加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息For rent: Spcious 4 1/2 near Lasalle city hall


4 1/2, Upper on second floor, in very good conditions, hard wood floor, two balcons,Quiet and secure near Lasalle City HallOne minute to the Riverside, two minutes to Lachine Canal, three minutes to Parc l'ile rené lévesque. Four minutes to Parc Lasalle & Swimming Pool in open air. Greenery everywhere. Ideal for sport lovers for biking, running, surfing, swimming and skating and fishing! You may cycle to old port along Lachine canal within 20 minutes. You may cycle to work in St-Laurent or West Island or Verdun. The bicycle path on Pont Mercier has just been completed to connect Lasalle and South Shore by bike!!! Close to College St-Louis and College St-Anne.Shopping Centers: Carrefour Angrignon, Boulevard Newman, Centre d'achat Dorval and Galerie Lachine. Sami Fruit is within walking distance. Sami Poissonerie sera ouvert bientôt. No pet. Credit check and reference needed. Available July 1, 2012. 514-963-2812,

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