加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大BT下载会被罚吗
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗谁会知道你自己去自首,估计警察都当你insane
原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]想下点大片看看,不知道有没有被罚的风险。点击展开...有可能,因为去年新版权法实施了。最好不用国外的BT, 风险很大。
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗国外的BT--是什么?国外的种子?国外bt网站?
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗国外的BT--是什么?国外的种子?国外bt网站?点击展开...是的,最好不用BT, 用迅雷或网盘下会安全点。
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗这种主要是抓传播和扩散,所以如果用bt和电驴的话,得关闭上传,稳妥的就是下网盘之类的。
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗这种主要是抓传播和扩散,所以如果用bt和电驴的话,得关闭上传,稳妥的就是下网盘之类的。点击展开...好好读一读 December 18, 2012 Independent internet service provider, TekSavvy, now has more time to warn its customers of Voltage Pictures LLC’s (known mainly for the Hurt Locker) impending Canadian copyright infringement lawsuits. Teksavvy stands between Voltage pictures and the identity of customers who have allegedly downloaded one of the film studio’s movies using the BitTorrent file transfer protocol. A Canadian federal court judge has given TekSavvy more time to advise subscribers who have been included in this lawsuit and give them more information regarding whether or not they should seek legal advice. The motion that will force Teksavvy to give up subscriber’s contact information is set to be heard on Jan. 14. Teksavvy has stated that as long as they have the ability to provide its customers with notice, they will not oppose this process in anyway. In an interview with the Financial Post, intellectual property lawyer David Fewer said, “Voltage will then take that information and contact those customers and say, ‘We’ve sued you. We’re going to demand a certain amount of money to settle this lawsuit, and if you don’t, then we’re going to go to court.” Montreal-based forensic software company, Canipre Inc., is spearheading this initiative and scanned BitTorrent downloads over two months this fall. It’s singled out 2,000 IP addresses that belong to TekSavvy customers who are suspected to have downloaded a Voltage Pictures film through a BitTorrent client. TekSavvy has already sent out 1,100 warning notices regarding these potential lawsuits. New Canadian copyright law allows for a penalty ranging from $100 to a maximum of $5,000 for all copyright infringements related to personal use. Older copyright law had a maximum fine of $20,000 per infringement. It’s expected that Voltage pictures will hand out letters asking TekSavvy customers involved in this lawsuit to pay a specific amount of damages. Of course, people have a choice as to whether or not that want to pay this settlement fee, but if they don’t, this could mean a long legal battle for that individual.
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗是的,最好不用BT, 用迅雷或网盘下会安全点。点击展开...迅雷其实也是Bt呀,也可以下载很多没有版权的美国大片。
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗在线看过就完了,永不下载.就算网站上不发现你的IP,存在电脑里,出入关时也有风险.没有付过款得到的东西都叫人担心.NETFLIX 包月 8.99$+TX ,里边节目也不少.我最近看的 <THE WALKING DEAD>就很叫绝.
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗同问。。。。AV呢?
分分钟涨姿势回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗大家都用什么网盘工具下?
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗有一种加密的 可以试试
回复: 加拿大BT下载会被罚吗这个案子很有意思。以至于我们去年换ISP的时候都没有考虑TekSavvy(当然,TekSavvy对客户还是很讲义气的)。最新的进展看这里:http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/03/12/teksavvy-lawsuit-copyright-trolling-distributel_n_2862029.html放弃bt吧。netflix/hulu都是不错的选择。
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