加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息McGill Downdown 好房出租:4月中旬-7月中旬(时间可商
因假期回国,非常整洁干净的一个房间(带家具)在4月中旬-7月中旬出租。(时间可以商量)位置在McGill Ghetto,Rue Hutchison。房间很崭新,宽敞、整洁,希望找一个同样爱干净整洁的女生。带有一个大阳台,落地窗,阳光充沛,可以观赏皇家山。同屋是一个中国女生。1分钟走到provigo and bus stops, 3分钟走到Metro, 4分钟走到校园,5分钟走到gym. 十分方便。日常用水用电以及高速无线上网包括在月租中每月$465.具体情况请参照我的英文广告。$465 Room available for summer sublet: mid-April to mid-July. (McGill Ghetto)One spacious and fully furnised room in a 3 1/2 in a high-rising building located on Rue Hutchison is available between mid-April to mid-July.The room is very clean, tidy, cozy, full of lights, and with a large balcony. Great view in summer by the window. Looking for a responsible and tidy female roommate during mid-April and mid-July.The rent is $465/month including hydro, hot water, electricity, and high-speed wireless internet. Laundry facilities, indoor pool and indoor parking are included in the building.It's super close to grocery and puclic transit: 1 min to Provigo and bus stops; 3 min to Metro stations or Metro grocery; 4 min to McGill campus, and 5 min to the gym. Very safe and peaceful neibourhoods.please contact at 514-290-1867 or send me an email [email protected] if you are interested in.Qi
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