加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息朋友,您了解魁北克吗?


开此贴就是让大家更广泛得了解魁北克,因为这对于想长期在此打拼的朋友们很重要,包括我自己,俗话说:知己知彼,百战不殆.请大家踊跃跟帖吧! 让我们首先看看,魁北克移民局官方文件是怎么介绍和阐释魁北克的.http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/publications/en/divers/learningaboutquebec-dynamique.pdf 就让我们一起学习进步吧,加油啊!

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。赞反馈:tonyhuang, BenLee, CHUNG 和 2 其他人 2011-03-13#2 aokilinda
8,489 $0.00 回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?

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回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?我现在的了解,一个字,冷两个字,税重,三个字,就业难四个字,魁瓜法语

多少悲剧多少爱.....回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?到这里3年多,不敢讲了解QUEBEC,但略知一二吧.

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回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?多谢,未来准备在魁省定居

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蒙城接机QQ:46444774 25$ 南岸35$电话: 514-731-3536欢迎加入QQ群27035961(互帮互助)回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?素描魁北克魁北克位于北美的东北端,占地面积1,667,926平方公里,相当于法国领土面积的3倍、瑞士领土的40倍以及比利时领土的50倍之多。它辽阔的疆域延伸近2000公里,南部与美国接壤,北部直抵北冰洋,西接安大略省,东邻新不伦瑞克省、纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省。 世界上最大的河流之一 ? 圣劳伦斯河(St. Lawrence)将魁北克的南部完整独立地切割出来。同时,魁北克省不同地区将风格迥异的景观展现在人们面前:北部Canadian Shield与南部阿巴拉契亚山脉之间的肥沃平原、广袤的森林、针叶林和苔原植被,上百万处湖泊和数以千计的河流,以及18万平方公里的淡水水域。魁北克省海拔最高的两座山峰,分别是位于努拿维克Torngat山脉之间的1622米的蒙特德伊贝维尔山(Mont D’lberville),以及Gaspésie半岛Chic-Chocs山脉一部分的雅克・卡蒂埃山(Mont Jacques-Cartier),海拔1,268米。 魁北克省的气候大致分为三类:- 南部城市属湿润型大陆气候- 北部属亚北极和北极气候每个地区的气候因其森林、针叶林、苔原植被覆盖不同而有所差异。魁北克南部拥有非常鲜明的四季特征,温度也随四季的变换而不同。魁北克多样的气候也造就了当地人民热情洋溢、活力四射的性格。 文自:http://www.china.bonjourquebec.com/

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?魁北克简史 1534年,探险家雅克卡蒂埃(Jacques Cartier)受法国国王法兰西斯一世(Francis I)的派遣,来到了加斯佩(Gaspé),并占领了这片印第安人和因纽特人世代生存的土地。1608年,塞缪尔船长在圣劳伦斯湖北岸登陆,当时的土著人称其为魁北克(Kébec)。1642年,Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve成立了天主教区并将其命名为Ville-Marie,18世纪末易名为现在的蒙特利尔。 魁北克主要的经济来源依赖于农业和林木业。随着持续快速的工业化和城市化进程,大量的农村人口涌入城市。20世纪60年代,宁静(The Quiet Revolution)开始,并被载入史册,随后10年继续争取法语的主导地位。1976年,以René Lévesque为首的魁北克人党上台执政。1980和1995年举行两次全民公决,统一派获胜。 文自:http://www.china.bonjourquebec.com

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?魁北克政权 Parliament and Government(议会和政府)The Parliament of Québec consists of the Lieutenant Governor(副总督) and the National Assembly(国会). The Lieutenant Governor, appointed by the Federal Government(联邦政府), is the Queen's representative in each of the Canadian Provinces(女王在各省的代表). The Lieutenant Governor only assents to Acts. He does not participate in debates. The National Assembly(国会)The National Assembly is composed of 125 Members, representing the 125 electoral divisions(选区). The Parliament Members(议员) are elected by the population(大众). The voting procedure is based on the principle of first-past-the-post system(得票最多者当选制) in each riding. The role of the National Assembly is to pass legislation(立法), in other words to lay down compulsory standards(强制性标准) in the areas recognized as coming under provincial jurisdiction(省级管辖权) in the Canadian constitution(加拿大宪法).In the Québec's parliamentary system(议会制度), inspired from Great Britain(英国), the Parliament(议会) and the Government(政府) represent separate powers : the legislative power(立法权) and the executive power(行政权). 官网:http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/index.html 125位国会议员及联系:http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/deputes/index.html 议会程序(例如:正在审议的条例草案)http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/travaux-parlementaires/index.html 表达意见:http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/exprimez-votre-opinion/index.html The Parliament(议会)The Parliament examines proposed legislation submitted to it in the form of bills by the Government and either accepts(同意) or rejects (拒绝)them. Parliament also oversees(监督) the Government's application of laws and supervises(监督) all government activities (legislative power). The Government(政府)The Government is formed of certain elected representatives of the party holding the majority of the seats(占有大多数席位的政党) in the National Assembly(国会). Its function is to provide the political management of Québec. In the parliamentary system, the executive power(行政权) is accountable to the Parliament.Almost all bills(几乎所有法令) are conceived and drafted by the Government, in other words the Premier(总理) and the Cabinet(内阁). Altough we tend to associate the Government with the notion of "power", in a legal sense the Government stems from, and is controlled by, Parliament(议会). The Prime Minister(总理)Formally designated by the Lieutenant-Governor(形式上由副总督指定), the Prime Minister is in fact chosen by the electorate when it elects a majority of Members from the same party(事实上由选举中占大多数席位党派选任). The Premier, in turn, selects the Members who will form the Cabinet (Executive Council(执行理事会)), and holds power for as long as he or she retains the confidence of a majority of Members. Convention also requires each minister to support the decisions made by the Cabinet(内阁), or resign, in keeping with the principle of ministerial responsibility. 魁北克政府各个部门及机构:http://www.gouv.qc.ca/portail/quebec/pgs/commun/gouv/minorg/?lang=en 魁北克总理及内阁官网:http://www.premier.gouv.qc.ca/equipe/conseil-des-ministres.asp (Source : National Assembly of Québec Website) 魁北克可持续发展:http://www.mddep.gouv.qc.ca/developpement/voie_en.htm

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?魁北克经济 Québec : A Vibrant EconomyOver the last number of years, Québec has had a strong economic performance. The largest Canadian province(加拿大最大的省), Québec has a GDP of about $300 billion Canadian, 70 % of which comes from the service sector. The GDP is equivalent to approximately US$265 billion or $EUR190 billion.International Economic ComparaisonsEven though it is not a country, the scope of the province of Québec's economy compares with that of Portugal. Québec's economy therefore ranks 50 most important in the world, and 21st in comparaison with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Regarding Québec's GDP per person, it surpasses that of Spain, Italy and Greece. The Economy by Administrative RegionQuébec is split into 17 administrative regions. Each of its regions has distinct economic forces, which makes it possible to draw up an economic profile for each one of them. This profile, broken down by sections, informs you on the demography, the workforce, private and public investments, manufacturing statistics, personal income, exports, and knowledge economy.The forces impacting Québec's economy :Science and TechnologyImport/ExportTourismTransportationNatural ResourcesSectors of Excellence魁北克统计署http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/donstat/econm_finnc/conjn_econm/compt_econm/index_an.htm 与国际各国经济比较:http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/donstat/econm_finnc/conjn_econm/compr_inter/index_an.htm

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?学习,MARK~ 谢谢

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重积德则无不克。治人事天,莫若啬。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?非常想详细了解蒙特利尔,今年登录。

2008年9月魁投FN2009年10月补料2010年4月香港面试2010年9月体检2011年3月22日CIC地址栏消失,3月29日MER,4月6日取签了。回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?好文。

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回复: 朋友,您了解魁北克吗?刚登陆两周,学习中,感觉吃的东西如果有收入的话好便宜呀!

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