加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息使用studio tax 中的疑问
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问是联邦T1吧? BURSARY在联邦不算收入的。即使你把T4A上的金额输入之后也不计入收入。 但魁省算收入。
很多事情不是因为看到希望而努力,而是因为努力了才能看到希望。We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.是联邦T1吧? BURSARY在联邦不算收入的。即使你把T4A上的金额输入之后也不计入收入。 但魁省算收入。点击展开...在联邦不算收入吗?可是我老公的就算了,在150行有显示啊。而且去年我上COFi的钱也算收入了,是HR block给报的。还有,我用UFILE在线填,也在150行有显示,所以我就搞不清楚为啥studio tax 不行
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的7元的托儿费不能在魁省用,但可以在联邦里面报。点击展开...谢谢,就是一个联邦的T778表,魁省 是没有
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的在联邦不算收入吗?可是我老公的就算了,在150行有显示啊。而且去年我上COFi的钱也算收入了,是HR block给报的。还有,我用UFILE在线填,也在150行有显示,所以我就搞不清楚为啥studio tax 不行点击展开...我用了UFILE和STUDIO TAX,结果是一样的。联邦确实是BURSARY, 奖学金等等的不再计入收入。但是你需要把学费部分也输入进去才行。否则系统不能判断你这个是否符合EXEMPTION的条件 T4A slip - Box 105You have received a T4A with an amount in Box 105 because you have received student financial assistance or a scholarship.To report this amount, in the "QuikClik Navigator", located on the left-hand side of the screen, select "Pension income, T4A, split pension". On the page to the right, select "T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity, and other income".You must enter the amount in the section "Boxes 028, 048, 104 and other income". In the drop-down menu, choose the line "(105) Scholarship, bursaries, fellowship". For Quebec residents: If the amount in Box O of the RL-1 differs from the amount shown on the T4A slip, click on the "Maple Leaf/Fleur de Lys" icon of the corresponding box and a new box will be displayed where you can enter the amount for Quebec. This box will only be displayed if you have entered the federal amount first.The amount will be transferred by the program to line 130 of the federal return and line 154 of the Quebec return, and Code 01 will be entered on Quebec line 153 (if applicable). However, if you are enrolled in postsecondary studies, no amount will be entered on line 130 of the federal return, and an amount will be displayed on Quebec line 295 to reduce the amount on line 154 (if applicable).The total amount of the award that is received by you as a studentwith respect to your enrolment in a program that entitles you toclaim the full-time education amount qualifies for the scholarship exemption and is not reported as income on your tax return (seepage 24).
~~~~大猪小猪摞一盘~~~~我用了UFILE和STUDIO TAX,结果是一样的。联邦确实是BURSARY, 奖学金等等的不再计入收入。但是你需要把学费部分也输入进去才行。否则系统不能判断你这个是否符合EXEMPTION的条件 T4A slip - Box 105You have received a T4A with an amount in Box 105 because you have received student financial assistance or a scholarship.To report this amount, in the "QuikClik Navigator", located on the left-hand side of the screen, select "Pension income, T4A, split pension". On the page to the right, select "T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity, and other income".You must enter the amount in the section "Boxes 028, 048, 104 and other income". In the drop-down menu, choose the line "(105) Scholarship, bursaries, fellowship". For Quebec residents: If the amount in Box O of the RL-1 differs from the amount shown on the T4A slip, click on the "Maple Leaf/Fleur de Lys" icon of the corresponding box and a new box will be displayed where you can enter the amount for Quebec. This box will only be displayed if you have entered the federal amount first.The amount will be transferred by the program to line 130 of the federal return and line 154 of the Quebec return, and Code 01 will be entered on Quebec line 153 (if applicable). However, if you are enrolled in postsecondary studies, no amount will be entered on line 130 of the federal return, and an amount will be displayed on Quebec line 295 to reduce the amount on line 154 (if applicable). The total amount of the award that is received by you as a studentwith respect to your enrolment in a program that entitles you toclaim the full-time education amount qualifies for the scholarship exemption and is not reported as income on your tax return (see page 24).点击展开...学费我也输入了,是用那个Schedule 11表输入的。这个我看了下,有数字。问题是如果联邦的不计入收入的话,为啥用UFILE就显示呢?对了,还想问下,1 是不计入收入,还是不纳税的收入2 我老公上的是training ,没有学费,如果按你说的,不填学费,是不是就算收入呢谢谢你啊,这么耐心回答我这菜鸟的问题
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的学费我也输入了,是用那个Schedule 11表输入的。这个我看了下,有数字。问题是如果联邦的不计入收入的话,为啥用UFILE就显示呢?对了,还想问下,1 是不计入收入,还是不纳税的收入2 我老公上的是training ,没有学费,如果按你说的,不填学费,是不是就算收入呢谢谢你啊,这么耐心回答我这菜鸟的问题点击展开...你和你老公的具体情况不是很了解,但我是用的UFILE, BURSARY 和SCHOLARSHIP的金额都输入进去以后,联邦税表150行是0。BURSARY等收入不用交税,这一点是肯定的。问题是到底是不计入NET INCOME还是计入NET INCOME后再在DEDUCTION里减去,不知道各款软件是否一致。CRA的网页中是这么说的,注意红色部分。FULL TIME, POST-SECONDARY, 并且需要有证书http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p105/p105-e.html#P120_8332Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and study grants (awards)Elementary and secondary school scholarships and bursaries are not taxable.A post-secondary program that consists mainly of research is eligible for the education amount, and the scholarship exemption, only if it leads to a college or CEGEP diploma, or a bachelor, masters or doctoral degree (or an equivalent degree). Post-doctoral fellowships are taxable.Full‑time enrolmentPost‑secondary school scholarships, fellowships, and bursaries received are not taxable if you are eligible to claim the full‑time education amount. This qualifies you for the full scholarship exemption.The scholarship exemption will be limited to the extent that the award was intended to support the student's enrolment in the program. To determine what portion of your award was intended to support your enrolment, you should consider such factors as:the duration of the program;any terms and conditions that apply to the award; andthe period for which support is intended to be provided by the award.
~~~~大猪小猪摞一盘~~~~你和你老公的具体情况不是很了解,但我是用的UFILE, BURSARY 和SCHOLARSHIP的金额都输入进去以后,联邦税表150行是0。 BURSARY等收入不用交税,这一点是肯定的。问题是到底是不计入NET INCOME还是计入NET INCOME后再在DEDUCTION里减去,不知道各款软件是否一致。 CRA的网页中是这么说的,注意红色部分。FULL TIME, POST-SECONDARY, 并且需要有证书http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p105/p105-e.html#P120_8332 Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and study grants (awards) Elementary and secondary school scholarships and bursaries are not taxable. A post-secondary program that consists mainly of research is eligible for the education amount, and the scholarship exemption, only if it leads to a college or CEGEP diploma, or a bachelor, masters or doctoral degree (or an equivalent degree). Post-doctoral fellowships are taxable. Full‑time enrolment Post‑secondary school scholarships, fellowships, and bursaries received are not taxable if you are eligible to claim the full‑time education amount. This qualifies you for the full scholarship exemption. The scholarship exemption will be limited to the extent that the award was intended to support the student's enrolment in the program. To determine what portion of your award was intended to support your enrolment, you should consider such factors as: the duration of the program;any terms and conditions that apply to the award; andthe period for which support is intended to be provided by the award.点击展开...我上的是麦大的part-time 的英语课,还有一部分是COFI的钱。而我老公上的是training。我今天也抱着那本guide 研究了,我觉得我们这些bursary都应该算收入,但是不纳税 吧。还是COFI那部分钱纳税呢?
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问我也请教一下studio tax 报税问题。魁省的LINE455-CHILDCARE EXP,原则只能夫妻中低收入那方报,但不知哪里忘记勾了,这个EXP出现在夫妻2人的报税表里,如果删除一个人的,那么另一个人的LINE455也不显示,也就是说要显示同时显示,删除了,2个人的都不显示,有没人指导一下,谢谢
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问请教2012年12月交的学费,2013年1月开始上课。需要把这个课程退税额报到2012年的税表嘛?
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问请教2012年12月交的学费,2013年1月开始上课。需要把这个课程退税额报到2012年的税表嘛?点击展开...如果学费有税单,就可以报。但我估计税单会算成2013年度的。
~~~~大猪小猪摞一盘~~~~回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问学习
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问什么情况下学费没有税单呢,我老公去年报的麦大的英语证书班,学费交了几百块,可是没有收到麦大给的任何税单阿,会计说这个学费没法儿报。 还有楼上几位报税的问题解决了吗?怎么没有任何后续了?
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问如果学费有税单,就可以报。但我估计税单会算成2013年度的。点击展开... 表扬一下,这位同学很热心也很有耐心回答各类问题。。。
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问什么情况下学费没有税单呢,我老公去年报的麦大的英语证书班,学费交了几百块,可是没有收到麦大给的任何税单阿,会计说这个学费没法儿报。 还有楼上几位报税的问题解决了吗?怎么没有任何后续了?点击展开...MCGILL的学费单据我记得是自己去学生网站MINERVA上下载,学校不会给你邮寄。所以你让你老公自己再去看看。
~~~~大猪小猪摞一盘~~~~MCGILL的学费单据我记得是自己去学生网站MINERVA上下载,学校不会给你邮寄。所以你让你老公自己再去看看。点击展开... 你真是太神了,我找到那个税单了,你怎么什么都知道?这个学校也不通知一下,不然我们怎么会知道要自己打印呢?
回复: 使用studio tax 中的疑问你真是太神了,我找到那个税单了,你怎么什么都知道?这个学校也不通知一下,不然我们怎么会知道要自己打印呢?点击展开...这样的事情一般自己要多留心,有时候登陆学校网站的时候他会有提示。还有平时登陆进自己帐户以后也要看一下又哪些选项有哪些功能,以后需要的时候就可以去用。不能什么事情都被动的等着别人来通知你。
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)这样的事情一般自己要多留心,有时候登陆学校网站的时候他会有提示。还有平时登陆进自己帐户以后也要看一下又哪些选项有哪些功能,以后需要的时候就可以去用。不能什么事情都被动的等着别人来通知你。点击展开...恩,你说的很对,是我孤陋寡闻了,呵呵,我还以为拿了交钱的收据就能报税呢。。。
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