you should also use your own good judgement as to what information you will supply.Refuse the Renter a copy of the Lease. The lease law stipulates that the Renter is entitled to a copy of the signed Lease within 10 days of it being signed. With regards to an oral Lease, the Landlord must also provide a written document with their name and address, and the obligatory provisions of the Lease to the Renter.Increase the rent in mid-Lease.Terminate a Lease before it expires.Forbid a Renter to sublease or assign an apartment, unless the Landlord has a good reason. The reason must be communicated to the Renter within 15 days from the date of the notification.

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的.....

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的是非法,但对于新移民,由于没有任何信用记录与担保,首次租房难免被刁难。换位思考,如果你是房东,你也不好办。因为在魁省,发生纠纷,法规更加倾向保护承租人的利益。所以房东在选择租户时大多十分小心谨慎,否则请神容易送神难啊。

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的魁北克省房东收取押金请求再受拒绝魁 省市政事务部长洛朗.利萨德(Laurent Lessard)近日回复说,省政府目前没有修改租房押金法令的计划。不过,他表示魁省房东在租房前完全有办法核实租户的信誉记录,同时,如果租户违反了 租房合同,他们也完全可以去控告租户。该部门新闻发言人沙利文.布拉萨(Sylvain Bourassa)进一步声称,要求缴纳租房押金的做法,除了会限制本省居民的租房能力,还会导致租户的差别扩大。http://www.sinomontreal.ca/htdocs/news_12/quebec_13/2010/09-07/0385B855-74AF-A477-8A11-5DFDB048514A.shtml

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的这条法律意义不大. 因为没有建立信用的新移民不交押金很难租到房子.

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的我家刚来时,租西人的房子,一点问题都没有。也许文化背景不同,也许经济实力不同,西人没那么多计较和心眼。

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的这么多新移民的朋友 只听说有要找担保人的 没听说有人交过押金

ING网银开户即奖25刀 Orange Key请填写35418718S1谢谢回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的很好

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的It's very nice of you ! 魁北克省官方网有关租房的法律: http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/accueil/accueil.asp What is Legal for a Landlord(对房东,什么是合法的) Ask for references for the purposes of a credit check.Require a co-signer for Renters without a steady income.Limit the occupancy of an apartment to a certain number of people, as stipulated in the Lease.Refuse to terminate a Lease at the Renter's request.Ask Renters to leave for a short time period in order to conduct major repairs or renovations.What is Illegal for a Landlord(对房东,什么是不合法的) Demand additional amounts on deposit or in another form, for instance, to guarantee keys are returned;(收取押金)Request the last month's rent at the beginning of a Lease.(租约起始,就要求收最后一个月的租金)Demand postdated cheques.(要求提前签好的未来支付的支票)Request payments exceeding one month's rent.(要求超过一个月的租金)Request credit card information, bank account numbers, passport numbers, social insurance numbers or information about nationality or citizenship.(要求租客的信用卡资料,银行帐户号码,护照号码,社会保险号,或者其他信息例如国籍) In spite of this, many Landlords will request this type of information and insist that the lease application will not be processed unless it is supplied. If this is the case, you can make an appeal to the Régie du logement du Québec. However, you should also use your own good judgement as to what information you will supply.[*]Refuse the Renter a copy of the Lease. The lease law stipulates that the Renter is entitled to a copy of the signed Lease within 10 days of it being signed. With regards to an oral Lease, the Landlord must also provide a written document with their name and address, and the obligatory provisions of the Lease to the Renter.[*]Increase the rent in mid-Lease.[*]Terminate a Lease before it expires.[*]Forbid a Renter to sublease or assign an apartment, unless the Landlord has a good reason. The reason must be communicated to the Renter within 15 days from the date of the notification.点击展开...

请为伊能静投上一票:http://www.ttpaihang.com/vote/rank.php?voteid=43&sortby=rd回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的merci

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的谢谢楼主

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的这么多新移民的朋友 只听说有要找担保人的 没听说有人交过押金点击展开...还是有些是空降的,找不到担保的

爬楼捡币回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的我问过房屋委员会的人,他说由于新移民没有信用纪录,又没有担保人的话,收押金也很正常。

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的我房东收了押金 要了护照号码 汗~

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的如果确实房子好,自己喜欢,又找不到担保人的话,只收一个月押金还是能接受的(对于新移民,个人意见),留下收据之类,然后最后一个月可以和房东商量是否能作为最后一个月房租.如果房子没有任何问题,我想房东应该会同意的巴.

回复: 新移民须知:在魁北克房东收租房押金是非法的如果在租赁期间都按时交房租,建立好良好信誉,我想房东不会那么不通道理吧,更何况他是不合法在先.

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