加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CBC关于游行的报道


Protest demands Trudeau apology, return to Canadian valuesNearly 100 members of Regina's Asian community protested this weekend after false hijab storyCBC News Posted: Jan 28, 2018 10:24 PM CT Last Updated: Jan 28, 2018 10:24 PM CTHenry Tian addresses a crowd of about 100 people in downtown Regina, who came out to express their frustration with an incident in which a Toronto girl claimed her hijab was cut by an Asian man. The event drew condemnation from political leaders, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but Toronto police say the incident did not happen. (CBC News)930 sharesFacebookTwitterRedditGoogleShareEmailHolding Canadian flags and signs calling for equality, members of Regina's Asian community gathered at Victoria Park on Sunday afternoon to demand an apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.Ying Zhou, a volunteer with the protest, said it was a first for Regina's Chinese people to gather to protest, but says the amount of people who showed up demonstrates their collective frustration."I feel I should stand up to protect Canadian values," he said. "Even Justin Trudeau doesn't do that; we have to do that."Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl 'did not happen,' Toronto police sayHow did the false hijab-cutting story go viral? 'A perfect storm' of factors, says expertZhou, and others gathered, took issue with the response to a Toronto girl's claim earlier this month that an Asian man cut her hijab. Her story captured national attention, and drew public condemnation from Trudeau, as well as Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.After investigating, Toronto Police said the incident did not occur and their investigation had concluded. In a statement, the prime minister said he was relieved that the incident hadn't taken place."We are a country that defends freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and people's rights to go to school without being fearful or harassed," he said. "This is fundamental to who we are."'We got condemned. We are thinking this is not fair.'- Ying Zhou, protesterBut Zhou said no one was held to account, and Trudeau did not walk back on his original statements of sympathy for the girl, and condemnation of the incident."We are honest people, we are hard-working people. We got condemned," he said. "We are thinking this is not fair. We want Justin Trudeau, give us justice."Qian Sun holds a sign taking aim at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (CBC News)Henry Tian said he began organizing the event to show solidarity with other friends in major Canadian cities that planned to hold similar protests. He expected only 30 or 40 people to show up in Regina, but was surprised to see so many come out on a chilly Sunday afternoon.Asian community wants equality, says organizer"They feel upset about this injustice," Tian said, adding that Trudeau had a responsibility to wait for a full investigation before releasing any statements of sorrow or sympathy.Protesters chanted calls for "Justice," "Canadian values back," and "fake news," as they demanded Trudeau apologize.Tian said his goal is to see the Asian community treated equally as all other races in Canada."All races live here together as a whole nation — this is my point of Canadian values."




华人怎么没搞出蒸汽机,电,互联网。。。?赞反馈:cloud123, bupai1964, bingshankou 和 6 其他人 2018-01-29#5 B 2,103 $0.00 What can I say, stubborn silly donkey(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,瞅什么瞅,说你哪




绿阴幽草胜花时赞反馈:sabre的马甲 2018-01-30#10 hechun 3,885 $0.00 华人的游行是十分勇敢地,第一次站出来捍卫加拿大传统价值观!也是表明 我们华人 正在融入 西方文明社会。 能够得到社会广泛支持一定是必然的。


这个报道上了yahoo news, 下面的评论几乎都表示支持。https://ca.news.yahoo.com/protest-demands-trudeau-apology-return-042408889.html

baihuazs 说:这个报道上了yahoo news, 下面的评论几乎都表示支持。https://ca.news.yahoo.com/protest-demands-trudeau-apology-return-042408889.html点击展开...

baihuazs 说:这个报道上了yahoo news, 下面的评论几乎都表示支持。https://ca.news.yahoo.com/protest-demands-trudeau-apology-return-042408889.html点击展开...很棒,谢谢分享。我看了有500多条评论,打开的头三条恰巧很有代表性。我复制过来。TMyesterdayserious charges need to be laid , its as evil as a person crying rape that never happened.ssynicalsiouxsieyesterdayCBC, why no mention of it happening in Toronto, Montreal, London and Calgary? Why hardly any coverage? Photos of the protests in the various cities: https://twitter.com/ChineseAZ/media?lang=enjjoeyesterdayAnyone with half a brain watching the girls press conference could tell it was not true. Her brother is in the background smirking and she was waiting on cues from others. I’m sure the family put her up to it and to blame another race is truly deplorable.

我们不要求政治家对于某一个族裔做什么事情(华裔也是如此)。是要为整个加拿大做事。而是要政治家带领 国家 真正回归 加拿大传统价值观。少一点表情, 多一点为民利国的实事。有人认为应该给华裔春节拜一个年?以为华裔是三岁小孩,给一个糖?我们在网络上努力, 不是为华裔私利,而是为加拿大的未来。我们华裔不是在哭! 而是在呐喊,目的是要唤醒全体加拿大国民!不是在要糖, 而是要未来!


华人怎么没搞出蒸汽机,电,互联网。。。?多伦多太阳报也报道了,读者评论近两百条,一边倒地声援华人游行http://torontosun.com/news/local-news/prime-minister-justin-trudeau-target-of-hijab-hoax-protest#comments点击展开...可以参考主流媒体的报道:http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/protest-regina-victoria-park-asian-community-hijab-cutting-1.4508019https://ca.news.yahoo.com/protest-demands-trudeau-apology-return-042408889.htmlhttps://regina.ctvnews.ca/video?binId=1.1165857 从9分17秒看起看完了别忘了给草原人民点赞!

baihuazs 说:这个报道上了yahoo news, 下面的评论几乎都表示支持。https://ca.news.yahoo.com/protest-demands-trudeau-apology-return-042408889.html点击展开...还有呢:http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/protest-regina-victoria-park-asian-community-hijab-cutting-1.4508019https://regina.ctvnews.ca/video?binId=1.1165857 从9分17秒看起看完了别忘了给草原人民点赞!

gossiip 说:我觉得为自己才对。每一个人为自己发声才对。我们只为华人发声才对。加拿大人只为加拿大人发声才对。点击展开...加拿大是一个自由的国家。 只要是遵纪守法,你愿意为谁发声,就可以为谁发声。 你 在加拿大生活的华裔难道就不是加拿大人吗?所以,华裔为加拿大人发声是没有问题的。

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