加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息魁省居民在其他省份看医生,RAMQ退款问题紧急求
我是魁省居民,但在魁省没有找到家庭医生。需要看病的时候我去安省渥太华的诊所,先付费,然后医生给了两张表格,让我填写,向魁省RAMQ申请退款(reimbursement)。 在“Application for Reimbursement – Healthcare Services Covered Outside Québec”的表格中,最下方的签字部分,有两个可以打勾的方框。第一个是:I hereby authorize the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec to provide to and receive from travel insurance company all the information and documents required for the assessment and payment of my claims for insured medical and hospital services that I received and, if applicable, that my spouse or children received (family insurance).这段话大意就是,我授权RAMQ向我的旅行保险公司交换所有与我和我家人有关的医疗资料。如果我没有购买任何旅行保险和商业保险,我需要在这方框上打勾吗?多谢多谢!!
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