加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息学费还得涨
马华免健保税的承偌刚刚由她的财政部长宣布暂缓执行,这又传来涨学费的消息。真是不当家不知柴米贵啊,选战时瞎承偌,当家了才知道自己拿不出钱来。Tuition - Droits de scolarité MRO McGill Staff Sent: November 2, 2012 2:07 PM To: x-All McGill Staff; x-All Students A message from Morton J. Mendelson, Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) McGill has heard from the Quebec Government on tuition rates for 2012-13.The Government is rolling back the $254 per year tuition increase for Quebec students, and has signaled to us its intention to keep fees for out-of-province and international students relatively stable but has not yet advised us of its final decision.Therefore, as of this morning, we have begun to credit the tuition rollback for students who pay Quebec rates, and this process will be complete by Monday. To view your account, please visit Minerva, We will await final word from the Government regarding tuition for students who pay Canadian or international rates before adjusting their accounts. In the meantime, we will ensure that all applicable credits will be applied to the fee accounts prior to our regular month-end procedures to apply interest and/or late payment penalties.For more information on how student accounts are credited or how a refund may be obtained, please visit As soon as we have more information regarding tuition fees, we will share it with you.Message de Morton J. Mendelson, premier vice-principal exécutif adjoint (études et vie étudiante)[/font]
回复: 学费还得涨那就接着闹呗。
回复: 学费还得涨PQ也是主张涨学费的啊,只不过没有PLQ,CAQ涨的狠而已,但也是根据CPI涨的。所以,Gabriel Nadeau Du Bois(CLASS前Port-Parole),主张全免费教育的,现在处境不佳。不过法德的大学免费教育,给所以大众以高等教育的权力,---也即给穷人翻身的机会,这才更可能是公平社会。
加拿大华人历史http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/加拿大華人歷史墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。回复: 学费还得涨同学们又要上街了,不过这次马华不会再出现在游行队伍中敲锅了。
back to school...回复: 学费还得涨是这样吗? 怎么我读了几篇,所理解的却恰好相反? "The Government is rolling back the $254 per year tuition increase for Quebec students" - 这是指政府收回之前$254学费涨幅的政策。“we have begun to credit the tuition rollback for students who pay Quebec rates” - 这说明他们已开始直接退额到学生们的银行户头。
回复: 学费还得涨是这样吗? 怎么我读了几篇,所理解的却恰好相反? "The Government is rolling back the $254 per year tuition increase for Quebec students" - 这是指政府收回之前$254学费涨幅的政策。“we have begun to credit the tuition rollback for students who pay Quebec rates” - 这说明他们已开始直接退额到学生们的银行户头。点击展开...受教。我光看 rolling back 了。这个“credit”是关键,后面也说了,叫学生注意查自己的账户,而不是催款。先入为主啊,恨这个马哈。
回复: 学费还得涨学校已经退学费的支票了,说10个工作日收到。
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