加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息暑假便宜机票,需要法签.
刚才在http://www.bookingwiz.com/air.asp?fm_style=pop 看到暑假阶段的机票, 6月25日出发,8月21返回,蒙城出发,目的地长沙,含税1641加元/人,但是在巴黎转机,有法签的同志们可以考虑一下.
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.这个网站订票可以信吗?
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.巴黎转机 不出国际转机区 不需要申根签证
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.刚才在http://www.bookingwiz.com/air.asp?fm_style=pop 看到暑假阶段的机票, 6月25日出发,8月21返回,蒙城出发,目的地长沙,含税1641加元/人,但是在巴黎转机,有法签的同志们可以考虑一下.点击展开...法国没有“法签”,申根国家是“申根签”
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.谢谢扫盲!法国没有“法签”,申根国家是“申根签”点击展开...
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.不出国际转机区 不需要申根签证
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)不出国际转机区 不需要申根签证点击展开...可以理解为不需要签证吗?
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.不出国际转机区 不需要申根签证点击展开...If you are transiting through an airport in France to travel to an airport outside the Schengen Area without leaving the International Zone of the French airportAs a foreign national, you do not enter the Schengen Area. In principle, you are not subject to entry visa requirements, with some exceptions. Certain nationalities are subject to visa requirements to transit through an airport in France (Airport Transit Visa or ATV).French regulations divide the foreign nationals requiring an ATV into two groups, for whom different exemptions may apply.First group Nationals of the following states: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka; Persons who are not nationals of the above countries but are holders of travel documents issued by the authorities of one of these countries; Statutory refugees from these countries; Holders of Palestinian refugee travel documents.Exempt from Airport Transit VisaExempted by France from ATV are : aircrew members, nationals of a state party to the Chicago Convention ; holders of diplomatic passports ; holders of a valid residence permit issued by a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area ; holders of a residence permit issued by the Principality of Andorra, Canada, Japan, Principality of Monaco, Republic of San Marino, or the United States, that guarantees unrestricted right of return ; holders of a visa valid for a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, Canada, Japan or the United States ; Members of the family of a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland ; Holders of a valid uniform visa, national long-stay visa or residence permit issued by a Schengen state.Second group Nationals of the following states holding ordinary passports: Albania, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea Bissau, Haiti, India, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Peru, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo ; Persons who are not nationals of the above countries but are holders of travel documents issued by the authorities of one of these countries ; Statutory refugees from these countries ; Holders of Palestinian refugee travel documents ; Holders of Palestinian refugee travel documents issued by the Egyptian, Lebanese or Syrian authorities.Exempt from Airport Transit Visa : the same exemptions as above currently apply.
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.1600刀还便宜?,你问问旅行社价格,也差不多这个价,还不需要去法国转
回复: 暑假便宜机票,需要法签.我今天买了法航的往返票,蒙城-武汉,6月底走,8月下旬回,2个大人1个小孩,孩子11岁,三个人税费全包总价4410刀,虽然当场就已经出票了,但我仍会继续关注机票价格波动情况,为以后累积一点经验。不管是买贵了,还是捡了一个优惠的价格,我都会和大家分享,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的效果。
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