加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一个女人的来信
刚刚收到的,英文部分不新鲜,但能够根据收件人进行google翻译,还算"高科技",有点新意。From:Petra Abou <[email protected]>To: undisclosed recipients: ;您好亲爱的, 补充到你的日子,请原谅我,如果我干扰到您的隐私,我的名字是佩特拉阿布小姐,24岁,身高5英尺11英寸,体重61,我唯一的女儿从阿比让晚Mr.Sylvestre阿布,在西非象牙海岸,我的父亲是一个商界大亨和政客。我看到你是一个很重要的人格之前,我提出了我的心与您联系。请,因为我跟我有一定的资金,我会想有一个良好的商业投资,在贵国,我想更多地了解你。我希望你可以给我说实话,这样我就可以进入这个投资你,我自己,我还需要你的好意见。 首先,我会想知道的生活,你做什么,记得你了我的注意,这是为什么我接触你摆在首位。我们会知道自己的时间更多地为我们沟通相处。 感谢您的理解,希望能尽快听到你的。 从我的心,佩特拉阿布小姐,< br>Hello dear, Complement of the day to you, please pardon me if i interfere into your privacy, my name is Miss Petra Abou, Age 24, height 5 ft 11 inches, weight 61, i am the only daughter of Late Mr.Sylvestre Abou from ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast in west Africa, my father was a business tycoon and a politician. I observed you are an important personality before i made up my mind to contact you. Please i will like to know more about you because i have with me some funds which i will like to invest in a good business over there in your country. I wish you could be honest to me so that i can go into this investment with you by my self and i will also need your good advices. First of all, I will like to know what you do for a living; remember you caught my attention that was why i contacted you in the first place. We will know ourselves more as we communicate along. Thanks for your understanding, hoping to hear from you soon. From my heart,Miss Petra Abou,
我怎么还没开始怀疑人生?回复: 一个女人的来信卡扎非刚死那天,俺家那位的邮箱收到一封自称卡扎非儿子要转移资产的信。啥叫“与时俱进”
爬楼捡币卡扎非刚死那天,俺家那位的邮箱收到一封自称卡扎非儿子要转移资产的信。啥叫“与时俱进”点击展开...哈哈 我也是
生活就是。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。生活!回复: 一个女人的来信还有生生就把写着无数零的大支票和委任状直接寄给我的呐,看着别提有多喜兴了,本想过年时当年画贴,结果转眼就让爱人扔进了垃圾桶,还是那种不可回收的垃圾桶
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