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蒙城私立中学10月可以插班吗 已在外省读完7年级,拟10月转至蒙城私立中学读8年级。 插班的话,何时应报名?需要笔试、面试之类吗? 感恩回复

回复: 蒙城私立中学可有谁知道? 感恩帮回复...

回复: 蒙城私立中学一般五月有一个考试,可以插入当年九月入学,要么就是参加十一月份的考试,来年九月入学。好像。你自己可以给想去的学校打电话,他们会告诉你有没有位置和怎么办。

回复: 蒙城私立中学蒙城私立中学10月可以插班吗已在外省读完7年级,拟10月转至蒙城私立中学读8年级。插班的话,何时应报名?需要笔试、面试之类吗?感恩回复点击展开...不知道你法语怎么样?要是法语好的话,各个学校在秋季招生结束以后,在一月份或者二月份都有插班考。具体各个学校的情况自己上网查查。在注册一栏都有详细的介绍哦。考试需要笔试,个别PROGRAME要面试。各个学校不一样。要是法语好的话,华人孩子插班考不吃力。不知道你是男孩女孩,似乎女孩选择余地更大一些。

回复: 蒙城私立中学一般五月有一个考试,可以插入当年九月入学,要么就是参加十一月份的考试,来年九月入学。好像。你自己可以给想去的学校打电话,他们会告诉你有没有位置和怎么办。点击展开...谢谢rose. 现在5月已经过了,若参加11月份考试的话,真的要待明年才入学? 如何是好?

回复: 蒙城私立中学不知道你法语怎么样?要是法语好的话,各个学校在秋季招生结束以后,在一月份或者二月份都有插班考。具体各个学校的情况自己上网查查。在注册一栏都有详细的介绍哦。考试需要笔试,个别PROGRAME要面试。各个学校不一样。要是法语好的话,华人孩子插班考不吃力。不知道你是男孩女孩,似乎女孩选择余地更大一些。点击展开...谢谢莲! 法语因为萨省学校也教,应该还行. 一定要明年一月二月份才可以考么,孩子可不可以随时来蒙随时插班考呀? 是女孩子.Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School女校,是否可随时插班? 感恩回复.

回复: 蒙城私立中学感恩知悉的朋友帮回复...

回复: 蒙城私立中学up

回复: 蒙城私立中学需要提前考试

回复: 蒙城私立中学电话学校 是否有空位 如何操作

回复: 蒙城私立中学谢谢莲! 法语因为萨省学校也教,应该还行. 一定要明年一月二月份才可以考么,孩子可不可以随时来蒙随时插班考呀? 是女孩子.Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School女校,是否可随时插班? 感恩回复.点击展开...Middle School (Gr. 6-8) ​​STEP 1: REQUEST A PACKAGE​Complete the Request a Package form, and we’ll mail to you a complete Admissions package, including the application and Teacher Confidential forms, or you may call the School to make this request (514-935-6357 x254). Applications are welcome at any time during the year, but it’s always best to apply early! When submitting an application form please remember to include all items on the Chcecklist in the package. STEP 2: PARTICIPATE IN THE EVALUATION PROCESSFor entrance to Grade 6 and Grade 8All applicants write a Canadian Cognitive Achievement Test (CCAT) on the morning they "Spend A Day At ECS." They also meet one-on-one with Admissions Committee members. Finally, on a separate day, applicants and their families meet with the Head of School.For entrance to Grade 7All Grade 7 applicants must write a Common Admissions Test (CAT). For more information about the CAT, please download the document at the end of this section and visit the Brisson Legris website, which opens September 2013. Applicants will then "Spend A Day At ECS", where they will meet one-on-one with Admissions Committee members. Finally, on a separate day, applicants and their families meet with the Head of School.STEP 3: WAIT FOR A DECISIONFor Grade 6 and 8, the Admissions Committee meets and a decision is usually made within the two weeks following the meeting with the Head. For Grade 7, applicants will be notified on a date determined by the QAIS (Quebec Association of Indpendent Schools) each year.​​Important DatesOpen House (all Grades): 3 October 20139:00 - 11:30 AM for tours & to see classes 4:30 - 7:00 PM for tours & to meet facultyFor Entrance into Grade 6Application Deadline: 28 October 2013"Spend A Day At ECS": 7 November 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014For Entrance into Grade 7Application deadline: 14 October 2013 CAT tests: see Brisson Legris website "Spend A Day At ECS": 22 or 24 October 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014For Entrance into Grade 8Application Deadline: 28 October 2013"Spend A Day At ECS": 7 November 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014NB: Spaces at various grade levels may open up after application deadlines. Contact the Admissions Office to find out more (514-935-6357 x254).​

回复: 蒙城私立中学信息其实很好找到,先给学校打个电话吧,约好了过去看一下。

回复: 蒙城私立中学Applications are welcome at any time during the year, but it’s always best to apply early! When submitting an application form please remember to include all items on the Chcecklist in the package.

回复: 蒙城私立中学需要提前考试点击展开...谢您

回复: 蒙城私立中学电话学校 是否有空位 如何操作点击展开...谢您指教,将电话一一联系相关学校。一般10月中旬,学校可会有空位?感恩

回复: 蒙城私立中学Middle School (Gr. 6-8) STEP 1: REQUEST A PACKAGEComplete the Request a Package form, and we’ll mail to you a complete Admissions package, including the application and Teacher Confidential forms, or you may call the School to make this request (514-935-6357 x254). Applications are welcome at any time during the year, but it’s always best to apply early! When submitting an application form please remember to include all items on the Chcecklist in the package.​ STEP 2: PARTICIPATE IN THE EVALUATION PROCESSFor entrance to Grade 6 and Grade 8All applicants write a Canadian Cognitive Achievement Test (CCAT) on the morning they "Spend A Day At ECS." They also meet one-on-one with Admissions Committee members. Finally, on a separate day, applicants and their families meet with the Head of School.​ For entrance to Grade 7All Grade 7 applicants must write a Common Admissions Test (CAT). For more information about the CAT, please download the document at the end of this section and visit the Brisson Legris website, which opens September 2013. Applicants will then "Spend A Day At ECS", where they will meet one-on-one with Admissions Committee members. Finally, on a separate day, applicants and their families meet with the Head of School.​ STEP 3: WAIT FOR A DECISIONFor Grade 6 and 8, the Admissions Committee meets and a decision is usually made within the two weeks following the meeting with the Head. For Grade 7, applicants will be notified on a date determined by the QAIS (Quebec Association of Indpendent Schools) each year.​ Important Dates​ Open House (all Grades): 3 October 20139:00 - 11:30 AM for tours & to see classes 4:30 - 7:00 PM for tours & to meet faculty​ For Entrance into Grade 6Application Deadline: 28 October 2013"Spend A Day At ECS": 7 November 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014​ For Entrance into Grade 7Application deadline: 14 October 2013 CAT tests: see Brisson Legris website "Spend A Day At ECS": 22 or 24 October 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014​ For Entrance into Grade 8Application Deadline: 28 October 2013"Spend A Day At ECS": 7 November 2013New Parents Reception: 13 May 2014​ NB: Spaces at various grade levels may open up after application deadlines. Contact the Admissions Office to find out more (514-935-6357 x254).​点击展开... 谢莲 非常详细的指教

回复: 蒙城私立中学信息其实很好找到,先给学校打个电话吧,约好了过去看一下。点击展开...谢莲 朋友们可有Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School联系电话 或者Collège Jean-Eudes学校电话? 感恩回复

回复: 蒙城私立中学Applications are welcome at any time during the year, but it’s always best to apply early! When submitting an application form please remember to include all items on the Chcecklist in the package.点击展开...是的,亲爱的莲,插班随时可以,尽早申请那是最好啊。 真为孩子10月中旬才能来蒙读中学又愁又急又瞎忙。。。 感恩您 感恩各位朋友回复

回复: 蒙城私立中学JEAN-EUDE 2年级的插班名额很少,你知道那个地址吗,在东区。Pour une demande d’admission en 2e, 3e, 4e ou 5e secondaireToute personne intéressée à déposer une demande d’admission en 2e, 3e, 4e ou 5e secondaire doit communiquer avec madame Sylvie Boucher, responsable des admissions.Veuillez noter que les places disponibles en 2e secondaire sont extrêmement rares.De plus, le nombre de places disponibles en 3e, 4e et 5e secondaire peut varier d’une année à l’autre et il est possible qu’aucune place ne se libère.

回复: 蒙城私立中学3,4,5年级名额也不确定,需要打电话联系。Vous pouvez nous contacter de plusieurs façons. Soyez assuré(e) que nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais.Par téléphone514 376-5740514 376-4325 (télécopieur)Par la posteCollège Jean-Eudes3535, boul. RosemontMontréal (Québec)H1X 1K7

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