六十年代 有个心理学家 做了一个实验三组狗一组是比较组 什么都不做二组放笼子里 定时给电击 三组放笼子里 定时给电击 笼子里设开关 关上停电击每天八点半 二组三组狗笼子 通电狗嗷嗷叫 上蹿下跳 东撞西撞三组撞了一会儿 找到开关 电就停了二组怎么撞都没用每天就这样渡过 早晨八点半 通电 三组赶紧找开关二组静静的坐着 忍受 反正这个煎熬忍忍就过去了一个月之后研究人员在地上铺上电网三组狗都放电网上通电之后 一组和三组 都找到出路 逃开电网二组的狗 静静的坐在电网上 做实验的心理学家 管这个现象叫learned helplessness 迅速找出路的三组 learned mastery这个狗的实验 对人也有启发每次论坛通报挣币名单 我都认了 反正也挣不到钱今天学习了这个习得性无助 再挣扎一下
sabre 说:六十年代 有个心理学家 做了一个实验三组狗一组是比较组 什么都不做二组放笼子里 定时给电击三组放笼子里 定时给电击 笼子里设开关 关上停电击每天八点半二组三组狗笼子 通电狗嗷嗷叫 上蹿下跳 东撞西撞三组撞了一会儿 找到开关 电就停了二组怎么撞都没用每天就这样渡过早晨八点半 通电 三组赶紧找开关二组静静的坐着 忍受 反正这个煎熬忍忍就过去了一个月之后研究人员在地上铺上电网三组狗都放电网上通电之后 一组和三组 都找到出路 逃开电网二组的狗 静静的坐在电网上做实验的心理学家 管这个现象叫learned helplessness迅速找出路的三组 learned mastery这个狗的实验 对人也有启发每次论坛通报挣币名单 我都认了 反正也挣不到钱今天学习了这个习得性无助 再挣扎一下点击展开...狗实验,狗理论,哈哈
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。六十年代 有个心理学家 做了一个实验三组狗一组是比较组 什么都不做二组放笼子里 定时给电击三组放笼子里 定时给电击 笼子里设开关 关上停电击每天八点半二组三组狗笼子 通电狗嗷嗷叫 上蹿下跳 东撞西撞三组撞了一会儿 找到开关 电就停了二组怎么撞都没用每天就这样渡过早晨八点半 通电 三组赶紧找开关二组静静的坐着 忍受 反正这个煎熬忍忍就过去了一个月之后研究人员在地上铺上电网三组狗都放电网上通电之后 一组和三组 都找到出路 逃开电网二组的狗 静静的坐在电网上做实验的心理学家 管这个现象叫learned helplessness迅速找出路的三组 learned mastery这个狗的实验 对人也有启发每次论坛通报挣币名单 我都认了 反正也挣不到钱今天学习了这个习得性无助 再挣扎一下点击展开...看了想打人,好可怜的二组狗狗。。什么叫哀莫大于心死。。
一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方 赏

付费矿工 698$(0.13$赞力,#46) 12,305 $0.29 $697.81 第二组狗有可能颓废,也有可能顿悟就像奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者不少成了心理学家我想观察大师会朝哪个方向发展评论
Yeyelingfeng 说:标题怎么读?是主谓宾结构吗?点击展开...Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try — even when opportunities for change become available.Psychologists first described learned helplessness in 1967 after a series of experiments in animals, and they suggested that their findings could apply to humans.Learned helplessness leads to increased feelings of stress and depression. For some people, it is linked with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Chinada 说:第二组狗有可能颓废,也有可能顿悟就像奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者不少成了心理学家我想观察大师会朝哪个方向发展点击展开...What is learned helplessness?Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyDon May 31, 2019 — Written by Jayne LeonardWhat is it?TheoryIn adultsIn childrenWho it affectsRelated conditionsTreatmentSummaryLearned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try — even when opportunities for change become available.Psychologists first described learned helplessness in 1967 after a series of experiments in animals, and they suggested that their findings could apply to humans.Learned helplessness leads to increased feelings of stress and depression. For some people, it is linked with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).In this article, we explore the state of learned helplessness and suggest some ways to overcome it.What is it?Share on PinterestA person who experiences stressful or traumatic situations may develop learned helplessness.According to the American Psychological Association, learned helplessness occurs when someone repeatedly faces uncontrollable, stressful situations, then does not exercise control when it becomes available.They have “learned” that they are helpless in that situation and no longer try to change it, even when change is possible.Once a person having this experience discovers that they cannot control events around them, they lose motivation. Even if an opportunity arises that allows the person to alter their circumstances, they do not take action.Individuals experiencing learned helplessness are often less able to make decisions.Learned helplessness can increase a person’s risk of depression.Prof. Martin Seligman, one of the psychologists credited with defining learned helplessness, has detailed three key features:becoming passive in the face of traumadifficulty learning that responses can control traumacan increase in stress levelsBackground to the theoryIn 1967, Prof. Seligman and Prof. Steven F. Maier first described their theory of learned helplessness.The researchers conducted studies on dogs, in which they exposed the animals to a series of electric shocks.The dogs that could not control the shocks eventually showed signs of depression and anxiety. Those that could press a lever to stop the shocks did not.In follow-up research, the dogs that could not control the shocks in the first experiment did not even try to avoid the shocks, despite the fact that they could have done so by jumping over a barrier. They had learned to become helpless.Many years later, however, Prof. Maier conducted neuroscientific research that suggested that the dogs did not, in fact, learn helplessness — instead, they had not learned control.
frontenac 说:看了想打人,好可怜的二组狗狗。。什么叫哀莫大于心死。。点击展开...有五分把这个案例上升到政治说五毛是习得性 奴隶做习惯了
Yeyelingfeng 说:标题怎么读?是主谓宾结构吗?点击展开...哈哈哈
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.六十年代 有个心理学家 做了一个实验三组狗一组是比较组 什么都不做二组放笼子里 定时给电击三组放笼子里 定时给电击 笼子里设开关 关上停电击每天八点半二组三组狗笼子 通电狗嗷嗷叫 上蹿下跳 东撞西撞三组撞了一会儿 找到开关 电就停了二组怎么撞都没用每天就这样渡过早晨八点半 通电 三组赶紧找开关二组静静的坐着 忍受 反正这个煎熬忍忍就过去了一个月之后研究人员在地上铺上电网三组狗都放电网上通电之后 一组和三组 都找到出路 逃开电网二组的狗 静静的坐在电网上做实验的心理学家 管这个现象叫learned helplessness迅速找出路的三组 learned mastery这个狗的实验 对人也有启发每次论坛通报挣币名单 我都认了 反正也挣不到钱今天学习了这个习得性无助 再挣扎一下点击展开...我赞大师学习精神。
家庭里面,孩子最容易变成习得性无助。因为父母、学校、老师、同学,这些都不是他们能选择的。所以平时我会尽量多说:it’s your call,你来决定咱们该怎么做。
Chinada 说:家庭里面,孩子最容易变成习得性无助。因为父母、学校、老师、同学,这些都不是他们能选择的。所以平时我会尽量多说:it’s your call,你来决定咱们该怎么做。点击展开...是的关于这个研究 有后续有个Maier 继续他的研究结果建议 狗不是学会了无助 而是 无助狗没学到控制
谢谢flowing water 打赏
cncba 说:标题起码有两个敏感词以前以为大师是隐藏的五毛看来不对。点击展开...性相近 习相远狗不叫 性乃迁
习得性是个新词 以前不知道以前光知道一个获得性 acquired
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