加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息悲剧啦!牙科没有急症吗?泥马都要预约


牙疼真的疼死人的。和一个在verdun姓钱的好不容易打通电话,却是要一个月后。走了附近几家老外的,都说不接受无预约。我说能否开个药先?说:不行。那什么时候最快能预约上?答:最快也要1周后 ...再给姓钱的打电话,电话一直通着,但就是没人接。打了好几天都这样。他那里是一个熟人推荐的,说他那里挺好的。但是好不容易打通的那天,那接电话女的说话也是有气无力的样子。不知靠谱否?不知楼里童鞋是否知道无需预约且周末也开门的牙科?多谢!

在Tangerine.ca银行开户,填写Orange Key 39764988S1 就得50刀。通过此接链amex.ca/share/anthosrffT 申请运通 Amex Cash Back 信用卡,通过后就得100刀。无年费;前六个月返现5%[/COLOR] 2014-08-16#2 soleil_lee-太阳李
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付费矿工 12$(0.00$赞力,#82) 22,515 $0.67 $11.52 Where you go for treatment when you have a dental emergency depends on the type of emergency you have. When deciding where you should go for treatment consider, think of the following before making your decision.Head to the HospitalDental emergencies, or traumas involving the face and mouth, that require immediate medical attention include:jaw fracturesjaw dislocationsserious lacerations of the soft tissues of the face and mouthan abcess or infection that is very swollen or that is impacting breathing or swallowing (particularly if you are immunocompromised)Call 911 for Emergency Medical Services (EMS), or go directly to the hospital.See the DentistThere are other dental emergencies that are not considered life-threatening but that still may require immediate care.A broken or cracked toothAn avulsed (lost/knocked out) toothPain from a decayed or abscessed tooth (not swollen, not impacting breathing or swallowing)These do not necessarily require treatment at a hospital. Your dentist should be the first person you call. Hospitals are not equipped to provide you with the treatment necessary to restore a tooth or provide other dental treatment that may be required. That care should be sought quickly, but it needn't be in an ER.But My Dentist Isn't Available!Dental emergencies do not always occur at an ideal time of day (as if there is one), so your dentist may not be able to see you when you need him to.If the dental emergency occurs during non-business hours, on a weekend, or a holiday -- and it is not considered life-threatening -- always try calling your dentist before perusing alternative care options. Many dentists provide their patients with after hours emergency care or an on-call substitute recommendation. Call your dentist's office and wait for the recorded message. If your dentist does provide his patients with after hours care, instructions for you to follow will be mentioned in the recording.In cases where your dentist (or any dentist) is not able to see you after hours, but you still require treatment from a medical professional, proceed to the nearest care facility in your area. Keep in mind that they may not always be able to provide you with treatment, but every effort to manage your pain and discomfort will be made until you are able to get an appointment with your dentist.Dental emergencies should always be handled seriously. Preparing yourself in advance to handle a dental emergency when one occurs is invaluable knowledge that every member of the family should possess.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)赞反馈:逍遥侯 2014-08-16#3 V 451 $0.00 这些说明我都看过。一点用处都没有。人家不接受

在Tangerine.ca银行开户,填写Orange Key 39764988S1 就得50刀。通过此接链amex.ca/share/anthosrffT 申请运通 Amex Cash Back 信用卡,通过后就得100刀。无年费;前六个月返现5%[/COLOR] 2014-08-16#4 soleil_lee-太阳李
I ❤ SH
付费矿工 12$(0.00$赞力,#82) 22,515 $0.67 $11.52 唐人街金发那个楼里以前看到过有个牙医周末开着 不知道接受不接受病人。

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 2014-08-16#5 soleil_lee-太阳李
I ❤ SH
付费矿工 12$(0.00$赞力,#82) 22,515 $0.67 $11.52 超市里买点止痛片,到周一再说,一般来说牙医很好预约的。

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 2014-08-16#6 esimon 1,615 $0.00 http://urgencedentaire.com/这个不用约,技术也很好。室友刚刚去过

If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 2014-08-16#7 F 307 $0.00 找个不用预约的诊所,医生会给开点药先消炎止痛,然后再去牙医。我这么做过。

verdun 地铁站边上,钱经芳牙医周末也开门的,你打个电话问问,他们接受急诊的,具体电话你查一下蒙城华人报,我去过几次的

他们家电话一直没人接。我从网上找了个在我们quartier的牙医liste, 电话一个一个打过去,终于找到了一个老外。然后给我拍照,洗牙。最后说因为最里面的那个牙齿歪着长,顶到了第二个牙齿。最后给我一个单子让我去医院预约拔牙。说大概要1000元还是不要钱,没再问,反正说保险能cover。verdun 地铁站边上,钱经芳牙医周末也开门的,你打个电话问问,他们接受急诊的,具体电话你查一下蒙城华人报,我去过几次的点击展开...

在Tangerine.ca银行开户,填写Orange Key 39764988S1 就得50刀。通过此接链amex.ca/share/anthosrffT 申请运通 Amex Cash Back 信用卡,通过后就得100刀。无年费;前六个月返现5%[/COLOR] 2014-08-16#10 Z 1,929 $0.00 夏天牙医很好约

三月三十日抵达卡尔加里. 2014-08-16#11 G 949 $0.00 514-721-6006514-593-9229是牙科诊所护士推荐我的急诊电话,LZ试试。


在Tangerine.ca银行开户,填写Orange Key 39764988S1 就得50刀。通过此接链amex.ca/share/anthosrffT 申请运通 Amex Cash Back 信用卡,通过后就得100刀。无年费;前六个月返现5%[/COLOR] 2014-08-16#13 Y 480 $0.00 牙肿了医生也做不了什么,先去家庭医生开消炎药,等不疼了 牙科医生才能给你弄


There ARE many emergency dental clinics. That is exactly where you should go. I know the ones in Toronto only but it would be easy to use google and key word and find those clinics in Montreal.

Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur 2014-08-16#16 fieldmarshal 4,099 $0.00 看牙绝大部分情况都不是立即要干什么阿,那么着急干什么呢?

A brave new world :cool: 2014-08-16#17 herbertguo 7,544 $0.00 有一病人,牙疼,寻牙医拔掉痛处两齿;不日又疼,就医,医生再次拔掉两颗;隔日仍疼,就诊同一牙医,牙医拒绝再次拔牙;无奈,至另一诊所,终又拔牙两颗,疼却依旧。后经介绍到神经科检查,果非牙齿毛病,乃面部三叉神经痛所致。至此,已损失良齿六颗!西医止疼未果,遂寻一中医按摩师,于颈后揉捏几分钟后,痛顿消,未反复。-----牙疼有时不是牙的毛病。


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