The city of Montreal will be offering property-owners an opportunity to plant trees at a discounted price.Operation “Un arbre pour mon quartier” offers eight Canadian-grown trees to Montreal residents, community organizations and institutions for $25 per sapling, and nine varieties of fruit trees at $35 a pop. The trees are such varieties as red maple and oak while the fruit trees are cherry, apple and pear.The trees are available until截止日期 Sept. 19 by going to the 附近的Eco-Quartier in your neighbourhood and reserving the type you’d like. The trees will be ready for distribution the发放将于 first week of October. Autumn is the ideal time to plant trees because of the abundance of rain.For Eco-Quartier locations and opening hours, visit http://www.ecoquartier.ca/index.php/adresses-ecocentres-montreal.html
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