把日子过成段子[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 赏
http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/publications/paiement.asp迟交3周以上可以撤销lease。少于3周,房东只能要求房客补交欠款以及附加的利息和开销。楼上做房东也要学习,不然明明自己占理的事,也变成没理了总之到这步,要与公司沟通才行。Failure to payNon-payment of the rentA tenant who does not pay his or her rent in full on the agreed day is in default as of the next day. The landlord can, as of that time, file an application with the Régie to recover the rent owing, interest and the costs related to the application.Before filing an application, the landlord would do well to issue a formal notice to pay to the tenant, in order to avoid having to assume the costs of the application should the tenant pay in a reasonable time.More than three weeks lateIn this case, the consequences can be more far-reaching. Not only can the landlord request that the tribunal order the tenant to pay the rent and other costs, but also the resiliation of the lease and the eviction of the tenant and the other occupants.Resiliation of the lease can be avoided if the tenant pays, before judgment, the rent owing, as well as costs and interest at the rate provided in section 28 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Revenu, or at the rate agreed by the parties if it is lower.Frequent late paymentsThe landlord can also request the resiliation of the lease if the rent is frequently paid late. However, in addition to proving the late payments, the landlord must show that serious prejudice (damage)—such as a large financial loss stemming from the frequent late payments—was suffered.
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide.http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/publications/paiement.asp迟交3周以上可以撤销lease。少于3周,房东只能要求房客补交欠款以及附加的利息和开销。楼上做房东也要学习,不然明明自己占理的事,也变成没理了总之到这步,要与公司沟通才行。Failure to payNon-payment of the rentA tenant who does not pay his or her rent in full on the agreed day is in default as of the next day. The landlord can, as of that time, file an application with the Régie to recover the rent owing, interest and the costs related to the application.Before filing an application, the landlord would do well to issue a formal notice to pay to the tenant, in order to avoid having to assume the costs of the application should the tenant pay in a reasonable time.More than three weeks lateIn this case, the consequences can be more far-reaching. Not only can the landlord request that the tribunal order the tenant to pay the rent and other costs, but also the resiliation of the lease and the eviction of the tenant and the other occupants.Resiliation of the lease can be avoided if the tenant pays, before judgment, the rent owing, as well as costs and interest at the rate provided in section 28 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Revenu, or at the rate agreed by the parties if it is lower.Frequent late paymentsThe landlord can also request the resiliation of the lease if the rent is frequently paid late. However, in addition to proving the late payments, the landlord must show that serious prejudice (damage)—such as a large financial loss stemming from the frequent late payments—was suffered.点击展开...你说的是第一次迟付的情况,第二次迟付,只要迟付一天就可以要求解除合同了。看你列出来的第三个bullet. 这个是租房委员会的人自己跟我说的,还说因为程序要走很久,一旦迟交马上就可以起诉,不然等的时间太久,损失会很大。
taxpayer 说:你说的是第一次迟付的情况,第二次迟付,只要迟付一天就可以要求解除合同了。看你列出来的第三个bullet.点击展开...看第三点,不但你要证明人家总是迟交,还必须要证明作为房东遭受了严重损失。第二次迟付当然你可以要求解除合同,但是2点都不满足的话,会被驳回,费时费力,还被人骂黑方东不是么
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 赏
diane-wyl 说:谢谢楼上各位的建议。是2月份迟交的房租,发现后马上补交了。3月10多号收到的传票,倒是来得挺快,4月中旬听证。有这功夫管理员直接催促一下多省事,弄得现在被动担心要搬走。这也是我自找,以后就按楼上说的post date cheques,这个是一次性把剩下的支票都开上么?点击展开...魁省post date cheque收租是非法的,他们真不见得敢收你倒是可以问他们能不能银行转帐或者直接扣信用卡http://www.educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/paying-rentWhen it comes to paying rent, what is NOT allowed?Your landlord is not permitted to do these things:demand any payment other than your rent payment (e.g., a deposit for your keys)demand that payments exceed the amount shown in the leasedemand any advance payment of rent except for the first month's rent when the lease is signeddemand that rent be paid by post-dated chequesincrease your rent during the term of your leasedemand instalments of different amounts. For example: $ 500 for the first month, $ 520 the following months, and $ 530 for the last month. However, the law allows your landlord to make your last rent instalment lower than the rest.demand the full amount of rent if you failed to pay one rent instalment
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 赏
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 赏 2015-04-25#19 F 556 $0.00 楼主每月怎么付房租呢?我的房客一般一次给足半年以上的支票,我每月去银行存入。时隔半年,下次给另一沓子支票时,偶尔有忘记的时候,我一般会提醒。但是如果每月给一次,房客还忘记,是不是房东正好把你赶走就省心了?
fish_jnd 说:楼主每月怎么付房租呢?我的房客一般一次给足半年以上的支票,我每月去银行存入。时隔半年,下次给另一沓子支票时,偶尔有忘记的时候,我一般会提醒。但是如果每月给一次,房客还忘记,是不是房东正好把你赶走就省心了?点击展开...看我前面的贴,这样不合法哦。碰到刁蛮的房客,去告你一状,省那点事不知要惹多大麻烦
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