加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝


MONTREAL — A boil-water advisory issued Wednesday morning for the southwest sector of Montreal has been extended to many other areas both on and off the island and affects an estimated 1.3 million people. City officials said the warning could be in place for at least 24 hours. The city issued the new warning at 10:30 a.m. for all areas south of the Metropolitan Expressway, from LaSalle in the west to Pointe aux Trembles in the east. Residents across that swath of Montreal Island are warned to boil the somewhat brownish water flowing from their taps — or use bottled water — until further notice. Some of the affected municipalities and districts include: Verdun, Point-St-Charles, St-Henri, Côte-St-Paul, Ville-Émard, Westmount, Côte-St-Luc, Hampstead, Town of Mount Royal, Anjou, Montreal East and the off-island town of Charlemagne. The borough of St-Laurent was later added to that list. Until further notice, residents are advised to run their taps until the water runs clear and then boil their drinking water for at least one minute. Maintenance work at the Atwater water facility affected the quality of water samples and prompted the advisory. The city is recommending boiling water or using bottled water for drinking, preparing baby formula, washing fruits and vegetables, brushing teeth and making ice cubes. Water straight out of the faucet is okay for washing hands and dishes, as long as very hot water is used and the hands are dried immediately. Uncoiled tap water is also fine for washing clothes and taking a bath or shower. Parents should make sure small children keep their mouths closed and not swallow bathwater. Better still, skip bath time for a day or give them a sponge bath. When the situation has reverted to normal, the city will advise. Citizens can call 311 for more information. JAN RAVENSBERGEN OF THE GAZETTE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS STORY. Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/Boil+water+advisory+widens+Montreal+area/8418842/story.html#ixzz2U2pphx18

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了thank you.

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了是McGill刚给学生发的Urgent通知,挂在首页顶端了,看来挺严重的。McGill downtown campus 也在其中

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了从来都不会喝!

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了This is map of Montreal Boil Water advisory:https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=213195060743018901254.0004dd50b1e1ff025cbb0&msa=0&ll=45.587134,-73.579559&spn=0.585765,0.616608

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了看了法文的Radio-Canada的报道,是因为Atwater的过滤升级造成的。受影响的区域的居民130万,需要水烧开1分钟才能喝,受影响时间至少24小时。原文如下:Un avis d'ébullition préventif est en vigueur pour tout le sud de Montréal ainsi que pour les arrondissements Saint-Laurent, Villeray, Saint-Léonard et Anjou. La zone touchée s'étend de l'autoroute métropolitaine (A-40) au fleuve Saint-Laurent, de LaSalle à Pointe-aux-Trembles, y compris la ville de Charlemagne et les villes liées suivantes : Mont-Royal, Hampstead, Westmount, Côte-Saint-Luc et Montréal-Est.Cet avis fait suite à un résultat de non-conformité après une opération de mise à niveau à l'usine Atwater.Cet avis d'ébullition est émis pour une période d'au moins 24 heures et touche 1,3 million de personnes. Les résidents touchés doivent faire bouillir l'eau au moins une minute avant de la consommer.L'eau potable non bouillie peut toutefois être utilisée pour des soins d'hygiène ou autres usages domestiques.

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了多伦多的水没事吧?

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了多谢通知。看来改造还得一段时间

Enjoy each and every day!回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了一直是烧开才喝的。

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了咖啡只有91度,没开哦。

我们本是良民,上进之路被尔等堵死,还被贪官盘剥衣食不全,只得乞食外邦,今你骂我是汉奸,我却看你是国贼。回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了到处都是买水的人。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了没那么紧张,就是沉淀物-sendiment 搅起来了.多少年的浑水和脏水都喝过来了,不怕这么一会儿.麻烦一下,烧开了喝.

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了没那么紧张,就是沉淀物-sendiment 搅起来了.多少年的浑水和脏水都喝过来了,不怕这么一会儿.麻烦一下,烧开了喝.点击展开...可惜老外没有喝热水的习惯,只好破财买水了

回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了1.3 million Montrealers are in the second day of a boil-water advisory, and will only find out late Thursday if the emergency will continue. The entire city of Montreal is under the advisory with the exception of Pierrefonds-Roxboro, l'Île-Bizard-Sainte-Geneviève, Montréal-Nord, Ahuntsic-Cartierville and the Rivière-des-Prairies neighbourhood. Water in the towns of Mount Royal, Hampstead, Westmount, Cote Saint-Luc, Montreal East, Montreal West and the off-island town of Charlemagne is also affected. Until further notice everyone should boil their water for one minute before drinking, brushing teeth, or using it for cooking or washing food. Non-boiled water can be used for washing clothes and for bathing. If used to wash dishes they should be thorougly dried. So far the city does not know what, if anything, made it into the drinking water supply except for mud. City officials say the first results will only be known after 5 p.m. Thursday -- with some sampl results only known Friday.​​

很多事情不是因为看到希望而努力,而是因为努力了才能看到希望。We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.回复: ~~~市政府紧急通知,好多地区的自来水不能生喝了从来都不敢生喝

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