加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息想开一个美金帐户以利出行方便


两种选择目前:1。 HSBC 的美金储蓄帐户HSBC U.S. Dollar High Rate Savings AccountA convenient way to save and manage your U.S. Dollars.Convenience and securityIf you travel to the United States or need to make transactions in U.S. dollars, you'll appreciate having funds readily available. Plus, you can purchase U.S. dollars whenever rates are favourable and keep them in your account until you need them—reducing the need to exchange funds when it may not be as financially advantageous.It doesn’t get any better than freeYou can move your money to and from other HSBC accounts in your name whenever you like – it’s easy and it’s free.You don’t pay a monthly administration fee, so your savings work harder. And no minimum balance means even a little can grow a lot.Competitive interest rates1 are calculated dailyRates change but your interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Interest is paid on amounts in your account up to USD $1 million.View Interest RatesFees for self-service transactions2Self-directed account activity like Telephone Banking, Personal Internet Banking withdrawals and other actions will incur a 1.00 USD1 per transaction charge. Keeping these activities to a minimum reduces the few fees you pay.Fees for in-branch bankingIn-branch withdrawals are subject to a 1.00 USD1 per transaction fee.

BMO USD matercardMC190-COB (05/14)Important information about BMO MasterCard cardsThe following provides important information about BMO MasterCard®* cards. The charges, fees and pricing listed arevalid as of May 2, 2014 unless otherwise noted, and are subject to change.Annualinterest rateor ratesThese interest rates are in effect from the date your account is activated.AIR MILES®† cards, CashBack® cards, BMO RewardsTM card,Student cards, U.S. Dollar card:Purchases and fees: 19.9%Cash advances: 19.9%Balance transfers: 19.9%BMO World Elite card:Purchases and fees: 20.5%Cash advances: 20.5%Balance transfers: 20.5%Preferred Rate card, Affinity Union and Edvantage cards:Purchases and fees: 17.5%Cash advances: 17.5%Balance transfers: 17.5%Low interest rate option – Preferred Rate card:Purchases and fees: 11.9%Cash advances: 11.9%Balance transfers: 11.9%Interest-freegrace period21 daysYou will benefit from an interest-free grace period of at least 21 days if you pay off your balancein full by the payment due date. We don’t charge interest on purchases and fees appearing onyour account statement for the first time if you pay your new balance in full by the paymentdue date. There is no interest-free period on cash advances, including cash-like and gamingtransactions, and balance transfers.Minimumpayment2% or $10Your minimum payment will be the greater of 2% of the outstanding balance shown onyour account statement, or $10. You must pay the full amount of the new balance if it is$10 or less. If the new balance exceeds your credit limit or if there is an amount past dueon your account statement, you must pay the greater of:• The minimum payment described above plus the past due amount, or• The amount by which your new balance exceeds your credit limit.ForeigncurrencyconversionCanadian dollar: The exchange rate for converting foreign currency transactions toCanadian dollars is the rate charged to us by MasterCard International (“MCI”) plus 2.5%.The exchange rate for converting refunds of foreign currency transactions to Canadiandollars is the rate charged to us by MCI minus 2.5%. We make the conversion on the datethe transaction or refund is posted to your account.U.S. dollar: The exchange rate for converting non-U.S. dollar transactions to U.S. dollarsis the rate charged to us by MasterCard International (“MCI”) plus 2.5%. The exchangerate for converting refunds of non-U.S. dollar transactions to U.S. dollars is the ratecharged to us by MCI minus 2.5%. We make the conversion on the date the transactionor refund is posted to your account.Annual fees Annual fees are to be charged within the first monthly statement following the opening ofyour new account, regardless of whether or not the card has been activated, and annuallyon the anniversary of your account.Annual card fees:BMO World Elite MasterCard $150.00AIR MILES World MasterCard $99.00CashBack World MasterCard $79.00BMO Rewards MasterCard $35.00AIR MILES MasterCard, CashBack MasterCard,Student Cards, Preferred Rate MasterCard No feeU.S. Dollar MasterCard $35.00 USD(Annual fee will be waived for the following year if thecard spend for the preceding year is $1,000 or more)Additional card annual fees:AIR MILES World MasterCard $15.00 per cardCashBack World MasterCard $15.00 per cardAll other cardsd No feeLow interest rate option:Preferred Rate MasterCard $20.0005/14-111† Plus applicable taxes. ‡ Supplier fees for each change or cancellation to your travel arrangements may also apply and will be displayed at the time of booking based on your specific travelreservation. ®/™ Registered trade-marks of Bank of Montreal. ™*/®* Trade-marks/registered trade-marks of MasterCard International Incorporated. ®† Trademarks of AIR MILES InternationalTrading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Bank of Montreal. ®§§ Trade-mark of Interac Inc. Used under license.Other fees The following fees are charged on the day the transaction or activity takes place:Overlimit fee – charged on the day when your account balance exceeds $29.00your credit limit and at the beginning of each subsequent billing periodif you remain overlimitCharge for dishonoured payment from or to your account – $40.00amount of dishonoured payment will be subject to the applicableinterest rate from the date such payment is reversed.Charge for book of personalized MasterCard cheques $10.00Replacement copy of statement or sales slip $5.00Cash-like and gaming transactions: $2.75Wire transfers, money orders, travellers cheques, foreign currency,bets and betting, off-track betting, race track wagers, casino gamingchips and lottery ticketsBMO Rewards Program:Travel-related redemption:• Online booking FREE• Phone booking $29.95†Travel arrangement change or cancellation‡ $25.00†Redemption for merchandise or financial rewards:• Online orders FREE• Phone orders $10.00†Cash advance fees – Automated teller machine (ATM) network:Bank of Montreal ATM $1.50Interac®§§ Network in Canada $2.75Cirrus®* Network in U.S. $3.50Cirrus®* Network outside Canada and U.S. $4.50Cash advance fees – Other:Bank of Montreal branch and Telephone Banking $3.00MasterCard financial institution in Canada $4.00MasterCard financial institution in U.S. $5.00MasterCard financial institution outside Canada and U.S. $6.00The following fees, if applicable, are charged on your statement date:Inactive account credit balance fee – $10.00the lesser of $10 or the full credit balance if your account is inactiveand has a credit balance for 12 consecutive billing periodsBMO Credit Card Balance Protection – $0.94 per $100 of yourMonthly premium total average dailybalance, (plus applicableprovincial taxes)Your account statementsWe’ll provide you a credit card account statement everymonth, unless you have a monthly outstanding balance ofless than $10 and no payments or transactions have beenposted to your account and no interest or fees have beencharged to your account. In such case, we will send youan account statement every three months. Please note thatstatements are not provided for prepaid cards.Contact usFor additional information concerning your BMO creditcard account, please call the BMO Customer Contact Centreat 1-800-263-2263.TTY (for the deaf and hearing impaired): 1-866-859-2089.


两种方法返还率都非常小,可以忽略不计BMO的 USD mastercard 感觉有很多陷阱,不如HSBC每个transaction 1$实在大家还有什么建议?


TD的U.S. Dollar Daily Interest Chequing Account感觉还不错!但是看看这里,就是说在美国的时候不能用他们的卡提现金出来TD daily interest chequing account.jpg

TD bank Boderless Plan (USD) ,月费差不多5元的样子,免费办一张美元信用卡如果能够一直保持3500美元以上的水平,免月费用了快6年,很方便

还有一个option: Borderles planTD Borderless plan.jpg

ledjiang 说:TD bank Boderless Plan (USD) ,月费差不多5元的样子,免费办一张美元信用卡如果能够一直保持3500美元以上的水平,免月费用了快6年,很方便点击展开...在境外能用ATM机取钱吗?手续费怎么算的?网上都没找到

vickyzyd 说:在境外能用ATM机取钱吗?手续费怎么算的?网上都没找到点击展开...这个倒不清楚,没有境外取过钱一般出境前取一些美元现金,消费刷信用卡

TD应该好些, 因为在美国有分行. 不过楼主好像把我屏蔽了

vickyzyd 说:在境外能用ATM机取钱吗?手续费怎么算的?网上都没找到点击展开...取过一次100刀,手续费好像是三块多。

abcba 说:TD应该好些, 因为在美国有分行.不过楼主好像把我屏蔽了点击展开...我帮你让她看到,嘻嘻~~

小糯米 说:我帮你让她看到,嘻嘻~~点击展开...好吧, 我投你一票 7.5 的作为感谢

abcba 说:我帮你让她看到,嘻嘻~~点击展开...看的到,以前屏蔽过,后来解除了,哈哈


WorryFree 说:RBC点击展开...具体点

ledjiang 说:TD bank Boderless Plan (USD) ,月费差不多5元的样子,免费办一张美元信用卡如果能够一直保持3500美元以上的水平,免月费用了快6年,很方便点击展开...有这个账户,还真没想到要办个美金信用卡。

abcba 说:好吧, 我投你一票 7.5 的作为感谢点击展开...你滴,大大的坏滴!!

us dollar daily interest cheque 好像比较适合我,但是怎么那么脑残?!不能用卡在美国的ATM上取款???还是我理解有误??

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