加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 上college,能申请到的助学金的数额每个
看过以前蒙版的帖子说大约500CAD/month左右的样子。下面的链接怎么说那么多了?怎么大概一个月能有1000多了?谢谢指点 http://www.afe.gouv.qc.ca/en/calculPB/montantBourse.asp Amount of Bursary Are you attending an educational institution that is recognized for the purpose of awarding loans and bursaries? If your financial needs (allowable expenses ? contributions) exceed the amount of the loan that could be awarded to you for an award year, you will receive a bursary to meet the portion of your financial needs not covered by the loan. The amount of the bursary that could be awarded to you for an award year cannot exceed the amounts indicated below. Maximum bursary that could be awarded for a given award yearFrom September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2012$13 937 at the secondary or college level$16 688 at the university levelplus$3 756 for 1 child$4 753 for 2 children$5 755 for 3 or more childrenFrom September 1, 2012, to August 31, 2013$13 937 at the secondary or college level$17 013 at the university levelplus$3 756 for 1 child$4 753 for 2 children$5 755 for 3 or more children
回复: 上college,能申请到的助学金的数额每个月实际能有多少?rt
回复: 上college,能申请到的助学金的数额每个月实际能有多少?rt
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