加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息魁省的paralegal都是无执业牌照的,法律事务请找
如果魁省的Paralegal们想像安省的同行们那样合法持牌执业(安省paralegal牌照见下图),那就请去Barreau du Québec看看能不能够申请到相应的牌照! 所以,魁省同胞们,法律事务请咨询魁省专业律师! 付英律师的律所:加拿大CMKZ律师事务所地址:2020, Robert-Bourassa Blvd | Suite 1920Montréal (QC) Canada H3A 2A5网站:http://cmkz.ca/en/
要租license开幼儿园的骗子,2011年就在加拿大华人网站以“律师”之名注册的主儿,你的名声已经是响当当的了,是香是臭不自知啊!关于Quebec的Paralegal究竟能不能代理小额法庭和租房委员会案子,你自己的帖子已经证实了。你这么翻来覆去打自己脸,真的不给法律界丢脸?!http://forum.iask.ca/threads/防诈骗问答在魁省,paralegal无权收费代理任何案件.808676/魁省的Paralegal干嘛要到安省去申请执照? 你“*花速成律师”从魁省律协忽悠来了个“临时执照”,你是否也得到安省律协去忽悠一个?! 以前看你在流水账里吹自己多么神勇智慧,原来竟是水脑世界的神勇?!下面的录像里,她说她在北京做了26年律师,说话的时间点是2016年。北京市司法局的网站信息显示她是2002年获得的律师资格(http://www.bjsf.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab196/?itemid=10950959),难不成她穿越到2028年?!还是她的数学是体育老师教的?! 就这样还接跨国商务案例?!4位数的加减法都搞不定!下面的录像一定要看,从41:06开始看“假文化人”诗朗诵:“床前明月光,低头思故乡,举头望明月,哎呦~~~假文化人”Paralegal可以代理租房委员会出庭!律政江湖说过收取代理出租房委员会庭费用吗?呵呵~~~不收出庭费不等于做Paralegal或者是其它intellectual work也不收费,CCQ听说过吗?联邦移民上诉庭IAD的Notice of Appeal表格明确说明Paralegal和律师一样代理上诉,以及IAD接受Quebec的Paralegal代理上诉,你这欺软怕硬的矫情劲儿和你告嵇少丞教授却不敢招惹报道你的丑闻的radio canada是一个孬种套路吧?!嵇少丞教授说你没有律师执照就号称律师四处招摇,是你和你的猪队友激我找到下面的证据,你怎么解释你2011年就以“律师”自居,在加拿大华人网站注册的事实?Montreal地区IAD的Notice of Appeal表格链接如下:http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/res/form/Documents/IadSai666b_e.pdf律政江湖最近在魁省经手了第一个小额法庭case,大赢,判决赔偿额几乎达到小额法庭的上限!实力说话!http://www.sinoquebec.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1056654&extra=page=1被律师说准输的case,律政江湖帮助翻转了!帮同胞与银行交涉,由银行支付被政府扣缴的不合理费用;3天和解租赁合同的尾款纠纷;被律师说没辙,只能跟着破产程序走的case, 律政江湖仔细分析法律文件,帮助债主保住将近6位数字的资产;没有律师愿意接手的薄利小case, 律政江湖帮助从前雇主那里获得赔偿;无偿帮助那些需要帮助却财政吃紧的同胞;还有,昨天“瞻仰”了您在某联盟晚会上的“表演”:“窗前明月光,低头思故乡,举头望明月,哎呦~~~假文化人”这年头,骗子居然做起“防诈骗”生意了!Contradict Yourself when You are lying……http://www.rcinet.ca/zh/2016/06/13/56471/(ref.: http://forum.iask.ca/attachments/080032ojxys5swfm5izjw7-jpg.447512/)-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!
generator 说:无牌照、无网址、无事务所地址,仅靠网络联系的魁省paralegal们,连在报纸上登个广告都不敢,谁还敢找你们咨询法律事务?所以,魁省同胞们,法律事务请咨询魁省专业律师!点击展开...弱弱问一句:你敢上庭吗?律政江湖最近在魁省经手了第一个小额法庭case,大赢,判决赔偿额几乎达到小额法庭的上限!实力说话!http://www.sinoquebec.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1056654&extra=page=1被律师说准输的case,律政江湖帮助翻转了!帮同胞与银行交涉,由银行支付被政府扣缴的不合理费用;3天和解租赁合同的尾款纠纷;被律师说没辙,只能跟着破产程序走的case, 律政江湖仔细分析法律文件,帮助债主保住将近6位数字的资产;没有律师愿意接手的薄利小case, 律政江湖帮助从前雇主那里获得赔偿;无偿帮助那些需要帮助却财政吃紧的同胞;...-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!
论经验,找于宁律师;喜欢大所,找侯红英律师,或者给其他年轻律师机会,就是别找没有任何加拿大法律背景就敢在加拿大华人网站以“律师”之名注册的主儿!连radio canada这样的主流媒体都报道了这一丑闻,采访的是揭发这件丑闻的第一人:蒙特利尔大学嵇少丞教授:http://www.rcinet.ca/zh/2016/06/13/56471/Paralegal有paralegal的天地,Paralega对真正律师的尊敬是少不了的!而对于学术、人品都等外品的,我没有选择,只有加入对你鄙视的人群!http://forum.iask.ca/threads/鄙视葵花付英律师.807158/-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese),《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺! a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!
“*花速成律师”,你现的眼不要太多,北美律所有几家在做广告? 律所的客户来源靠的是什么? 你这样靠在国内混迹律考发财的主儿,跑到加拿大来直接就登堂入室以“律师”自居,以后现眼的机会还很多......
http://www.rcinet.ca/console.php?id=7551280&image=&locale=zh&appCode=medianetRCI 采访录音
魁省的Paralegal干嘛要到安省去申请执照? 你“*花速成律师”从魁省律协忽悠来了个“临时执照”,你是否也得到安省律协去忽悠一个?! 以前看你在流水账里吹自己多么神勇智慧,原来竟是水脑世界的神勇?!
http://forum.iask.ca/threads/葵花盛开在montreal的日子-本是同根生,相煎何太急.793081/楼主就是瞎推荐 这样的人 大家早就心知肚明了
due-date 说:楼主视力障碍,这样的律师也敢推荐http://www.fhmedia.ca/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=475点击展开...网络世界,您听说过一种叫马甲的东东吗?您今天才注册,估计我又得背黑锅了,随她吧,呵呵~~~不过,还是要谢谢您,我也第一次知道您链接里的网站。多谢您的链接信息,她撒谎的又一证据:北京市司法局查询结果显示: 付*是2002年取得中国律师资格的;可是她在LinkedIn却称其lawyer履历始自1994年,谎扯得不要太大!上面的录像里,她说她在北京做了26年律师,说话的时间点是2016年。北京市司法局的网站信息显示她是2002年获得的律师资格(http://www.bjsf.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab196/?itemid=10950959),难不成她穿越到2028年?!在2016年的春节晚会上说自己做了26年律师,她的数学是体育老师教的?! 就这样还接跨国商务案例?!4位数的加减法都搞不定!
请用力分享,华人生命同等重要的呐喊!We, Chinese Community in Canada, Say No!In many Canadian-Chinese Online social medias, people are being astonished by a series of tragic missing cases: Florence Leung, Lucy Hui Chen, Xiao Ming Cui, Jian Ping Li and her son, and now we heard that Maggie Liu has been missing since October 30, 2016.Not only do we know much about how suspicious the stories are, but what even more remarkable is the self-contradictory testimonies given by some of the family members or so-called friends seemed so easily blinded the police to close the cases with the conclusion of the victims’ so-called “post-partum depression”, regardless those survived people’s strange and illogic behaviours.From the press, we know that Maggie Liu’s husband gave the almost same testimony as Lucy Hui Chen’s boyfriend gave: the victim “disappeared in the night after they went to sleep and left behind her wallet and credit cards”. The very same person also described Maggie Liu’s wearing as “a gray jacket, dark-coloured pants and dark shoes”. Nevertheless, the contradictory testimonies seemed to be overlooked.Speak of Florence Leung Case, without a single word left by the victim, but with a post-partum depression picture painted by the husband who could not have figured out whether his wife was able to travel to Toronto, pleaded publicly with his wife, pretending she were hiding in Toronto, the police said “foul play is not suspected”, despite the fact that the victim was still looking for food 9 hours after she left home which means she did not give up her life; despite the fact that the victim kept herself warm with a winter jacket, turns out, her body was found in cold water. The press or the police could not be bothered to question whether the husband concerned himself with his wife’s safety during the first 9 hours; they overlooked the fact that most of the remark given by the husband was about how depress his wife was, not focused on how can we find her; they overlooked the small smile came over the husband’s face during the gathering he held for his wife and yet, they concluded “foul play is not suspected”!Maggie Liu’s missing seems a copycat case inspired by Lucy Hui Chen’s case. Given the place where Lucy Hui Chen’s body was found, the police was clearly being misled by somebody. Did they re-investigate the case? I doubt. And here we are, having another missing case with almost the same scenario! Why not? A happy ending for a murderer can always inspire many other devils who received a clear message from the police: Chinese lives do not matter; post-partum depression can apply to all the missing cases in Chinese community because they cannot express themselves in our language, they care nothing other than working hard for a better life!NO! Brexit and Trump’s victory wake up the little people, ordinary people and minority people in the world, including us, Chinese communities across Canada.Here is our message: We, Chinese people, the most law-abiding community in Canada, have been silent all the time when all kinds of injustice fall on us as if this is as it should be, but we will not take it anymore, because of Brexit, because of Trump’s victory, because we share the same value as you do: LIVES MATTER! SO DO WE CHINESE LIVES!-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), the first one who translated Quebec Business Corporations Act (2011) into Chinese, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!http://yes-justice-seeking.tumblr.com/
generator 说:如果魁省的Paralegal们想像安省的同行们那样合法持牌执业(安省paralegal牌照见下图),那就请去Barreau du Québec看看能不能够申请到相应的牌照!浏览附件448426所以,魁省同胞们,法律事务请咨询魁省专业律师!浏览附件448427付英律师的律所:加拿大CMKZ律师事务所地址:2020, Robert-Bourassa Blvd | Suite 1920Montréal (QC) Canada H3A 2A5网站:http://cmkz.ca/en/点击展开...貌似她的合伙人已经被受害当事人投诉了, 真是如假包换的高级黑、春虫虫化贝!
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