快雪时晴 说:http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167192&AID=10657534&PID=749547&SID=rfdcb-d725&nm_mc=AFC-C8JunctionCA&cm_mmc=AFC-C8JunctionCA-_-na-_-na-_-na&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-%zn点击展开...SLC就下单了,MLC寿命还差点。
刚$84.99入了Crucial M500 240G。
Je pense, donc je suis.刚$84.99入了Crucial M500 240G。点击展开...read速度很重要,600以上就不错。寿命依次排列SLC, MLC, TLC,价格反过来。
Long Vacation 说:read速度很重要,600以上就不错。寿命依次排列SLC, MLC, TLC,价格反过来。点击展开...如果你不是做数据服务器存储,这些差别根本没那么重要。不做测试,你能感觉到速度500和600的差别?买SLC,不如买MLC组raid呢~MLC成为主流是注定的事,普通用户的读写频率,电脑淘汰前根本不必介意SSD寿命。很在意寿命,用磁带啊,呵呵~
Je pense, donc je suis.如果你不是做数据服务器存储,这些差别根本没那么重要。不做测试,你能感觉到速度500和600的差别?买SLC,不如买MLC组raid呢~MLC成为主流是注定的事,普通用户的读写频率,电脑淘汰前根本不必介意SSD寿命。很在意寿命,用磁带啊,呵呵~点击展开...当然是相近价格才去比这些技术,谁的钱都不是偷来的,我是听到企业级马上想到SLC而已,另外自己组raid相当于价格翻倍。Crucial's M500 SSD reviewedFittingly, these lower prices have been driven in part by cooperation between Intel and Micron, Crucial's parent company, who collaborate on NAND production through a joint venture dubbed IM Flash Technologies. IMFT fabbed the 50-nm flash chips for the X25-M, and it has since moved to finer process tech at 35, 25, and now 20 nanometers. Each new process packs more gigabytes per wafer, increasing bit densities and decreasing prices.你这个是50纳米技术的,东芝Q系列256g的是20纳米技术,1212官方旗舰店只卖6xx人民币。你这个只有240g,算下来加税其实价格差不多,肯定是选自产 NAND的东芝20nm产品了。
LCD, LED最初也缺点明显的。制程乃至其它技术进步,是必然的事,成本会随着应用普及而下降。不说了,都不是什么新鲜的东东~
Je pense, donc je suis.是当然是相近价格才去比这些技术,谁的钱都不是偷来的,我是听到企业级马上想到SLC而已,另外自己组raid相当于价格翻倍。Crucial's M500 SSD reviewedFittingly, these lower prices have been driven in part by cooperation between Intel and Micron, Crucial's parent company, who collaborate on NAND production through a joint venture dubbed IM Flash Technologies. IMFT fabbed the 50-nm flash chips for the X25-M, and it has since moved to finer process tech at 35, 25, and now 20 nanometers. Each new process packs more gigabytes per wafer, increasing bit densities and decreasing prices.你这个是50纳米技术的,东芝Q系列256g的是20纳米技术,1212官方旗舰店只卖6xx人民币。你这个只有240g,算下来加税其实价格差不多,肯定是选自产 NAND的东芝20nm产品了。点击展开...如果不是一两年内的新电脑的话,没必要装那么高级的SSD。注重value的话,这个也不错,用的就是东芝19nm新工艺的NAND:http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital-Adapter-SV300S37A-240G/dp/B00A1ZTZNM
Long Vacation 说:Crucial's M500 SSD reviewedFittingly, these lower prices have been driven in part by cooperation between Intel and Micron, Crucial's parent company, who collaborate on NAND production through a joint venture dubbed IM Flash Technologies. IMFT fabbed the 50-nm flash chips for the X25-M, and it has since moved to finer process tech at 35, 25, and now 20 nanometers. Each new process packs more gigabytes per wafer, increasing bit densities and decreasing prices.你这个是50纳米技术的,点击展开...1. SSD产品不是光NAND颗粒制程先进, 就一定先进的;2. Crucial M500规格是20nm NAND,你引用的英文里也有的;3. 2010的产品才有50nm制程,M500是2013的,请勿穿越。如果你说SLC成本和MLC相近,只能无语~附:1. PCMAG对intel 730(480G)d 评测:http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2460984,00.aspWhat our performance figures show, however, is that while the 730 Series in a RAID Level 0 configuration was much faster than any of the single drives, the 730 Series alone wasn't particularly faster than either the Samsung 840 EVO or the SanDisk Extreme II 480GB. Its performance on our tests tended to match that of the SanDisk SSD overall, but fell back from the Samsung 840 EVO, thanks in no small part to the Samsung drive's use of a small slice of single-layer-cell (SLC) NAND to boost performance. Notably, however, it was also much slower than the Toshiba HK3R, which had a raw score even faster than the Samsung 840 EVO's (7,464).Samsung 840EVO和M500是一个档次的,EVO表现略好一些。500g的840 evo现在只卖$260,需要大容量的可以考虑这个。
Je pense, donc je suis.如果你说SLC成本和MLC相近,只能无语~点击展开...你误解了,我是想买SLC,又不想花大价钱,所以点开楼主链接看看是不是捡得到便宜。没说两个成本相近,而是售价相近,如果圣诞有特优惠的交易。不过现在老外人参当萝卜卖的情况越来越稀少了。
olivier09 说:刚$84.99入了Crucial M500 240G。点击展开...89.99也入了一个
![Image 2.jpg](/data/attachments/315/315253-c8b9103fa56084301cf177d0cd56e5b1.jpg)
![Image 1.jpg](/data/attachments/315/315254-b69d7f78efb25e7bea5d8d2cfe17b4ed.jpg)
Long Vacation 说:MX100是新M500的升级版,16纳米技术,容量还多16G,但价格相同。浏览附件370365 浏览附件370366点击展开...不好意思,看你提到“16纳米技术”,决定不再讨论技术话题。最后提一句,MX100不建议买,为什么请自行google~
Je pense, donc je suis.不好意思,看你提到“16纳米技术”,决定不再讨论技术话题。最后提一句,MX100不建议买,为什么请自行google~点击展开...你自己去看具体比较吧:http://ssd.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Crucial-MX100-256GB-vs-Crucial-M500-240GB/2317vs1551全面超越,一个排名125,一个排名171,相同价格,为什么要买淘汰的?Crucial MX100 256GB vs M500 240GBAverage User BenchRead: 481 vs 476 MB/sWrite: 316 vs 261 MB/s4K Read: 23.9 vs 20.6 MB/s4K Write: 74.4 vs 65.6 MB/sMixed: 345 vs 320 MB/s4K Mixed: 23.4 vs 21 MB/sPeak Lab BenchRead: 522 vs 503 MB/sWrite: 332 vs 272 MB/s4K Read: 30.8 vs 27.1 MB/s4K Write: 122 vs 119 MB/sMixed: 398 vs 351 MB/s4K Mixed: 33.9 vs 29.6 MB/sSpeed Rank: 125/551 (410 samples) vs 171/551 (359 samples)User Rating: 75% (5,203 votes) vs 64% (6,268 votes)Sources:Crucial MX100 256GB CT256MX100SSD1Crucial M500 240GB CT240M500SSD1
Long Vacation 说:是当然是相近价格才去比这些技术,谁的钱都不是偷来的,我是听到企业级马上想到SLC而已,另外自己组raid相当于价格翻倍。Crucial's M500 SSD reviewedFittingly, these lower prices have been driven in part by cooperation between Intel and Micron, Crucial's parent company, who collaborate on NAND production through a joint venture dubbed IM Flash Technologies. IMFT fabbed the 50-nm flash chips for the X25-M, and it has since moved to finer process tech at 35, 25, and now 20 nanometers. Each new process packs more gigabytes per wafer, increasing bit densities and decreasing prices.你这个是50纳米技术的,东芝Q系列256g的是20纳米技术,1212官方旗舰店只卖6xx人民币。你这个只有240g,算下来加税其实价格差不多,肯定是选自产 NAND的东芝20nm产品了。点击展开...小偷的钱也不是偷来的吗?
olivier09 说:如果你不是做数据服务器存储,这些差别根本没那么重要。不做测试,你能感觉到速度500和600的差别?买SLC,不如买MLC组raid呢~MLC成为主流是注定的事,普通用户的读写频率,电脑淘汰前根本不必介意SSD寿命。很在意寿命,用磁带啊,呵呵~点击展开...差别很大,我4块ssd做raid0,1年时间M500已经用坏过1块了。
olivier09 说:不好意思,看你提到“16纳米技术”,决定不再讨论技术话题。最后提一句,MX100不建议买,为什么请自行google~点击展开...小和尚不懂技术的,他是政治“家”,从政治角度胡扯技术,历来如此。
快雪时晴 说:差别很大,我4块ssd做raid0,1年时间M500已经用坏过1块了。点击展开...我用了三年的Samsung 830 128G,至今没出过问题,做系统盘,平均一年重装系统2次,非ghost所以每次常用软件也全部重装,保持剩余空间40G-45G左右。追求极致性能或稳定,就根本不会考虑廉价家用的。好比想买一个本本预算1K内,要能1080P特效全开60FPS跑最新游戏大作,重量2kg不到,根本就是极菜才会不切实际发梦。多少期望和消费能力得找个结合点...
Je pense, donc je suis. 赏 2014-12-20#20
34,088 $0.00![amlc.jpg](/data/attachments/315/315317-5148402761b157c6b3d6df86dbd5d99b.jpg)
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