加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?
我在网上发现了这个COLLEGE,有谁了解吗?这是个公立的college吗?感觉这个学校开设的会计课程还不错,但是,我看很多朋友都是在SAWSON或vanier college上的。什么原因呢?是因为这个学校不好呢?还是收费高啊? O'sullivan college of montreal 1191, de la Montagne StreetMontreal, QuebecCANADA H3G 1Z2Telephone: 514-866-4622or Toll free: 1-800-621-8055Fax: 514-866-6663Email: [email protected] Computerized Financial AccountingGeneral InformationThis twelve (12) month intensive program leads to an Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC) and includes a three (3) week internship in a company. Students will learn to assume responsibilities in accounting, finance and management, using software applications suitable for small, medium and large companies, as well as in public or parapublic organizations. The training provided will enable graduates to undertake these functions and be able to confront the technological changes and new developments in today’s workplace. The students' versatility will be further enhanced by acquiring skills that will be transferable to related specializations. After completing the program, students will be able to access, with confidence, a range of positions in accounting (accounts receivable, accounts payable, bookkeeping, payroll) or in management, either in a manual or a computerized environment.
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?是公立学校.但我也不了解这个学校,请知道的朋友们发表高见啊,顶!!!
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?是公立学校.但我也不了解这个学校,请知道的朋友们发表高见啊,顶!!!点击展开... 谢谢帮顶,声望谢过! 我只是个人感觉这个学校的这个会计课程设置比较纯粹一些,请知道的朋友帮帮忙!
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?是私立的,学费贼贵。入学轻松只要交学费。这个学校最好的专业不是会计,而是医学档案专业。全蒙特利尔唯一用英语教授此专业的学校。
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?是私立的,学费贼贵。入学轻松只要交学费。这个学校最好的专业不是会计,而是医学档案专业。全蒙特利尔唯一用英语教授此专业的学校。点击展开... 声望谢谢啊!谢谢你的帮助。
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?谢谢你提供的信息!
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?是私立的,学费贼贵。入学轻松只要交学费。这个学校最好的专业不是会计,而是医学档案专业。全蒙特利尔唯一用英语教授此专业的学校。点击展开...抱歉,我弄错了,这所学校是私立的.多谢你的纠正!
回复: 请问:有人知道O’sullivan college of montreal吗?学费是挺贵!
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