加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问 GOUV. QUEBEC TRP 是什么钱呢
回复: 请问 GOUV. QUEBEC TRP 是什么钱呢请问 GOUV. QUEBEC TRP 是什么钱呢收到700多,google不到这是什么谢谢点击展开...TRP = Temporary Resident PermitTemporary Resident Permit: A Temporary Resident Permit(TRP) is a document that authorizes a person to stay in Canada on a temporary basis even if they are not permitted to be in Canada or do not meet the requirements of the immigration laws and regulations either as a temporary resident or as a permanent resident. A TRP may be granted for reasons of public policy, national interest, or humanitarian and compassionate considerations. For example, in 2007, CIC created a special policy for granting such permits to people who were victims of human trafficking. A TRP may be valid from one day to three years. It may be extended or cancelled by an immigration officer. A TRP may carry privileges greater than those accorded to visitors, students and workers with temporary resident status. These permits are only issued in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of an immigration officer. Citizenship and Immigration Canada only grants these permits when there are so-called “compelling reasons”.点击展开...
回复: 请问 GOUV. QUEBEC TRP 是什么钱呢TRP = Temporary Resident Permit点击展开...跟这个没关系 好像是退税的调整
回复: 请问 GOUV. QUEBEC TRP 是什么钱呢是魁省退税
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