加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁将是难民?
最近两年加拿大的难民跟美国的难民问题都引发了人群的波动, 可以看出有些同学已经选边站了, 据说多伦多还有为此游行的...南美那个排队几公里的场景是教会先知几年前预言的情况, 对比南美的恶劣情况, 就该知道至少中国虽然看得出人性的快速败坏, 但是政府还能抑制邪恶~~~下边这个是一个美国人对美国未来的预言, 内容震撼, 其实就是圣经里的内容, 白话以后告诉大家, 什么叫难民, 什么叫易子而食, 什么叫人性在什么时候能剩什么!预言之所以真实是因为不同的人都一致发了同样类似的信息, 这个兄弟的信息看着更是血淋淋的, 这个是一个严重警告这个时代的人, 如果谁以为自己是聪明人的话, 应该能看得出美国跟俄罗斯处在满足战争的情绪中, 中国也参与其中, 而且现在拥有的毁灭手段是以前从来不具备的, 就是美国军队自己也很清楚他们现在面临了二战以后最严峻的时候...你可以去问问教会的朋友, 相信大部分人会有朋友在教会, 只是顺便提醒你有三分之二的教会在睡觉, 意思是这三分之二的基督徒看这些信息也会认为是不确定的会有一个教会的极大复兴来到, 上百万的加拿大人会回到教会还是有不投靠上帝的人活下来, 但只有那些没有没有兽印记的人进入千禧年下边是与另一个案例一起粘贴的内容:*****************************************************这里罗列一些梦, 大部分是网络上非常个人的分享, 这些人不一定是大家知道的先知, 但是内容是有先知讲道里提醒过的事情, 所以直接把梦的内容放在这里, 来拼凑未来的事情. 实际上, 现在就是这个未来时期...案例1: 核战的梦, 这个是知乎里面一个女孩的梦, 内容是看见中国某个城市遭受核武攻击.推荐理由: 她跟妈妈做了同样的梦; 她没有表达宗教信仰, 不带任何宗教知识; 梦里看见的核武的知识是她没有的, 就是说她获得了一些没有学习过的知识, 梦醒了以后去确认那个知识是对的.这个梦是对所有人需要认真对待的事情, 因为就是最近几年, 一个犹太基督徒超自然地解读了圣经里核武器的经文案例2: 美国被审判(https://www.no video.com/watch?v=E0gXWGvgtks), 注意对应的视频不是这些文字内容, 是后边的评论, 评论的人自己有他的视频Tony Lamb3 个月前I had a dream! I have had many end times dreams. In my dream I saw the end of the World. America is Entering Judgement. I saw nuclear weapons going off in most major American cities. I saw two Asteroids hit the earth. One of these Asteroids caused a Tsunami that was several hundred feet high to hit America's East coast. I saw A mega-earthquake on the west coast that caused two other faults to rip wide open causing another massive Tsunami on the West Coast. Then these earthquakes caused several major Volcanoes to erupt.I saw America ripped in half by the New Madrid fault ripping America in half from the Great Lakes down to New Orleans and this was up to hundreds of miles wide at some points. America's heartland was turned into a great sea between two continents. And yes I saw Yellowstone erupt with a massive eruption. I was above the earth witnessing all this. But then I zoomed down and in close and I saw civil war in America. I saw Americans shooting and bombing other American's. I saw paper money blowing down the street and no one gave it a thought as it was worthless paper. Everyone was starving and people were eating bugs, bark, leaves and grass as the hunger was so great. I saw people cooking and eating other people. I saw parents cooking and eating their children. I saw parents trading their children for a hand full of rice or beans. Cannibalism was so rampant that no one gave it a thought as it had become common and normal. What I saw was in the Great Tribulation and I have had several dreams about this time to come. And my impression was this is NOT off in our distant future but was our near present time. I saw much, much more! The focus was America as America has sinned the most and drug or forced other nations into her abominations. But no part of the earth was spared, every nation, every island, every people, everywhere was touched by this Great Tribulation. God has reached his limit for tolerating sin. NOW God acts. The Holy Spirit came to me in a dream and hovered above my bed and spoke 4 words to me. "AMERICA IS ENTERING JUDGEMENT'. I prayed and I cried and I sobbed I cried so hard because I knew what was to come. A great deception will soon be revealed and the whole world will be mesmerized by it. The faithful needs to be aware of this and not fall into this trap because many Christians will be deceived by this. Also a Great Shaking is coming to America soon. I do not know what form this will take, economic collapse, war, Asteroid strike, Earthquake, super volcano, Tsunami something big IS COMING. And when it gets here every person in America will be shaken to their very core. ALSO I know the Rapture is very soon also. I don't know where this will come in relationship to these other events, before, during or after these other events BUT IT IS COMING AND SOON. So pray, look up for your redemption draweth nigh. BUT we who are faithful in Jesus Christ will be raptured out of here and WE WILL NOT BE HERE for the Tribulation. God Bless you, and God keep you and yours. Your Watchman on the Wall For Jesus Christ. Tony Lamb I also have a book about my dreams and visions called: 'GOD SHOWED ME THE FUTURE, America Is Entering Judgement'. 59 Chapters avalible in digital or printed book format, on Amazon. At: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FLDV2PT YOU CAN ALSO SEE MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW OR (CLICKING ON MY PHOTO ICON TO THE LEFT). https://www.no video.com/channel/UCV4SFKGgbVL0ff2bQCKThcw基本翻译:我有一个梦, 我做过很多末日的梦.梦里我看见世界末日. 美国正在进入审判.我看见核武器进入很多主要美国城市, 我看见两个小行星撞击地球; 其中一个引起几百英尺的海啸冲击东海岸(纽约及迈阿密这侧是东海岸,译者补充). 我看见了西海岸(旧金山,盐湖城这侧)巨大的地震, 在西海岸造成另一个巨大的海啸. 这些地震造成几个主要的火山喷发, 从五大湖到新奥尔良, 美国被扯成两半, 有些地方甚至有几百英里那么宽, 美国心脏地带变成大海, 变成两个大陆. 黄石火山巨大的喷发. 那个时候我就像一个所有这些事情的地球目击者.我贴近看, 一个美国内战, 我看见一些美国人射击轰炸另外一些美国人, 我看见纸币吹得满街, 钱已经没有价值. 每个人都在挨饿, 人们开始吃虫子, 树皮, 树叶, 草, 因为非常的饥荒. 我看见有人烹饪吃了其他人. 我看见家长吃了自己的孩子, 我看见家长卖他们的孩子换了一把米饭跟豆子, 同类相吃变得普片及自然. 我看见了几次大患难. 我的印象这个不是太远而是非常接近的事情, 关键是美国的毒品及军事的罪毁灭了很多其他国家, 地球上没有国家可以幸免, 每个国家, 每个岛屿, 每个人, 每个地方都进入大患难中.上帝已经到了容忍罪的极限. 现在上帝行动了. 圣灵在我梦里给我说了4个单词:美国 正在 进入 审判.我祷告, 呼求, 哭泣, 我哭得这么厉害因为我知道这已经来了.一个巨大的欺骗会进入世界, 很多基督徒会被迷惑.一个巨大的震撼也进入美国, 我不知道这个如何形成, 经济崩溃, 战争, 小行星撞击, 地震, 超级火山, 海啸, 有些正在过来.....被提马上要发生了, 我不知道在哪里....这马上就要发生... 所以, 祷告...为耶稣基督在城墙上的看护者: Tony Lamb推荐理由: 与另一个先知的预言吻合.经文: 19那大城裂为三段,列国的城也都倒塌了; 神也想起巴比伦大城来,要把那盛自己烈怒的酒杯递给他。
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