加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于中-加两国早期小麦贸易的两篇(英文)文章
感情化描述历史 == 带着主观动机去远离客观事实感情化描述特殊年代的国际贸易,不是有思想有理智的行为。缺乏独立思考精神,这算是最大的洗脑后遗症了吧。找到两篇专业文章, 有兴趣可以了解下。1. Donaghy, Greg, and Michael D. Stevenson. “The Limits of Alliance: Cold War Solidarity and Canadian Wheat Exports to China, 1950-1963.” Agricultural History, vol. 83, no. 1, 2009, pp. 29–50. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/20454911.AbstractAlthough Canada was a committed member of the western alliance and publically supported Washington, DC's efforts to isolate communist China, Ottawa embarked on large-scale wheat sales to Beijing in the late 1950s in the face of sustained US opposition. Drawing on a broad range of archival records, this paper explores the three main factors that encouraged the Canadian government in this course: growing doubts about the wisdom of isolating communist China; mounting anger at Washington, DC's use of subsidized wheat sales to capture traditional Canadian markets; and a surging sense of Canadian nationalism that sought a distinct role for Canada on the world stage. Clearly, as was so often the case in postwar Canadian foreign economic policy, a narrowly defined national interest easily trumped the ideological pressures of western solidarity.2. Kristjanson, R. L. “Problems and Prospects of Canadian Wheat Sales to China and the USSR.” Journal of Farm Economics, vol. 49, no. 5, 1967, pp. 1345–1351. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1237025.节选:... sales to China haven been for 25-percent cash at time of shipment, with the balance, plus interest in 18 months. The Chinese have never defaulted on any of their commitments and have indeed actually made prepayments-presumably as and when their financial position has allowed them to do so.
Je pense, donc je suis. 赏 反馈:braindamage 2019-01-27#2 B 100 $0.00 看来我也有些被误导了论坛上多些这样的贴子才好
olivier09 说:感情化描述历史 == 带着主观动机去远离客观事实感情化描述特殊年代的国际贸易,不是有思想有理智的行为。缺乏独立思考精神,这算是最大的洗脑后遗症了吧。找到两篇专业文章, 有兴趣可以了解下。1. Donaghy, Greg, and Michael D. Stevenson. “The Limits of Alliance: Cold War Solidarity and Canadian Wheat Exports to China, 1950-1963.” Agricultural History, vol. 83, no. 1, 2009, pp. 29–50. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/20454911.AbstractAlthough Canada was a committed member of the western alliance and publically supported Washington, DC's efforts to isolate communist China, Ottawa embarked on large-scale wheat sales to Beijing in the late 1950s in the face of sustained US opposition. Drawing on a broad range of archival records, this paper explores the three main factors that encouraged the Canadian government in this course: growing doubts about the wisdom of isolating communist China; mounting anger at Washington, DC's use of subsidized wheat sales to capture traditional Canadian markets; and a surging sense of Canadian nationalism that sought a distinct role for Canada on the world stage. Clearly, as was so often the case in postwar Canadian foreign economic policy, a narrowly defined national interest easily trumped the ideological pressures of western solidarity.2. Kristjanson, R. L. “Problems and Prospects of Canadian Wheat Sales to China and the USSR.” Journal of Farm Economics, vol. 49, no. 5, 1967, pp. 1345–1351. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1237025.节选:... sales to China haven been for 25-percent cash at time of shipment, with the balance, plus interest in 18 months. The Chinese have never defaulted on any of their commitments and have indeed actually made prepayments-presumably as and when their financial position has allowed them to do so.点击展开...那篇文章的确有煽情的成分。。也看到有说这样做,是为了解脱加拿大农业的困境。而当时加拿大卖麦子给中国,反对声音也很多,从他们的角度,如果要写,也不少文章可以写。但不管出于什么样的动机,不能掩盖一个事实,就是中国最困难的时候,加拿大卖给了中国救命粮。。日常生活里,我不会因为自己付了医药费,就不对救自己命的医生心怀感激,懂得感恩,应该不是太高的要求。。
一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方那篇文章的确有煽情的成分。。也看到有说这样做,是为了解脱加拿大农业的困境。而当时加拿大卖麦子给中国,反对声音也很多,从他们的角度,如果要写,也不少文章可以写。但不管出于什么样的动机,不能掩盖一个事实,就是中国最困难的时候,加拿大卖给了中国救命粮。。日常生活里,我不会因为自己付了医药费,就不对救自己命的医生心怀感激,懂得感恩,应该不是太高的要求。。点击展开...你可以感恩,如果是行为上的,值得赞扬;否则,搁自己家炖鸡汤感动自己也不错。但是,不要道德绑架, 如果感恩是+10的正能量,道德绑架-10000。另外,身处北美,你不如号召让白人去感恩原住民/印第安人吧,这个数量和质量可是大N倍了。国家之间,忘恩负义?挟恩以报?搞笑, 你们是认真的吗.....
Je pense, donc je suis.你可以感恩,如果是行为上的,值得赞扬;否则,搁自己家炖鸡汤感动自己也不错。但是,不要道德绑架, 如果感恩是+10的正能量,道德绑架-10000。另外,身处北美,你不如号召让白人去感恩原住民/印第安人吧,这个数量和质量可是大N倍了。国家之间,忘恩负义?挟恩以报?搞笑, 你们是认真的吗.....点击展开...嗯,对一个事情当然可以有不同看法,你随便。。而感恩其实是个人选择,你当然可以不感恩,像你这样选择的当然也不少。。。不奇怪。。
一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方嗯,对一个事情当然可以有不同看法,你随便。。而感恩其实是个人选择,你当然可以不感恩,像你这样选择的当然也不少。。。不奇怪。。点击展开...嗯,与自己主张不同的只能是对立面的,红卫兵和纳粹思维就是这样的简单粗暴,历来如此,见识了~
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