加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?


我们两个都在打些labour工,打了2个月了,想打够16周再要孩子。刚才打电话给1 888 610-7727 打了2次电话, 第一个男的说:是把你最近26周的总收入除以所有工作的天数,得到每天的收入再乘7;但是第二个女的说:是把你最近26周的总收入除以工作的周数,即使你只在礼拜五一天工作也算一周。 这两种算法差别挺大的,如果是第二种算法,就要尽量整周打工才好,要不非常影响收入了。 请教前辈们,到底谁说的对啊?

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?http://www.rqapenligne.gouv.qc.ca/fap/fap121web/simuler.aspx?lang=enu

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?谢谢回复, 但是用这个计算器是要输入average gross weekly earning啊,如果是稳定的工作很容易计算周收入,但是打labour工收入是波动的,所以才有上述的问题。 期待进一步解释中。。。。

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?Please note that the minimum insurable income you must have accrued to be eligible for the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) is $2,000, whereas the maximum insurable income is $60,500 (amount for 2008). If you are a salaried worker, your benefits are set according to your average gross weekly income.To calculate your average gross weekly income, multiply the number of hours worked per calendar week (Sunday to Saturday) by your hourly rate (hourly wage). Your benefits will be estimated based on this amount under the basic plan or special plan. If you have worked fewer than 16 weeks in the 52 weeks preceding your benefit application, it is important to indicate the number of weeks worked so we can give you an accurate estimate of your benefits based on the particularities of the law and regulations on parental insurance. If you are a self-employed worker, your benefits are based on your average weekly income. Your average weekly income is calculated based on your income from the year preceding your benefit application. However, if you started as a self-employed worker in the same year as you are applying for benefits, you must enter your estimated annual income for the current year. The income you enter must be based on lines 22 to 26 of Appendix L of your Québec tax return. This annual income is your net business income. Your annual income is then divided into 52 weeks, which gives you your average weekly income. Your benefits will be estimated based on this amount under the basic plan or special plan.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?Salaried workersTo qualify for benefits under the Québec Parental Insurance Plan, you must meet all of the following conditions:Be the parent of a child born or adopted on or after January 1, 2006; Reside in Québec at the start of the benefit period; Have stopped working or seen a reduction of at least 40% in your usual employment income (salary); Have at least $2,000 in insurable income (income taken into account for benefit calculation purposes) during the reference period (period during which the income you earned is considered in determining the benefit amount; this period is usually 52 weeks), regardless of the number of hours worked; Be required to pay premiums under the Québec Parental Insurance Plan.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?算平均周薪

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?Example:Your average gross weekly income is: $700.00 You have received a retroactive pay increase of: $4,000.00 Divide the amount of the increase by 26 because, as a general rule, your record of employment covers a period of approximately 26 weeks。$4,000.00 / 26 = $153.84 Then add this result to your average gross weekly salary:$700.00 + $153.84 = $853.85 Enter the last result in the “Average gross weekly earnings” box:$853.85可见你该除以26

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?如果我在过去52周里工作了20周,假如收入每周$400,但有时不是每周5天都有工作,例如第一周工作了礼拜五一天$80,中间有几周工作3天$240:举例这20周收入是:80,240,400。。。。。400,240,80总收入=400*16+240*2+80*2=7040那么周薪=7040/20=352 但是如果按照我给政府打电话第一个人的说法,他们会这么算:工作总收入:7040工作总天数=5*16+1*2+3*2=88 (去掉the days you are employed but not paid)平均每天收入=7040/88=80那么周薪=80*7=560 差别挺大的,所以才迷惘中。。。到底是哪种算法?

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?如果是第一种周薪的算法,意味著如果打工就要尽量打整周,如果一周的前两天没有工作,那么后几天不如回家歇着,否则还会影响未来的父母金周薪得不偿失。如果是第二种日薪×7算周薪的方法就无所谓了。

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?关注中

<<<股龙飞天>>>回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?请申请过父母金的老移民不吝赐教啊!期待中。。。

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?请申请过父母金的老移民不吝赐教啊!期待中。。。点击展开...我们都拿过啊,不过还真没仔细算过,因为我们一直在上班。如果都按你的第二种算法,政府亏死了,如果按你说的,我只上了两天班,拿了2000,每天1000,那我的周薪成了7000了,不可能的嘛。还是用你的总收入除以26吧,说不准是除以52呢。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?去年休了28周父母假导致收入减少了,没想到“因祸得福”今年的牛奶金多了一点,老婆读书拿的Bursary也多了一点。政府还是同情我们广大穷苦老百姓的(神话斑竹之类的大户不算)

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?我们都拿过啊,不过还真没仔细算过,因为我们一直在上班。如果都按你的第二种算法,政府亏死了,如果按你说的,我只上了两天班,拿了2000,每天1000,那我的周薪成了7000了,不可能的嘛。还是用你的总收入除以26吧,说不准是除以52呢。点击展开...谢谢。可是电话那边两个agent都说的信誓旦旦的啊,我当时就跟他们很明确的确认上面说道的算法,两个人都挺肯定,居然会有这种agent,或者是我耳朵进水了?再说,如果16周里,每天都能拿1000块!(假设不是regular salary,而是commission),那周薪确实应该是7000,至少应该是5000啊。加倍迷惘中。。。不过,我看我们还是暂时按保守的算法安排吧,等我们拿到父母金的时候再发贴和大家分享吧。

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?每天都能拿1000块!(假设不是regular salary,而是commission),那周薪确实应该是7000,至少应该是5000点击展开...每天都赚1000刀的人还削尖脑袋琢磨父母金,还让不让穷人们活了嘛?!

回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?Example:Your average gross weekly income is: $700.00 You have received a retroactive pay increase of: $4,000.00 Divide the amount of the increase by 26 because, as a general rule, your record of employment covers a period of approximately 26 weeks。$4,000.00 / 26 = $153.84 Then add this result to your average gross weekly salary:$700.00 + $153.84 = $853.85 Enter the last result in the “Average gross weekly earnings” box:$853.85 可见你该除以26点击展开...shenhua斑竹,英文理解力太差,没太看懂,2各问题:1。52周和26周分别适用于那种情况?2。我们必须登陆一年后(52周)才考虑怀孕吗?还是我登陆后打工二个月挣够了2000块就可以考虑申请了?那除以52岂不是太少了吗?3。 夫妻二人一人打工满足条件就可以申请,还是二人都必须打工满足条件。 谢谢。

2006-5-22 FN 2008-4-17 ME2008-4-26 体检 2008-5-3 补料2008-5-22 8变12 2008-5-24 135-27 DM 200-6-13 17shenhua斑竹,英文理解力太差,没太看懂,2各问题:1。52周和26周分别适用于那种情况?2。我们必须登陆一年后(52周)才考虑怀孕吗?还是我登陆后打工二个月挣够了2000块就可以考虑申请了?那除以52岂不是太少了吗?3。 夫妻二人一人打工满足条件就可以申请,还是二人都必须打工满足条件。 谢谢。点击展开...谁工作了仅他自己享受他应有的假期。刚登陆也需要获得医疗卡之后才合法。只要超过2000就可以申请了,没有时间限制,酬薪计算方法是按照26周。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?周薪是指的五个工作日,未满的请剔除掉“请假日”。另外:拿commission的人只能按自雇计,自雇人士只能在孩子出生后的第二年( 即来年报税之后)才能申请“父母金“。

拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395谁工作了仅他自己享受他应有的假期。刚登陆也需要获得医疗卡之后才合法。只要超过2000就可以申请了,没有时间限制,酬薪计算方法是按照26周。点击展开...非常感谢。

2006-5-22 FN 2008-4-17 ME2008-4-26 体检 2008-5-3 补料2008-5-22 8变12 2008-5-24 135-27 DM 200-6-13 17回复: 请问父母金的周薪怎么计算?学习了!

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