加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息纽约购物能退税吗



回复: 纽约购物能退税吗得看你是什么身份,游客或许可以,居民不行。是居民的话,要看清楚不要带超了,否则要补税!

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗当天回来的话, NO

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15当天回来的话, NO点击展开...请教,不是当天来回的话,如何退税?

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗请教,不是当天来回的话,如何退税?点击展开...Less than 24 hoursPersonal exemptions do not apply to same-day cross-border shoppers.24 hours or moreUp to CAN$200 – Alcohol and tobacco cannot be claimed. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. If the value of the goods you have purchased abroad exceeds $200 after a 24 hour absence, duty and taxes are applicable on the entire amount of the imported goods.48 hours or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. Travellers absent for periods of 48 hours or more will have the applicable exemption level credited against the total value of goods.7 days or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. For the seven-day exemption, goods may be in your possession at time of entry to Canada but are also permitted to follow entry to Canada (such as via courier, mail or delivery agency), except alcohol and tobacco products, which must be in your possession. All the goods will qualify for duty- and tax-free entry if they are declared at the initial return to Canada.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 纽约购物能退税吗想预估一下自己需要交多少关税的话,可到这个网站输入数据计算:http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/mobile/est-cal-eng.html推荐出国前先在手机上存好这个网址,随时可以用的着. 这个网页是手机友好界面的设计,很方便的... 注意要挑自己居住的省份,每个省的税收管理都不同的. 别选错了.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 纽约购物能退税吗You are eligible for a personal exemption if you are one of the following:A Canadian resident returning from a trip outside Canada.A former resident of Canada returning to live in this country.A temporary resident of Canada returning from a trip outside Canada.Even young children and infants are entitled to a personal exemption. As a parent or guardian, you can make a declaration to the CBSA for a child as long as the goods you are declaring are for the child's use.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15当天回来的话, NO点击展开...留学生,游客身份进去美国,回来怎么退税

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗Less than 24 hoursPersonal exemptions do not apply to same-day cross-border shoppers.24 hours or moreUp to CAN$200 – Alcohol and tobacco cannot be claimed. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. If the value of the goods you have purchased abroad exceeds $200 after a 24 hour absence, duty and taxes are applicable on the entire amount of the imported goods.48 hours or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. Travellers absent for periods of 48 hours or more will have the applicable exemption level credited against the total value of goods.7 days or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. For the seven-day exemption, goods may be in your possession at time of entry to Canada but are also permitted to follow entry to Canada (such as via courier, mail or delivery agency), except alcohol and tobacco products, which must be in your possession. All the goods will qualify for duty- and tax-free entry if they are declared at the initial return to Canada.点击展开...你这个是加拿大人美国购物的免税额吧。我想知道怎么退税,以前在法国买东西,回中国时在机场就退税了。

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗你这个是加拿大人美国购物的免税额吧。我想知道怎么退税,以前在法国买东西,回中国时在机场就退税了。点击展开...看贴要仔细.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15看贴要仔细.点击展开...你的意思是我回加拿大时,在加拿大边检,上报他们,我在美国花了多少钱,然后加拿大会给我退我在美国的消费税?

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗看贴要仔细.点击展开...

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗看贴要仔细.点击展开...以后看标题要仔细,不要答非所问!

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗你的意思是我回加拿大时,在加拿大边检,上报他们,我在美国花了多少钱,然后加拿大会给我退我在美国的消费税?点击展开...不能退税。上面的几位理解都错误。他要问的是在美国消费的消费税能否在离开美国时候如同欧盟或者墨西哥那样获得退税。而不是问在美国买的东西回加拿大是否要缴税的问题。他的问题答案是NO!美国和欧盟不一样,美国的消费税都是州甚至州以下的行政单位收取的,而不是国家联邦的层面。所以你离开美国(联邦)的时候不可能获得州收取的税务的refund.

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗不能退税。上面的几位理解都错误。他要问的是在美国消费的消费税能否在离开美国时候如同欧盟或者墨西哥那样获得退税。而不是问在美国买的东西回加拿大是否要缴税的问题。他的问题答案是NO!点击展开...终于有位明白人!

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗想预估一下自己需要交多少关税的话,可到这个网站输入数据计算: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/mobile/est-cal-eng.html 推荐出国前先在手机上存好这个网址,随时可以用的着. 这个网页是手机友好界面的设计,很方便的... 注意要挑自己居住的省份,每个省的税收管理都不同的. 别选错了.点击展开...

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗开车从蒙特利尔到纽约购物回来能退税吗?点击展开...大多欧洲国家可以退税,北美不给退。

从北京带猫猫到加拿大的步骤http://forum.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=505323回复: 纽约购物能退税吗消费税,估计美国没有这个政策。

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗不能退税。上面的几位理解都错误。他要问的是在美国消费的消费税能否在离开美国时候如同欧盟或者墨西哥那样获得退税。而不是问在美国买的东西回加拿大是否要缴税的问题。他的问题答案是NO!美国和欧盟不一样,美国的消费税都是州甚至州以下的行政单位收取的,而不是国家联邦的层面。所以你离开美国(联邦)的时候不可能获得州收取的税务的refund.点击展开...谢谢明白人

回复: 纽约购物能退税吗大多欧洲国家可以退税,北美不给退。点击展开...我在美国新奥尔良退过税。不是必须在机场,必须要到退税服务中心点办理。其他城市没经历过。陆路过境的话,别说退税,小心加拿大边境征税。我每次过海关都看到华人在交罚款。

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