赏 2018-12-25#4 G 852 $0.00 含meat一律不行,当然有漏网之鱼
关注YouTube channel:gonghaiyong
赏 2018-12-25#5

1,143 $0.00 鱼干肯定可以,但要申报。腊肠肯定不行,因为是肉。
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.
反馈:cloud123 和 至尊寶 2018-12-25#8

8,415 $0.00 非洲猪瘟肆虐,估计警惕着天朝来的肉。
违规带物逮着一次,视情况罚钱,上黑名单是一定的,以后入境次次会翻你箱子,黑名单的延续时效性会持续2 年,并且不仅仅是飞机场入境,假如以陆路方式去了美国开车带了东西回来,你的信息依旧会被flagged,还是要翻,有些海关人员会因为时间紧没来得及看备注,会把你先以常规方式关小黑屋问候一下。假如两年内表现良好,名字会从黑名单系统中移除。然而,你的违规记录依旧会保存6年,至于cbsa会以什么样的目的保留及使用该记录,似乎并没有对公众开放。详情请看这里:when you get a warning from cbsahttps://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5071-eng.html以及关于6年信息备案的概述及细节Information about Programs and Information Holdings 2018 from cbsahttps://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/agency-agence/reports-rapports/pia-efvp/atip-aiprp/infosource-eng.html
反馈:家园小千, qiangwei001, 木姜子 和另外1个人 2018-12-25#10 O 767 $0.00 别带了,冒险不值得,虾皮好象可以,鱼干不知道
顺便补充几条,内容有点多论坛吞了我码的字两回了,慢更:关于违规违规的情况大致3种:1.携带了允许入境的东西但没申报,正好被抽查,其中包含超量2.携带了不允许入境的东西3.正常申报,但事先没有申请相关且必要的进口许可(或者有了许可结果超量)那么问题来了,肉真的不被允许吗?前言:我先给出一个简短列表,其中包含来自美国入境,和来自除美国外其他国家入境的列表(内容稍有不同),随后附上官方出处请注意以下内容cbsa一定会随时更改,有疑惑请务必查看官网出处http://inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/travellers/what-can-i-bring-into-canada-/eng/1389648337546/1389648516990省时省力,言简意赅的办法,尤其针对解答携带包装食品的疑惑利用 AIRS(Automated Import Reference System)辨别能不能带,需要注意什么http://inspection.gc.ca/plants/imports/airs/eng/1300127512994/1300127627409实例:假设准备从中国带一个熏肉/火腿,开袋即食的那种,有耐心的一步一步选择符合性描述,比如火腿那肯定是肉做的啊,那搜索栏搜索meat,再接着不停的补充细节,每次选完点击go完成补充注意,一旦要重新搜索切记不要点浏览器的返回或刷新,点页面中的start over,不然像我不停的meat循环闻无法查新物品,这网页设计的也没谁了很cic.


Common Food Products Allowed into Canada from U.S.A:Dairy Products: up to 20 kgs (44 lbs). Please note that quantities in excess of $20 may be subject to HIGH duty rates.
Fish and Seafood: all species except pufferfish and Chinese mitten crab
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: one bag up to 4kgs (8.8 lbs) of US #1 potatoes/person in a commercial package, 15 packages or less up to 250 kgs (550 lbs) of fresh fruits and vegetables per person (excluding potatoes), restrictions on some fresh fruit and vegetables from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Frozen or Canned Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits - up to 15 frozen packages or 15 cans per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs), Vegetables - up to 20 kgs (44 lbs) of frozen vegetables per person
Dried Fruits and Vegetables Including Herbs: Up to 15 packages per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs)
Spices, Tea, Coffee: Permitted
Meat and Poultry Products (Jerky, sausages, deli meats and patties, fois gras): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.
Meat and Poultry Products (Fresh, frozen and Chilled): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.正常申报,依情况不同(数量依持有有效进口许可有所不同),有条件允许来自除美国以外的其他国家的物品红字为禁止/条件。
Baked goods, candies, etc.no goods containing meatup to 20 kilograms per person
Dairy productscheese:up to 20 kilograms per personPlease note that quantities in excess of $20.00 may be subject to high rates of duty. The CBSA is responsible for determining customs and duties for items coming into Canada.These items are not allowedmilkmilk products (whey, cream, skim milk, butter oil, and so on)in these forms: dried, frozen, reconstituted, or fresh
Fish and seafoodall species exceptpufferfishChinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)When importing a susceptible aquatic animal species, an import permit will not be required when importing individual maximums of each of the following commodities of aquatic animals:10 dead finfish that are not eviscerated4 crustaceans with head on shell on3 kilograms of molluscs
Flowers: cutmust not be for propagationYou can also check out the Plant Protection Policy Directives - Horticulture for more information.For assistance in finding or interpreting the requirements listed in AIRS contact your local CFIA office.
Fruits and vegetables: driedup to 20 kilograms per person
Fruits and vegetables: frozen or cannedup to 20 kilograms per person
Fruits and vegetables: freshdepending on the country of origin, entry may be severely restricted or prohibitedmust be free of all growing media, soil and/or related matter.You can also check out the Plant Protection Policy Directives - Horticulture for more information.For assistance in finding or interpreting the requirements listed in AIRS contact your local CFIA office.When products are permitted, there is a maximum limit of15 packages or fewerweight not to exceed 250 kilograms per personmay be subject to regulations in the province of destination
Herbs, spices, tea, coffee, condimentsentry permitted
Infant formulacommercially packagedfor personal use onlysterileup to 20 kilograms per person
Leather goods and skinsfully tanned hides and skins only
MeatA maximum of 20 kg of cooked, commercially prepared, commercially sterile, and shelf-stable (i.e. safe at room temperature) meat in hermetically sealed, packaging may be imported per person. The packages must have identifying marks, indicating the product and the country of origin. Hermetically sealed packaging includes glass jars and cans, semi-rigid disposable serving dishes for ready-to-eat meals, and retort pouches. Fresh, dried, and cured meats are not permitted. If the meat is of bovine, ovine, or caprine origin (beef, lamb/mutton, or goat) it may only be imported from countries of negligible risk for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease).Use AIRS to confirm if a specific item is allowed. For assistance in finding or interpreting the requirements listed in AIRS, you may contact the CFIA's NISC.
Sea shells and sandsea shells and items made from themsmall quantities of sand from salt-water beachesmust be free from all animal matter, soil, soil-related matter and plant debris
Vegetables: freshSee "Fruits and vegetables". Use AIRSto confirm if the item is allowed before bringing it into Canada.
Wooden souvenirsmust be free of bark, insects or evidence of insect activity通常会被禁止入境的东西,申报等同于主动承认主动销毁/放弃。请注意,实时名单一定会有所更改,说不定本来能过关的下次就进这个名单里了
Examples of restricted items include:live birds and hatching eggseggs, yolks, egg whitespoultry meat (other than fully cooked, canned, commercially sterile meat products)raw pet foods containing poultry productsfeatherspoultry manure and litterlaboratory material containing poultry products/by-products因贸易协定,疫情爆发等种种因素,此列表内容一定会有所改变重要的事情说三遍,仅供参考,详情在这里,有疑惑请务必以官方信息为准官方实时更新的什么能带,能带多少,什么不能带,不要去看那种中文新闻网站不要去看那种中文新闻网站,先看这http://inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/travellers/what-can-i-bring-into-canada-/eng/1389648337546/1389648516990
Common Food Products Allowed into Canada:Dairy Products: up to 20 kgs (44 lbs). Please note that quantities in excess of $20 may be subject to HIGH duty rates.
Fish and Seafood: all species except pufferfish and Chinese mitten crab
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: one bag up to 4kgs (8.8 lbs) of US #1 potatoes/person in a commercial package, 15 packages or less up to 250 kgs (550 lbs) of fresh fruits and vegetables per person (excluding potatoes), restrictions on some fresh fruit and vegetables from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Frozen or Canned Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits - up to 15 frozen packages or 15 cans per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs), Vegetables - up to 20 kgs (44 lbs) of frozen vegetables per person
Dried Fruits and Vegetables Including Herbs: Up to 15 packages per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs)
Spices, Tea, Coffee: Permitted
Meat and Poultry Products (Jerky, sausages, deli meats and patties, fois gras): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.
Meat and Poultry Products (Fresh, frozen and Chilled): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.点击展开...你这是从美国入境加拿大的要求吧
至尊寶 说:顺便补充几条,内容有点多论坛吞了我码的字两回了,慢更:关于违规违规的情况大致两种:1.携带了允许入境的东西但没申报,正好被抽查,其中包含超量2.携带了不允许入境的东西那么问题来了,肉真的不被允许吗?我先给出一个简短列表,随后附上官方出处请注意以下内容cbsa一定会随时更改,有疑惑请务必查看官网出处在正常申报的情况下
Common Food Products Allowed into Canada:Dairy Products: up to 20 kgs (44 lbs). Please note that quantities in excess of $20 may be subject to HIGH duty rates.
Fish and Seafood: all species except pufferfish and Chinese mitten crab
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: one bag up to 4kgs (8.8 lbs) of US #1 potatoes/person in a commercial package, 15 packages or less up to 250 kgs (550 lbs) of fresh fruits and vegetables per person (excluding potatoes), restrictions on some fresh fruit and vegetables from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Frozen or Canned Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits - up to 15 frozen packages or 15 cans per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs), Vegetables - up to 20 kgs (44 lbs) of frozen vegetables per person
Dried Fruits and Vegetables Including Herbs: Up to 15 packages per person, but not more than 250 kgs (550 lbs)
Spices, Tea, Coffee: Permitted
Meat and Poultry Products (Jerky, sausages, deli meats and patties, fois gras): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.
Meat and Poultry Products (Fresh, frozen and Chilled): Up to 20 kgs (44 lbs)/person, packaging must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is, proof of country of origin may be required. Raw or uncooked poultry are not allowed at this time.点击展开...好贴 赞我印象是可以带的 不让带的 多半是鲜肉 根据地区限制 禁止的东西经常更新 主要怕虫子和毒细菌跟进来
我记得lufluf 从中国带过鲜鱼 让带
oalm69 说:你这是从美国入境加拿大的要求吧点击展开...更完了

「但行好事,莫问前程」我记得lufluf 从中国带过鲜鱼 让带点击展开...带些蛇头鱼的鱼秧子来,放进五大湖里,把 Asian crap carps 都吃光了。完了我们再把蛇头鱼做成干钵财鱼吃了。

Vivian2018 说:肉肯定不可以,我同学她妈妈给她装行李的时候,带的一袋她最喜欢吃的牌子的真空牛肉干,结果机场的狗狗闻到了。她根本不知道,所以没有申报。然后行李被翻了一个底朝天。看到牛肉干,当然就傻了。罚没有罚钱我是不记得了。只记得她后来几次从国内回来,每次过海关都被要求检查行李。点击展开...是温哥华的机场吗?多伦多我没见过狗
赏 2019-01-04#20

1,029 $0.00 我姐来旅游给我带过猪肉罐头,也申报了。被机场官员扔了。
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