加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中国电影乐团音乐会Place des arts的Théâtre Maisonn


January 2018 Wednesday 10 January7:30PMfrom $49.44 to $155.92https://placedesarts.com/en/event/china-national-symphony-orchestraWhen Film and live musique become a theatrical event !Direct from China, this concert is a rousing film and music celebration – a combination of a live orchestra concert and projections of inonic films for movie fans of all ages to enjoy. The China Film Symphony Orchestra, the oldest and finest symphony orchestra in China, composed of 80 musicians, will perform a wide assortment of timeless film scores composed by some of the greats, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and James Horner, alongside the visual presentation of scenes from the respective films.The Orchestra was established in 1949 as the earliest China national symphony orchestra. With the development of film, television, music, and art in China, the Orchestra has performed and recorded the music of nearly 2,000 films, TV dramas and documentaries, and toured more than 40 countries on five continents. The conductor, Pang Ka Pang, is regarded as a highly influential cultural figure in China. Pang has conducted concerts on tours in North America, Europe and Asia, and served twelve years as the conductor of the Chinese New Year Symphony Concert in the Golden Hall of Vienna.This spectacular event marks the beginning of the 2018 Chinese New Year !以下, 谷歌翻译:当电影和现场音乐成为一个戏剧事件!这个音乐会直接来自中国,是一个激动人心的电影和音乐庆典 - 结合了现场管弦乐演唱会和各种年龄的电影迷的音乐电影放映。中国电影交响乐团是由80位音乐家组成的中国历史最悠久,最优秀的交响乐团,他们将演绎一些由伟人约翰·威廉姆斯,汉斯·齐默和詹姆斯·霍纳组成的经典电影分数,以及视觉呈现从各自的电影场景。乐团成立于1949年,是中国最早的民族交响乐团。随着中国电影,电视,音乐和艺术的发展,乐团演奏和录制了近2000部电影,电视剧和纪录片的音乐,并在五大洲40多个国家巡演。庞嘉conductor指挥家被认为是中国具有很高影响力的文化人物。庞在北美,欧洲和亚洲巡回演出,并在维也纳金色大厅担任过12年的中国新年交响音乐会指挥。这个壮观的事件标志着2018年农历新年的开始!

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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