加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有谁上过AcuTouch College的证书班?



回复: 有谁上过AcuTouch College的证书班? http://tcmcollege.net/AcuTouch is a credential college, recognized by Canadian government. There are 2 kinds of courses: Diploma and Certificate .Diploma course are designed according to standards of North American and TCM university in China, these 2 to 5-year diploma which will bring you the solid knowledge background for the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, are recognized all over the world.Certificate courses are designed for the license and practice ofmassage therapy, natural therapy, herbal therapy.They are more intense than the Diploma course, but they are both designed with the same quality. These courses are credited by a lot of associations:​The Canadian Society of Traditional Chinese Medline ( http://www.tcmcanada.org)​ Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec (http://www.anpq.qc.ca/)​Canadian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy (http://tcmcollege.net/association.htm)​And lots of other massage or natural-therapy associations.These courses are designed for your own health care also. You will gain a lot of knowledge about the cause of diseases, diagnosis techniques and healing tips. You can help yourself, your family and your friends, gain a better health and live longer.​

http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixihttp://tcmcollege.net/AcuTouch is a credential college, recognized by Canadian government. There are 2 kinds of courses: Diploma and Certificate .Diploma course are designed according to standards of North American and TCM university in China, these 2 to 5-year diploma which will bring you the solid knowledge background for the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, are recognized all over the world.​Certificate courses are designed for the license and practice ofmassage therapy, natural therapy, herbal therapy.They are more intense than the Diploma course, but they are both designed with the same quality. These courses are credited by a lot of associations:The Canadian Society of Traditional Chinese Medline ( http://www.tcmcanada.org)​Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec (http://www.anpq.qc.ca/)​Canadian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy (http://tcmcollege.net/association.htm)​And lots of other massage or natural-therapy associations.These courses are designed for your own health care also. You will gain a lot of knowledge about the cause of diseases, diagnosis techniques and healing tips. You can help yourself, your family and your friends, gain a better health and live longer.​点击展开...谢谢 我已经看过这个了 因为我想知道的答案这里没有 所以才来问问 还是去唐人街学校看看吧

回复: 有谁上过AcuTouch College的证书班?谢谢 我已经看过这个了 因为我想知道的答案这里没有 所以才来问问 还是去唐人街学校看看吧点击展开...可以打个电话问学校的

http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixi可以打个电话问学校的点击展开...是啊 不过今天打了一天都没人接 真是奇怪 也不知这个学校信不信得过

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