加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息租房合同到期问题
记得有人说过一年期的租房合同(魁北克政府发布的通用lease, 没任何额外附加条款)到期之后就会自动变成按月的durée indéterminée, 可是刚刚在Régie du logement网站上找了半天也没看到这项说明,哪位达人给个原文链接呗,谢谢了
赏 2014-06-08#3 1,927 $0.00 这个?也没找到电子版的。http://www.archambault.ca/productBook:ACH000924700-bail-de-logement-formulaire-obligatoire-de-la-regie-du-logement-ACH000924700-fr-pr
Je pense, donc je suis.记得有人说过一年期的租房合同(魁北克政府发布的通用lease, 没任何额外附加条款)到期之后就会自动变成按月的durée indéterminée, 可是刚刚在Régie du logement网站上找了半天也没看到这项说明,哪位达人给个原文链接呗,谢谢了点击展开...大温是这样的胡说点击展开...感谢提醒魁省是不同的QuebecGoverning or Regulatory BodyRégie du logementNote about the Quebec fact sheetQuebec follows civil law, where the rules of law are written out in detail, which differs from the common law followed in other jurisdictions in Canada. This results in answers that are much more detailed and specific than you will find in other provinces and territories, as they are written out explicitly in the governing legislation.点击展开...Renewal of a Lease TermAll leases, no matter what their duration, are automatically renewed with the same terms if the landlord does not give the tenant proper written notice, as set out by law, for changing the conditions (discussed below) or termination (see Terminating a Lease: Notice and Timing).The notice periods in this section apply to changes of conditions, such as a rent increase.If the lease is for less than 12 months, or the duration is undetermined, the notice of change of conditions must be given at least 1 month and not more than 2 months before the end of the term. For leases of 12 months or longer, the notice must be given at least 3 months and not more than 6 months before the end of the lease. For the lease of a room the notice is of not less than ten days nor more than twenty days (article 1942 Civil Code of Quebec).A lessee who objects to the modification proposed by the lessor is bound to notify the lessor, within one month after receiving the notice of modification of the lease, that he objects or that he is vacating the dwelling; otherwise, he is deemed to have agreed to the renewal of the lease on the conditions proposed by the lessor.点击展开...
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