加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息纽约时报:Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chines
回复: 纽约时报:Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader捕风捉影,毫无证据。
回复: 纽约时报:Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader18大前的斗争越来越激烈了,瓜瓜同志应该把它翻译成汉语阿。
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔回复: 纽约时报:Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader又不得不给 这些被洗脑的人,补充一下知识。习家财富报道,是Bloomberg彭博社报道。 报道温戏子的是 New York Times。 New York Times,Washington Post,这些都是美国知名的大报纸,在美国有很大的知名度,老牌报纸。不是同一家。彭博社,是金融新闻界里面的老大老二的位置。 如果博家能够收买,拿不下几千万美$,办不成事的。 人家金融信息服务,有的是钱。彭博社:BloombergBloomberg L.P. is an American multinational mass media corporation based in New York City. [B]Bloomberg makes up one third of the $16 billion global financial data market[5] with estimated revenue of $6.25 billion in 2009.[6] Bloomberg L.P. was founded by Michael Bloomberg with the help of Thomas Secunda, Duncan MacMillan, and Charles Zegar in 1981 and a 30% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch.[7] 参见---http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/彭博新聞社纽约时报 New York TimesThe New York Times (NYT) is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 108 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization.[3][4] Its website is the most popular American newspaper website, receiving more than 30 million unique visitors per month.[5]《纽约时报》(The New York Times)有时简称为“时报”(The Times)。是一份在美国纽约出版的日报,在全世界发行,有相当的影响力。它是美国严肃报刊的代表,长期以来拥有良好的公信力和权威性。由于风格古典严 肃,它有时也被戏称为“灰色女士”(The Gray Lady)。它最初被称作《纽约每日时报》(The New-York Daily Times),创始人为亨利J雷蒙德和乔治琼斯。参见--http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/纽约时报[/B]
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